Brushing Up On Animal Teeth 牙好壮壮妙用多
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年11月10日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月15日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:332
Whether munching, chewing, nibbling, or biting, our teeth have to put up with a lot of wear and tear, and for this reason, they are the strongest parts of our body. This is just as true for animals as it is for humans, but the world of animal teeth is a far more varied and fascinating one.
One animal that is well-known for its teeth is the spookily named vampire bat. It is so called because of its bloodsucking habit along the lines of Dracula and company. However, unlike its fictional namesakes, which use long canine “fangs” to pierce their victims’ skins, the vampire bat employs its razor-sharp front teeth, the incisors, to do the job. These incisors remain permanently sharp, as they lack the usual enamel coating. In comparison, the bat’s canines are not capable of much damage and are mainly used to shave off fur so that the prey’s skin is left exposed for the incisors to make a neat incision.
The rodent family, which includes mice and hamsters, also depends on specialized teeth for feeding, but in quite a different way from vampire bats. Rodents possess a pair of continuously growingincisors, which are prevented from getting too long because the animals spend so much time gnawing on tough foods like seeds and nuts. Canine teeth, which are usually the preserve of meat-eaters, are absent from rodents’ mouths. Nevertheless, despite lacking the canines of carnivores, a few species of rodents, like squirrels, are known to supplement their mostly vegetarian diet with the odd baby bird or insect.
put up with 容忍, 忍受 to endure without complaint
varied [ˋvɛrɪd] adj. 各种各样的;不相同的
company [ˋkʌmpənɪ] n. 同伴(们),朋友(们)
victim [ˋvɪktɪm] n. 受害者; 牺牲者
employ [ɪmˋplɔɪ] v. 使用,利用
permanently [ˋpɝmənəntlɪ] adv. 永久地;长期不变地
specialized [ˋspɛʃəl͵aɪzd] adj. 专门的
possess [pəˋzɛs] v. 拥有,持有
continuously [kənˋtɪnjʊəslɪ] adv. 连续不断地
prevent [prɪˋvɛnt] v. 阻止;制止;妨碍[(+from)]
preserve [prɪˋzɝv] n.〔某羣体〕独有[专有]的活动; 独占的事物(或范围)an activity, kind of work etc in which only certain people are allowed to take part
despite [dɪˋspaɪt] prep. 尽管
vegetarian [͵vɛdʒəˋtɛrɪən] adj. 素食主义者的, n. 素食主义者
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munch [mʌntʃ] v. 津津有味地嚼
nibble [ˋnɪb!] v. 一点点地咬(或吃)
wear and tear 损耗 loss, damage, or depreciation resulting from ordinary use and exposure
spookily [ˋspukɪlɪ] adv.【非正式】阴森恐怖地﹐使人毛骨悚然地
along the lines of 以相同的方式 similar in type
namesake [ˋnem͵sek] n. 同名物
canine [ˋkenaɪn] adj. 犬的,狗的
fang [fæŋ] n.〔蛇﹑野狗等的〕尖牙; 毒牙
pierce [pɪrs] v. 刺穿,刺破
razor [ˋrezɚ] n. 剃刀﹐刮胡刀
incisor [ɪnˋsaɪzɚ] n. 门牙;前齿
enamel [ɪˋnæm!] n. 珐琅
shave [ʃev] v. 剃去……上的毛发;刮
incision [ɪnˋsɪʒən] n. 切口﹐切痕
rodent [ˋrodnt] n. 啮齿目动物
hamster [ˋhæmstɚ] n.【动】仓鼠
gnaw [nɔ] v. 咬,啃,啮
carnivore [ˋkɑrnə͵vɔr] n. 食肉动物;食虫植物
squirrel [ˋskwɝəl] n. 松鼠
odd [ɑd] adj. 临时的,不固定的;非经常的; 额外的
Of all the animal kingdom, sharks perhaps possess the most formidable collection of teeth. Most sharks have multiple rows of teeth along both upper and lower jaws, which often contain as many as 30 teeth per row, adding up to hundreds in total. The teeth themselves range from thin and needle-like ones for gripping prey to flat ones for crushing shells and bones. In a way, sharks’ teeth are not just limited to their mouths. The millions of tiny, sharp scales that cover their skin are miniature versions of teeth, protecting them from damage and parasites, as well as enabling them to move faster through the water.
Tusks, which are sported by animals like elephants and walruses, are basically overgrown teeth, used not for eating, but for purposes such as fighting and defense. One of the most unusual tusked animals is the babirusa, or pig-deer, of Indonesia. It actually has two pairs of tusks, of which the lower serves as weapons, while the upper pair, resembling antlers, comes in handy for defensive purposes. During mating season, male babirusas fight each other for dominance, and their upper tusks help to protect their eyes from the slashing lower tusks of rivals. However, in an unfortunate and gruesome twist of fate, these curving upper tusks occasionally grow too long and end up penetrating the babirusa’s own skull, killing it.
So, the next time you go to the dentist with a toothache, count yourself lucky because, while your teeth may be quite plain compared to some animals, at least they’re not a threat to your life!
−by David Vickers
formidable [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!] adj. 可怕的,令人畏惧的
multiple [ˋmʌltəp!] adj. 由许多部分组成的,复合的
as many as 多达..., 有...之多
add up to 加起来 总合是 to constitute; amount to
grip [grɪp] v. 紧握;紧咬
crush [krʌʃ] v. 压碎,压坏
be limited to 局限于
miniature [ˋmɪnɪətʃɚ] adj. 小型的;微型的
parasite [ˋpærə͵saɪt] n. 寄生生物
resemble [rɪˋzɛmb!] v. 像,类似
defensive [dɪˋfɛnsɪv] adj. 防御的;保护的
rival [ˋraɪv!] n. 对手,敌手
threat [θrɛt] n. 威胁,恐吓
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scale [skel] n. 鳞,鱼鳞
tusk [tʌsk] n.(象、野猪等的)长牙,獠牙
sport [sport] v. 引人注目地穿戴;炫耀
walrus [ˋwɔlrəs] n.【动】海象
babirusa [͵bæbɪˋrusə] n. 鹿豚(一种东印度群岛野猪)
antler [ˋæntlɚ] n. 鹿角;多叉鹿角;茸角
come in handy 派得上用场 to be useful
dominance [ˋdɑmənəns] n. 优势;支配(地位),统治(地位)
slashing [ˋslæʃɪŋ] adj. 猛冲猛打的,闯劲十足的
gruesome [ˋgrusəm] adj. 可怕的;阴森的
twist of fate 命运之转折 a fateful event; an unanticipated change in a sequence of events
penetrate [ˋpɛnə͵tret] v. 穿过;刺入
skull [skʌl] n. 头盖骨;头骨
count oneself lucky 为自己感到庆幸 consider oneself lucky; consider oneself fortunate
Reading Questions
1. How did the vampire bat get its name?
A. Its teeth look like a vampire’s.
B. It sucks blood like vampires do.
C. The famous vampire Dracula turns into one.
D. It has a spooky appearance, similar to a vampire.
2. What is special about rodents’ teeth?
A. They are particularly long.
B. They never stop growing.
C. They naturally stay very sharp.
D. Rodents have extremely strong canine teeth.
3. What do we know from the article about the babirusa?
A. Its lower tusks are a threat to its life.
B. Most males are killed by their own tusks.
C. Its upper tusks are useful for protection.
D. It possesses the longest tusks in the animal kingdom.
4. Which of the following is NOT implied in the article?
A. Human teeth are not particularly special.
B. Tusks are a longer version of normal teeth.
C. Canine teeth are mainly used for eating meat.
D. Sharks’ scales function as teeth to help them catch prey.
1. ( B ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( D ) |