Putting the Brakes on Roadkill 公路动物悲歌
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年4月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年10月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:529
For some wildlife, the motorways of the United States are killing grounds. Each year, millions of vertebrates, including carnivores like wolves, bears, mountain lions, lynxes and ocelots, as well as slow-moving animals like turtles and other reptiles, are hit and killed by passing cars. Roads may be vital to modern life, but they are deadly to a slew of creatures.
In a number of places, traffic is threatening the very survival of some species. For example, roadkill has contributed to the reduction of thefederally-protected ocelot to a population of only 80 animals. Thankfully, steps have been and are being taken to help reduce the daily and nightly carnage on America’s roads. Underpasses and culverts have been constructed so that animals can walk underneath roads rather than run the risk of crossing them. Fences and barriers, used in conjunction with the underpasses and culverts, help to direct animals to these safe places to cross.
The results to date have been visibly pleasing, with researchers noting a sharp reduction in the number of roadkill incidents each year. More pleasing still is that species which were previously considered under the threat of extinction, in part because of roadkill, are starting to see a rise in their numbers. And this just goes to show that road safety is about more than protecting people.
−by Colin Gread
reptile [ˋreptaɪl] n. 爬虫类
reduction [rɪˋdʌkʃən] n. 减少
construct [kənˋstrʌkt] v. 建造
previously [ˋpriviəslɪ] adv. 事先;以前
extinction [ɪkˋstɪŋkʃən] n. 灭绝
More Information
motorway [ˋmotɚ͵we] n.【英】高速公路
vertebrate [ˋvɝtə͵bret] n. 脊椎动物
carnivore [ˋkɑrnə͵vɔr] n. 食肉动物
lynx [lɪŋks] n. 山猫
ocelot [ˋosəlɑt] n. 豹猫
slew [slu] n.【口】许多
contribute [kənˋtrɪbjut] v. 贡献,提供[(+to/towards)]; 对某事起促成作用
federally [ˋfɛdərəlɪ] adv. 联邦地; 在联邦政府一级
carnage [ˋkɑrnɪdʒ] n. 大屠杀
underpass [ˋʌndɚ͵pæs] n. 地下通道,下穿交叉道
culvert [ˋkʌlvɚt] n. 排水渠﹐阴沟﹐涵洞
to date 迄今; 至今; 到目前为止 until now