Psychics: An Unsolved Case 通灵鉴识奇案
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年4月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年10月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:450
Their fame is like the ebb and flow of the oceans. When they are in favor, people respect them for their alleged clear-sightedness; when they are not, people treat them like pariahs. Regardless of their status, psychics claim that because of their link to the supernatural world, they can see, feel, and predict things that elude most mortals.
Psychics have had different names throughout history. In Greece, they were regarded as oracles; in Israel, they were known as prophets; and in primitive societies, they were referred to as shamans. Nowadays, we call them psychics. These people use various approaches, including tarot, trances, meditation, etc., to access the unknown.
All societies, at one point or another, have believed in the existence of psychics. In the contemporary world, though, two principal forces have tried to disprove their claims. The first one, the Catholic Church, does believe in the existence of the supernatural, but sees psychic activities as the work of the Devil. The second is the rise of scientific thought, which encourages people to observe the world in terms of fixed laws.
Between the believers and the skeptics lies parapsychology, a branch of psychology that attempts to employ the rational method to explain the paranormal. This field looks at phenomena such as telepathy and haunting. Still, many in the scientific community do not recognize parapsychology as a real science.
alleged [əˋlɛdʒd] adj. 声称的,被说成的
prophet [ˋprɑfɪt] n. 先知
primitive [ˋprɪmətɪv] adj. 原始的
meditation [͵mɛdəˋteʃən] n. 冥想; 打坐
disprove [dɪsˋpruv] v. 证明……是虚假的;反驳
rational [ˋræʃən!] adj. 理性的;合理的
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psychic [ˋsaɪkɪk] n. 灵媒,巫师
ebb and flow 潮起潮落 the alternate ebb and flood of the tide; often used figuratively
in favor 得宠, 受到宠爱 approving, supporting, or endorsing someone or something
clear-sightedness [ˋklɪrˋsaɪtɪdnɪs] n. 有远见; 有慧眼 having sharp, clear vision
pariah [pəˈraɪə] n. 印度世袭阶级中的贱民
elude [ɪˋlud] v. 使困惑,难倒
mortal [ˋmɔrt!] n. 人,凡人
oracle [ˋɔrək!] n.〔古希腊时〕宣示神谕的人﹐传神谕者
shaman [ˋʃɑmən] n. 萨满(教巫师)
tarot [ˋtæro] n. 塔罗纸牌
trance [træns] n. 催眠状态; 恍惚;出神
at one point or another 在某些时刻; 偶尔 at several different times (or situation)
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] adj. 当代的
law [lɔ] n.(科学等的)法则,定律,原则
skeptic [ˋskɛptɪk] n. 怀疑者
parapsychology [͵pærəsaɪˋkɑlədʒɪ] n. 通灵学﹐心理玄学〔对于某些人所声称具有的神奇能力的科学研究〕
paranormal [͵pærəˋnɔrməl] adj. 超过正常范围的;超自然的
phenomenon [fəˋnɑmə͵nɑn] n. 现象 (pl: phenomena)
telepathy [təˋlɛpəθɪ] n. 心灵感应,传心术
haunting [ˋhɔntɪŋ] n.(鬼魂等)常出没于
One area in which psychics have made numerous claims of success is that of crime solving. There are many documented instances of psychics assisting police investigators as they try to find a missing person or unmask a criminal. Oftentimes, the authorities will turn to psychics when they have run out of leads and a case is going nowhere.
One such case is presented in the Discovery Channel’s Psychic Witness, in which Carol Broman and Dorothy Allison, two psychics, help law enforcement officials crack a terrible case involving teenage boys. Thanks to their powers, several clues are brought to light, such as the name of the city where the police will find one of the boys, the exact date when he will be found, a scar on the perpetrator’s fingertip, and the letter “M” being in the name of the business he works for.
While they do not always have all the facts right, psychics have more than once stunned detectives with accuracy of their visions. Many detectives who have been helped by psychics will seek their assistance with subsequent investigations. In the case mentioned above, the detective in charge had been a skeptic, but by the time the mystery was solved, he had become convinced of the utility of psychics in police work. In the course of assisting in an investigation, psychics often experience tremendous pain, sadness, or fear. Nevertheless, it does not stop them from lending a mind.
document [ˋdɑkjəmənt] v.〔通过记述﹑拍电影或拍照片的方式来〕记载
investigator [ɪnˋvɛstə͵getɚ] n.〔尤指针对犯罪的〕调查员
lead [lid] n. 线索,提示
enforcement [ɪnˋforsmənt] n. 执行
crack [kræk] v. 破解(密码),解开(难题等)
stun [stʌn] v. 使大吃一惊;使目瞪口呆
subsequent [ˋsʌbsɪ͵kwɛnt] adj. 随后的
utility [juˋtɪlətɪ] n. 效用
tremendous [trɪˋmɛndəs] adj. 巨大的
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unmask [ʌnˋmæsk] v. 撕下……假面具;揭露
bring to light 揭露 reveal
scar [skɑr] n. 疤;伤痕
perpetrator [͵pɝpəˋtretɚ] n. 做坏事者;犯罪者
detective [dɪˋtɛktɪv] n. 侦探;私家侦探
lend [lɛnd] v. 借给〔某人钱或东西〕﹐借出
Despite the case presented in Psychic Witness, just how true are the psychics’ claims? According to the skeptics, if we look close enough, holes in the astonishing “visions” will soon start appearing. Hard-line critics go even further and contend that psychics have not helped solve a single murder or kidnapping case in the United States.
Many of the clues given by psychics are vague enough as to seem true after the fact. For instance, “I see lots of white …. a house, a church, or a house near a church” are bits of general information. It is likely that whatever is discovered will somehow fit the information. Another accusation often thrown at psychics is that they conduct so-called “cold reading.” By using this technique, a psychic leads his audience – a detective, for example – to give plentiful verbal or visual information without the person being aware of it. With these clues, the psychic is able to gather enough information to know what to say.
Finally, we must keep in mind that psychic “successes” always get reported, while the “misses” tend to be ignored. Therefore, if one psychic does help a case and twenty do not, can we still assert that psychics are for real? To be fair, however, it would seem that most psychics are convinced of the validity of their claims and do intend to put their powers to good use. As a result, no matter what we believe, this case will probably never be closed.
-by J. Michael Cole
astonishing [əˋstɑnɪʃɪŋ] adj. 令人惊讶的;惊人的
kidnapping [ˋkɪdnæpɪŋ] n. 诱拐,绑架
accusation [͵ækjəˋzeʃən] n. 指控,控告
conduct [kənˋdʌkt] v. 引导,带领; 实施
assert [əˋsɝt] v. 断言,声称
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hole [hol] n. 漏洞;缺陷
hard-line [ˋhɑrd͵laɪn] adj. 毫不妥协的;采强硬态度的
contend [kənˋtɛnd] v. 坚决主张,声称
vague [veg] adj. 模糊不清,不明确的
verbal [ˋvɝb!] adj. 口头的
for real 确实, 实在地, 真的 truly so in fact or actuality
validity [vəˋlɪdətɪ] n. 有效性;效力;合法性