Businesses Facing Extinction 夕阳工业
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2008年10月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年2月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:372
Progress and technology go hand in hand. As a result, new companies frequently pop up to replace existing businesses. When this happens, long-established industries often bite the dust. Here are a few examples of major businesses that may face extinction within the next ten years.
Record Stores 唱片行
First there were records, then there were tapes, and then there were CDs. The digital age has now created a new music format that does not require brick-and-mortar stores to sell music. As more consumers buy their music online, there is continually less of a need for traditional record stores. Consumers can get thousands of songs without ever leaving their homes.
Camera Film Manufacturing 底片制造业
In the not-so-distant past, people would take pictures and then wait for them to be developed. Nowadays, most of us enjoy the instant satisfaction and convenience offered by digital cameras. Since fewer people are using film cameras, there is less demand for film itself. Thus companies that make film are disappearing.
Newspapers 报纸
When television and radio became popular years ago, some people predicted the end of newspapers. However, today everyone still loves to read. Even so, printed newspapers may eventually fade away, replaced by information available online.
extinction [ɪkˋstɪŋkʃən] n. 灭绝;消灭
pop up【口】出现, 发生(尤指出乎意料) to arise suddenly; to appear without warning
digital [ˋdɪdʒɪt!] adj. 数字的﹐数码的
format [ˋfɔrmæt] n. 格式; 方式﹐样式
eventually [ɪˋvɛntʃʊəlɪ] adv. 最后,终于
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go hand in hand 与…密切相关 if two things go hand in hand, they exist together and are connected with each other
bite the dust 倒地而死, 阵亡 to fail or to stop existing
brick-and-mortar(与virtual 相对)实际存在的,实体的
camera film 底片
develop [dɪˋvɛləp] v. 冲洗(底片)
fade away 消失, 消退 to diminish
Pay Phones 公共电话
With so many inexpensive, and sometimes even disposable, mobile phones, pay phones have gone out of fashion. As time goes on, more and more of them will be phased out. However, pay phones will not disappear completely. You will probably still see them in airports and hotels.
Used Bookstores 二手书店
Website like and eBay connect customers with thousands of booksellers. If you are looking for an old out-of-print book, chances are you will find it online rather than in a used bookstore. For this reason, used bookstores are disappearing left and right.
Coin Operated Arcades 代币电玩店
Video game arcades were a great place for young people to hang out in the 1980s and 1990s. But lately, most games get their fix at home. High-definition TVs and sound systems allow gamers to have amazing experiences without ever leaving the house. They can play the latest games without feeding coins into arcade machines.
As technology races forward, more and more businesses are fading into history. Traditional material-based products are giving way to the Internet and handheld electronic devices. Cell phones, for example, have become increasingly integrated multimedia centers. Although no one knows for sure what the future holds in store for us, what we do know is that the only constant is change.
−by Mark Mitchell & Nathan Godolphin
disposable [dɪˋspozəb!] adj. 用完即丟棄的; 可任意處理的
phase out (使)逐步淘汰 to bring or come to an end
fade [fed] v.【美】【俚】離去,跑掉
electronic [ɪlɛkˋtrɑnɪk] adj. 電子的
integrated [`ɪntəˏgretɪd] adj. 整合的; 〔各組成部分〕相互協調的
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go out of fashion 不再流行; 過時 to become unfashionable; to become obsolete
bookseller [ˋbʊk͵sɛlɚ] n. 書商
out-of-print 已絕版的; 已售完的
left and right 到處 everywhere
arcade [ɑrˋked] n. 商场,游乐中心
hang out【非正式】閒蕩; 廝混 to spend time aimlessly; to waste time
fix [fɪks] n. 解决方案(或措施) informal a solution to a problem, especially one that is hastily devised or makeshift
definition [͵dɛfəˋnɪʃən] n. 清晰度; 解析度
give way to something 為…所代替; 屈服 to be replaced by something
handheld [ˋhænd͵hɛld] adj. 手持的; 掌上型的
multimedia [mʌltɪˋmidɪə] adj. 多媒體的
hold in store 蕴藏 planned or likely to happen
constant [ˋkɑnstənt] n. 不變的事物
Reading Questions
1. Why are record stores going out of business?
A. Because CDs are becoming too expensive for people to afford.
B. Because more people are getting their music from the Internet nowadays.
C. Because it is becoming more difficult to build brick-and-mortar stores.
D. Because people are not as interested in music as they once were.
2. The phrase “bite the dust” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. fail
B. recover
C. move
D. prosper
3. Which of the following is probably true of pay phones?
A. Soon there will be no pay phones left.
B. Pay phones are rapidly replacing cell phones.
C. Pay phones are more widely used today than at any other time in history.
D. There will be fewer pay phones, but they will not go away entirely.
4. According to the article, which will likely be a future trend?
A. More and more services and products will be available online to be used on handheld devices.
B. Material-based products will become popular again as people grow tired of new technology.
C. Businesses will stop paying attention to new technological developments and employ old business methods.
D. People will spend more time in places such as used bookstores and coin operated arcades.
arcade machine
1. ( B ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( A ) |