Table Manners Might Make the Difference 不可小觑的餐桌礼仪
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年3月28日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:524
Table manners may be a vestige of yesterday’s slow-paced times, but some occasions still call for at least a basic knowledge of the rules of table etiquette. Whether it is an important corporate dinner with prospective clients or the first formal dinner with the in-laws, proper table manners can help make the right impression.
The origins of many table manners lie buried in obscurity, but some are based on the delicate relationship between host and guest. This is especially true with the sharper utensil, which should always be used in a tactful, non-threatening manner. Placing the knife and fork in the form of a “v” with points at the center of the plate indicates a break from eating. Placing them parallel and pointing inward demonstrates that you have finished eating.
The simple napkin is also a potential source of confusion. It evolved as a replacement for cleaning oneself with the tablecloth. It generally remains on the diner’s lap throughout the meal. Ironically, the more formal the occasion, the less the napkin is used for wiping the mouth.
Above all, it is important to remember to keep your eyes open. Observation of others often gives the best indication of what is expected. In any case, if all these rules make the occasion too stuffy, you can always just order a pizza!
vestige [ˋvɛstɪdʒ] n. 遗迹;残余 an indication that something has been present
occasion [əˋkeʒən] n. 场合;重大活动
call for 要求, 需要 to require; demand
etiquette [ˋɛtɪkɛt] n. 礼节;礼仪 rules governing socially acceptable behavior
prospective [prəˋspɛktɪv] adj. 盼望中的 likely or expected to happen
in-law [ˋɪn͵lɔ] n. 姻亲 a relative by marriage
obscurity [əbˋskjʊrətɪ] n. 无名﹐ 默默无闻 the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand
delicate [ˋdɛləkət] adj. 微妙的﹐ 需要谨慎处理的
utensil [juˋtɛns!] n. 器皿,用具
tactful [ˋtæktfəl] adj. 圆滑的;老练的 careful
napkin [ˋnæpkɪn] n. 餐巾
stuffy [ˋstʌfɪ] adj.【口】沉闷的,乏味的 excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull
Sentence of the Day
Although most hosts don’t expect guests to stand on ceremony, it never hurts to know your table manner.
Liz runs into Jesse, her neighbor, outside their building: 丽兹在她住的大楼外遇到她的邻居杰西。
L: What’s wrong, Jesse? You seem a little bent out of shape.
J: Well, Sally and I have been dating for a while. But I’m meeting her parents for the first time tonight.
They’re taking us out for dinner at a snazzy French restaurant. I’m worried I’ll make a fool of myself.
L: Oh. Well, don’t lose your cool. Just follow a few basic rules at the table and watch what her folks do. That way you can avoid any awkward mistakes.
J: What about the complicated place setting? There are a million forks and spoons. How do I know which one to use?
L: It’s a piece of cake. Just start with the utensils on the outside. With every course, move one level inside.
By the time they serve the entrée, you’ll be using the larger forks and knives.
J: OK, but what do I do if they serve something revolting? You know, like escargot, or frog legs.
L: Well, you can always cordially refuse. Just remember to act like a gentleman and don’t make any loud eating sounds.
J: You mean no slurping, loud munching, or burping?
L: Right. I’m sure you’ll do fine. But just in case, maybe you should bring her mother a bouquet of flowers!
-by Darshan Tyler
run into 偶然碰到
bent out of shape(北美,非正式)愤怒的,焦躁不安的 very angry or upset
snazzy [ˋsnæzɪ] adj. 一流的;很时髦的 fashionable or flashy
make a fool of oneself 出丑 to do something which makes one seems stupid
lose one’s cool 沈不住气 not staying cool and in control
awkward [ˋɔkwɚd] adj. 不合适的;尴尬的
place setting〔进餐前〕餐位餐具的摆放 the set of items of cutlery, crockery, and glassware laid for one person at a dining table
a piece of cake【口】容易的事 something very easy
entrée [ˋɑntre] n.【美】主菜 the main dish of a meal
revolting [rɪˋvoltɪŋ] adj. 使人厌恶的﹐令人作呕的 causing revulsion; nauseating, disgusting, or repulsive
escargot [ɛskɑrˋgo] n.【法】食用蜗牛
cordially [ˋkɔrdʒəlɪ] adv. 诚挚地,友善地 in a hearty manner
slurp [slɝp] v. 出声地吃(或喝)to eat or drink noisily
munch [mʌntʃ] v. 津津有味地嚼 to chew food audibly or with a steady working of the jaws
burp [bɝp] v. 打嗝 to belch
bouquet [buˋke] n. 花束,一束花
Sentence of the Day
Jesse sincerely wished to avoid making an exhibition of himself.
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