The Seven Wonders of the Modern World: The Chunnel 现代文明奇观:英法隧道
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年11月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:486
England’s identity has long been tied to its separation from Continent Europe. Fears of invasion across the English Channel, like the one planned by Napoleon, have lingered in the British psyche. Today, however, peaceful invasions of shoppers and commuters using the Chunnel train are in full force.
Connecting England to the Continent by means of a tunnel has long been a dream of engineers and politicians. Nevertheless, fearing an invasion route, the British government didn’t seriously consider the project until 1957. Construction began in earnest by an Anglo-French consortium in the late 1980s. Tunneling occurred simultaneously from both sides guided by laser surveying. When the teams met in 1990, they were only two centimeters off course.
The Chunnel is three tunnels: one for each direction and a third for service and emergency evacuation. Ultra-wide trains traveling up to 160 kph accommodate freight, buses and passengers. Massive pistons in the tunnels dissipate the pressure that builds up before these speeding behemoths. Meanwhile, passengers travel in safety and comfort, oblivious to the icy waters overhead.
A true engineering marvel, the Chunnel hasn’t received as much publicity as other more photogenic modern wonders. Ironically, today’s invaders arrive and depart from London’s Waterloo Station, which commemorates Napoleon’s famous defeat.
be tied to 与…紧密联系在一起
linger [ˋlɪŋgɚ] v. 继续逗留,徘徊
psyche [ˋsaɪkɪ] n.【术语或正式】心灵; 灵魂; 心理
in earnest [ˋɝnɪst] 认真(地); 并非开玩笑(地) serious; determined
consortium [kənˋsɔrʃɪəm] n.〔公司﹑银行等为了进行购买或建筑而组成的〕财团﹐联合企业
accommodate [əˋkɑmə͵det] v. 能容纳
piston [ˋpɪstn] n.【机】活塞
dissipate [ˋdɪsə͵pet] v. 驱散(雾等),
behemoth [bɪˋhiməθ] n.【文】庞然大物
oblivious [əˋblɪvɪəs] adj. 不在意的﹐未觉察到的
publicity [pʌbˋlɪsətɪ] n.〔报纸﹑电视等对某人或某物的〕关注
photogenic [͵fotəˋdʒɛnɪk] adj. 上镜的﹐上照的
commemorate [kəˋmɛmə͵ret] v. 庆祝;纪念
Sentence of the Day
Government and industry had to dig deep to come up with the money for the Chunnel project.
Ryan and Jenny, civil engineering students, are taking a lunch break in the University cafeteria: 雷恩和珍妮是土木工程学的学生,两人在大学的自助餐厅用午餐:
R: Mmmm. I love these jumbo subs. Speaking of submarine things, here’s a fun fact to get your mind off our thermodynamics homework: The last time it was possible to walk to England from France was 13,000 years ago during the last ice age until ---
J: Until the completion of the Chunnel, of course. Digging that tunnel across the English Channel was an extraordinary engineering accomplishment.
R: They dug three tunnels, really. The central tunnel is much smaller, and it leads into several crossover halls for emergency use. Also, the middle tunnel helps accommodate the aerodynamic shock wave created by the trains.
J: Talk about thermodynamics! These giant trains generate so much heat from air friction that Chunnel needs hundreds of kilometers of cold water pipes to cool the tunnels off.
R: And the whole thing follows a single stratum of chalk for 39 km – 40 meters under the seabed.
J: Have you seen the tunnel boring machines they used? They dig, remove soil, and shore up the walls simultaneously!
R: And the project removed enough chalk to reclaim 90 acres of sea off the British coast. That’s recycling!
J: Speaking of recycling, you gonna finish that sub?
-by Darshan Tyler
civil engineering 土木工程
sub [sʌb] n.【口】潜水艇
get one’s mind off 使某人不再想某人或某件事 to do something to help you forget about something else
thermodynamics [͵θɝmodaɪˋnæmɪks] n.(用作单)【物】热电学
crossover [ˋkrɔs͵ovɚ] n. 交叉;跨越
aerodynamic [͵ɛrodaɪˋnæmɪk] adj. 空气动力学的;航空动力学的
shock wave〔爆炸﹑地震等引起的〕冲击波
friction [ˋfrɪkʃən] n. 摩擦;摩擦力
stratum [ˋstretəm] n. 层;地层
chalk [tʃɔk] n. 白垩
boring [ˋborɪŋ] adj. 钻孔用的; 乏味的
shore up 支持, 支撑 support by placing against something solid or rigid
reclaim [rɪˋklem] v. 开垦,开拓; 回收再利用
Sentence of the Day
The slow progress of building the Chunnel can be chalked up to technological and financing limitations in the past.
chalk something up to 把…归因于…
Super Structures- Eurotunnel Part 1