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Crocodile Hunter Dead at 44 鳄鱼先生辞世 得年44








 Crocodile Hunter Dead at 44  鳄鱼先生辞世 得年44


The main aim in our entire lives is to promote education about wildlife and wilderness areas, save habitats, and save endangered species.” – Steve Irvin


Steve Irvin, the enthusiastic Australian conservationist known as the “Crocodile Hunter,” was killed on September 4th by a stingray while filming on the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44. Irwin rose to global fame for his death-defying stunts involving dangerous animals such as poisonous snakes and deadly crocodiles.



As news of his death spread, Irwin’s fans flocked to the Queensland wildlife park that was run by him. They brought notes of condolence and flowers, setting up a makeshift memorial to one of Australia’s favorite sons. Australian Prime Minister John Howard offered to honor Irwin with a state funeral. Irwin’s father respectfully declined, however, saying his son would want to be remembered as “an ordinary bloke.”




It’s a Boy for Japan’s Royal Family  日本皇室喜获麟儿


Conservatives in Japan breathed a sigh of relief as Princess Kiko gave birth to a baby boy on September 6th. It ended calls to allow a woman to ascend Japan’s ancient throne. The boy is the first male heir born to the Japanese royal family in more than four decades.



Many Japanese favor giving women equal rights, including the right to the throne. However, others believe in the old traditions and insist that emperors must always be male, as they have been for over 2,000 years. Though the monarch holds no political authority, it is an important symbolic post held dear by the Japanese public. Upon news of the boy’s birth, streamers flew in his honor, and locals toasted his arrival with rice wine.








stunt [stʌnt] n. 绝技;惊险动作

deadly [ˋdɛdlɪ] adj. 致命的

condolence [kənˋdoləns] n.(常复数)吊辞;吊唁;慰问

memorial [məˋmorɪəl] n. 纪念碑

funeral [ˋfjunərəl] n. 丧葬

decline [dɪˋklaɪn] v. 婉拒;谢绝

conservative [kənˋsɝvətɪv] n. 因循守旧者﹐保守者

give birth to  生产, 生育

ascend [əˋsɛnd] v. 攀登;登上

throne [θron] n. 王座

monarch [ˋmɑnɚk] n. 君主

hold dear 【文】喜爱; 高度重视  cherish, treasure, care for


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conservationist [͵kɑnsɚˋveʃənɪst] n.〔动植物等或古旧建筑〕保护工作者

stingray [ˋstɪŋ͵re] n. 黄貂鱼; 魟

Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

defy [dɪˋfaɪ] v. 公然反抗,蔑视

makeshift [ˋmek͵ʃɪft] adj. 临时代用的

bloke [blok] n.【俚】小子;家伙

breathe a sigh of relief  松了一口气,  宽慰地舒一口气  to feel comfortable again after worrying about something

post [post] n. 职位 a place to which someone is assigned for duty.

streamer  [ˋstrimɚ] n. 长旗;幡

in one's honor 向...表示敬意 showing respect or admiration for someone



When the Crocodile hunter died (Steve Irwin)


当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English News Digest (新闻摘要) Crocodile Hunter Dead at 44 鳄鱼先生辞世 得年44