Companies That Care 企业社会责任
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年5月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年12月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:353
Business has always been about dollars and cents, the bottom line, and turning a profit. Today, however, all three are becoming increasingly linked with a word that would have seemed out of place in most corporate boardrooms: care. More and more companies are discovering that corporate social responsibility (CSR), or philanthropic or charitable activities, can not only boost their public image, but also give their sales a real shot in the arm.
Consumers are no longer solely interested in which company can give them the best product at the lowest price. They want to know the company they buy from is also giving something back, and contributing in a positive way to society as a whole. Therefore, companies are looking for ways to show that they care about the needs of the community and their impact on the environment.
One business which has been leading the way in CSR is Their company policy is to donate 1% of its profits, 1% of its equity to charities, and 1% of its employees’ time, which equals six days of charity work at full pay per year. Employees are also encouraged to come up with their own ideas for how the company can do some good, and for which organizations they should lend a hand to.
In Taiwan, Uni-President Enterprises Corporation is showing that they care about environmental conservation and the community they serve. The company has sponsored activities leading to an increase in the numbers of black-faced spoonbills, a bird that was once on the brink of extinction. In addition, Uni-President organized a foundation which donates to people who are in need of emergency assistance.
corporate [ˋkɔrpərɪt] adj. 公司的
charitable [ˋtʃærətəb!] adj. 慈善的
impact [ɪmˋpækt] n. 影响
donate [ˋdonet] v. 捐献,捐赠[(+to)]
come up with (针对问题等)想出; 提供
lend a hand 帮忙, 助一臂之力 to give someone some help, not necessarily with the hands
sponsor [ˋspɑnsɚ] v. 资助,赞助
on the brink of 濒于;在……之边缘
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bottom line 账本底线﹐〔账目上〕盈亏一览结算线 the final result or statement; upshot
out of place 不合适 of an inappropriate or misapplied nature
boardroom [ˋbord͵rum] n. 董事会会议室
responsibility [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 责任
philanthropic [͵fɪlənˋθrɑpɪk] adj. 博爱的;仁慈的;慈善的
shot in the arm 兴奋剂, 刺激因素 a boost or act of encouragement
solely [ˋsollɪ] n. 仅仅;完全
as a whole 作为整体 considered altogether; completely
equity [ˋɛkwətɪ] n.【术语】〔付清债务后的〕财产净值; 股本值
spoonbill [ˋspun͵bɪl] n.【鸟】篦鹭
Certain industries, by nature, are harmful to the environment. Nowadays, companies in those industries often try to distance themselves from a destructive image by cleaning up after themselves. When oil giant BP closed a refinery in Wyoming, instead of just leaving the deteriorated site as it was, the company cleaned it up. Now, the old site is a wetland which uses “green” technology to treat contaminated groundwater.
In Brazil, Rodrigo Baggio and his Committee for Democracy in Information Technology (CDI), is looking to lend a helping hand to the poor through education. In a country where the gap between rich and poor is wide, his company helps teach computer skills to the less fortunate. The organization now has 965 schools around Brazil. But the schools are not run like typical non-profit organizations, but more like business. The students must pay for their classes. However, they can pay by doing work at the school.
Some individuals who have enjoyed great success in the business world are also getting in on the CSR act. Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have set up their own charitable foundation, which has created an endowment of US$29 billion. This foundation is dedicated to causes such as AIDS research and the elimination of social inequalities.
In the world of corporate competition, turning huge profits certainly rises to the top of any priority list. However, as the giants of the corporate world have recently shown, giving a percentage of their earnings back to the community helps link the world through compassion, which may be the greatest payoff of all.
−by Joe Henley
by nature 就其本质而言; 生性 inevitable, based on absolute truth
destructive [dɪˋstrʌktɪv] adj. 毁灭性的; 破坏的
committee [kəˋmɪtɪ] n. 委员会
gap [gæp] n. 隔阂;差距[(+between)]
get in on the act【口】(尤指为自己得到好处或利益而)参与某种活动
dedicated [ˋdɛdə͵ketɪd] adj. 敬业的﹐有奉献精神的﹐有献身精神的[(+to)]
priority [praɪˋɔrətɪ] n. 优先,重点
percentage [pɚˋsɛntɪdʒ] n. 百分率,百分比
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distance [ˋdɪstəns] v. 使疏远[(+from)]
refinery [rɪˋfaɪnərɪ] n. 精炼厂
deteriorate [dɪˋtɪrɪə͵ret] v. 恶化; 败坏
contaminated [kənˋtæmənetɪd] adj.〔水﹑食物等〕被污染的
groundwater [ˋgraʊnd͵wɑtɚ] n.【地】地下水
endowment [ɪnˋdaʊmənt] n.(基金、财产等的)捐赠
cause [kɔz] n. 目标,理想
inequality [ɪnɪˋkwɑlətɪ] n. 不均等;不平等
compassion [kəmˋpæʃən] n. 怜悯;同情
payoff [ˋpe͵ɔf] n. 收益
Reading Questions
1. The phrase “out of place” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. distinguished
B. harmless
C. inappropriate
D. profitable
2. According to the article, which of the following is NOT a way companies have become more responsible?
A. They donated a percentage of their profits to the community.
B. They reduced the price of goods to make them affordable.
C. They initiated activities that protect the environment.
D. They created more affordable educational institutions.
3. What is the purpose of this article?
A. To illustrate how a corporation can make the most amount of money.
B. To demonstrate how a company should improperly donate money.
C. To criticize those companies that do not treat their employees fairly.
D. To show that companies are doing more to give back to society.
4. Which of the following would be the most appropriate alternate title for the article?
A. Success in Contributing
B. The Wetlands of Wyoming
C. From Technology to Destruction
D. Ten Tips for Success
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( A ) |