Building on the Horizon 摩天大楼新视界
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年6月01日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年12月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:322
Look up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane ….. no, it’s a skyscraper! Stretching over 50 stories high, these towers are taking over the skyline in cities around the world. In crowded cities where land is scarce, skyscrapers provide a practical solution of creating additional office space. These concrete and steel giants also help create unique images of ambition and pride in the world’s metropolitan centers.
In the 19th century, Americans were the pioneers of the skyscraper craze. Due to developments of steel beams and elevators, cities like New York and Chicago were able to erect the first skyscrapers.
Design has begun to play an increasingly important role in creating these monuments. Using the power of computing, architects can create accurate, cutting-edge 3D models. With new materials and emerging technologies, the towers of tomorrow will be eco-friendly, conserve energy and water, and also be equipped with anti-terrorist measures.
In the 21th century, the East has surpassed America in creating the world’s highest high-rises. In 2004, Taipei 101 became the zenith for tall buildings. At 1,671 feet, it overtook Malaysia’s 1,483-foot-tall Petronas Towers. But competition is on the rise. Plans for South Korea’s Lotte World II Tower place it slightly taller than Taipei 101, and Dubai Burj Dubai is rumored to soar to nearly 2,500 feet in the air upon completion. Within the next 10 years, at least 434 more skyscrapers over 50 stories tall will be constructed around the world.
在廿一世纪,东方国家已超越美国而兴建了全世界最高的摩天大楼。2004年,「台北101大楼」成为高楼之最,高达1,671英尺,超越了马来西亚「双子星塔」的1,483英尺。但摩天大楼的竞争越来越激烈。南韩的Lotte World II Tower计划将会比「台北101」高一些;而杜拜的「比斯杜拜塔」据说完工时将会高达2,500英尺。未来十年内,全世界将会兴建至少434栋超过50层楼高的摩天大楼。
One thing for sure: the colossal winner won’t hold the top spot for long with so many building plans on the horizon. In any case, keep your eyes on the skyline, because you never know what will be sprouting up next in your city.
−by Maggie Ma
skyscraper [ˋskaɪ͵skrepɚ] n. 摩天楼,超高层大楼
scarce [skɛrs] adj. 稀有的
metropolitan [͵mɛtrəˋpɑlətn] adj. 大城市的﹐大都会的
erect [ɪˋrɛkt] v. 建立,设立
monument [ˋmɑnjəmənt] n. 纪念碑,纪念塔
equip [ɪˋkwɪp] v. 装备,配备[(+for/with)]
overtake [͵ovɚˋtek] v. 赶上;超过
on the rise 在上升, 在增加 increasing in frequency or intensity
colossal [kəˋlɑs!] adj. 巨大的;庞大的
sprout [spraʊt] v. 很快地成长; 〔树叶或新芽〕开始长出来
More Information
skyline [ˋskaɪ͵laɪn] n.(建筑物等在天空映衬下的)空中轮廓线
craze [krez] n.(一时的)狂热;风尚
beam [bim] n. 梁;桁;(船等的)横梁
cutting-edge ['kʌtɪŋ͵ɛdʒ] adj. 尖端的;最先进的
emerging [ɪˋmɝdʒɪŋ] adj. 新兴的﹐发展初期的
eco-friendly [ˋiko͵frɛndlɪ] adj. 对生态环境友好的; 不损坏生态环境的
conserve [kənˋsɝv] v. 保存;节省
anti-terrorist 反恐的
high-rise [ˋhaɪˋraɪz] n. 高楼; adj. 高楼的
zenith [ˋzinɪθ] n. 最高点;顶点
completion [kəmˋpliʃən] n. 完成,结束
on the horizon 即将发生的; 已露端倪的; 临近的 soon to happen
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, why were Americans important to the development of skyscrapers?
A. Because they helped other nations to build skyscrapers.
B. Because they invented the materials that allowed for skyscraper construction.
C. Because they were the first ones to decry the construction of skyscrapers.
D. Because they were the first to design and construct skyscrapers.
2. Which of the following is true of Malaysia’s Petronas Towers?
A. Prior to 2004, they were the tallest buildings in the world.
B. They are taller than Taipei 101.
C. They surpassed Taipei 101 in height in 2004.
D. In terms of height, they are exactly equal to Taipei 101.
3. Judging from the article, what can we assume?
A. That buildings will gradually get more crowded as time goes on.
B. That skyscrapers will become outdated and unnecessary.
C. That buildings will continue to increase in height.
D. That people are growing tired of seeing taller and taller buildings.
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( C ) |