Stuck In The Middle With You: The Squeeze of the Sandwich Generation 你是不是夹心饼干?三明治世代的压力
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年4月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:596
A picture of the Joneses: husband and wife, one teenager, one child in university, and a grandparent. The children need support for their education and yearn for independence, while the grandparent needs support with his or her medical ailments. In the middle of this hypothetical household are the husband and wife – responsible for three generations. Sound familiar? If so, you’re feeling the squeeze of the sandwich generation.
Members of the sandwich generation are usually at the peak of their professional careers and looking forward to some personal time, free from the demands of family. But the challenge of funding children’s education and coping with aging parents can weigh heavily. With the average lifespan, marriage and childbearing ages all continuing to rise, those in the forty to sixty-five age range are increasing experiencing a cluttered nest, as oppose to the empty nest of yore.
These middle-aged caretakers often feel they are being stretched too thin. Financial planning for children’s needs might involve long-term savings programs to defray the rising cost of education, as well as the negotiation of a definite departure date for older children living at home.
With some open communication and careful planning, the sandwich generation squeeze needn’t pinch so hard.
squeeze [skwiz] n. 榨;压榨; 拮据;困境
yearn [jɝn] v. 渴望;向往[(+for/after/towards)][+to-v]
ailment [ˋelmənt] n. 病痛;(尤指轻微的)疾病
hypothetical [͵haɪpəˋθɛtɪk!] adj. 假设的,假定的
childbearing [ˋtʃaɪld͵bɛrɪŋ] n. 怀孩子﹐ 分娩﹐ 生孩子
cluttered [ˋklʌtɚd] adj. 杂乱的;混乱的
of yore [jor] 往昔 of old time; long ago
caretaker [ˋkɛr͵tekɚ] n. 照顾者,管理人
defray [dɪˋfre] v. 支付;支付……的费用
pinch [pɪntʃ] v. 使疼痛;使苦恼; 捏,拧;夹痛
Sentence of the Day
Blood is thicker than water.
Elaine and Ted, co-workers, are eating lunch together. Elaine stifles a yawn: 伊莲和泰德是同事,两人一起吃午餐,伊莲强忍住一个呵欠:
T: Looking sleepy. Didn’t catch enough Z’s last night?
E: Not by a long shot. My dad couldn’t sleep well, my daughter was up late studying, and I was trying to help them both. Family’s tough work sometimes.
T: Ah, the sandwich generation experience. It was hard enough just being Generation X.
E: No kidding. My husband and I wanted to go to the movies last night, but I had to stay home because I was needed.
T: Uh oh, sounds like you’re not taking care of yourself. There are many ways of lightening your loads. Have you looked into resources to help you with your father, for example?
E: Well, I was considering a senior’s day program for Dad.
T: Great idea. I’m sure he’d appreciate the chance to socialize with his peers. Do you have any siblings to help out with your dad?
E: My brother. But he’s really busy with his career.
T: So are you. Caring for your father should be a family responsibility.
E: You’re right. I’ll call and see if he and his wife can look after Dad every second weekend or so.
T: That’s settled then. Now how ‘bout another coffee so you don’t fall asleep on your sandwich there?
-by Iain Ferguson
catch some Z's【俚】睡觉
up late 熬夜
Generation X 出生于1960-70年代的人 the generation following the baby boom (especially Americans and Canadians born in the 1960s and 1970s)
look into 在……里查资料,研究;调查 investigate, find the facts,
senior [ˋsinjɚ] n. 较年长者
socialize [ˋsoʃə͵laɪz] v. 交友﹐交谊
sibling [ˋsɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹
help out 帮助...摆脱困难
look after 照顾, 照看
settle [ˋsɛt!] v.安顿;安排
fall asleep 睡着
Sentence of the Day
She needs to grab some shut-eye
shut-eye [ˋʃʌt͵aɪ] n.【非正式】睡觉