Just Beat It 节奏口技,唱出活力节奏
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年11月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年7月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:780
While walking down a city street, you hear some funky beats coming from nearby. Intrigued by the sounds, you decide to get closer and watch as the DJ works his magic. But when you peek around the corner, you’re surprised by what you see – there is no DJ or stereo system. ___1___, one performer is using his mouth to create the sounds of drum beats, record scratching, and a host of other special ___2___. You’re watching a dynamic musical technique called human beatboxing.
1. |
(A) Instead |
(B) However |
(C) Moreover |
(D) Therefore |
2. |
(A) conflicts |
(B) phenomena |
(C) movements |
(D) effects |
Beatboxing is a type of vocal percussion in which performers use their voice, lips and tongue to ___3___ rhythms. Beatboxing started in the early 1980s as a key element of old-school hip-hop music. In those days, MCs would try to mimic the sound of drum machines, also known as “beat boxes,” while they were rhyming in parks and on playgrounds. Soon after, hip-hop ___4___ like Doug E Fresh, Darren Robinson, and Biz Markie featured human beatboxing on their hit records. But by the 1990s, beatboxing ___5___ by and large ___5___ from hip-hop, as the next generation of rappers saw it as a cheap gimmick.
节奏口技是一种以人声发出打击乐器声音的技巧,表演者以他们的声音、嘴唇和舌头制造出节奏。节奏口技起源于1980年代早期,是老式嘻哈音乐的主要元素。当时,在公园或是游乐场表演的饶舌音乐表演者会想办法模仿电子鼓的声音,而电子鼓也被称为beat boxes。很快地,嘻哈音乐的先驱如Doug E Fresh、Darren Robinson以及Biz Markie便开始以节奏口技作为他们热门专辑的特色。但是在1990年代,一般而言节奏口技已从嘻哈音乐中消失,因为年轻一辈的饶舌歌手视之为一个卖弄的噱头。
3. |
(A) entertain |
(B) produce |
(C) debate |
(D) regain |
4. |
(A) landmarks |
(B) opponents |
(C) components |
(D) pioneers |
5. |
(A) has been; disappearing |
(B) has; disappeared |
(C) had; disappeared |
(D) did; disappear |
But since 2000, beatboxing has experienced a major revival. Artists such as Naturally 7 are ___6___ beatboxing with R&B, a cappella, and other styles to add texture to their songs. International beatbox competitions and conventions have also been established in London, New York, and Germany. These events give beatboxers the chance to test their skills, as well as network, educate, and learn from their peers. ___7___ these efforts, the heartbeat of human beatboxing appears to be strong.
然而从2000年开始,节奏口技又再度风行。一些表演者,例如Naturally 7,将节奏口技与节奏蓝调、无伴奏人声以及其他曲风结合并融入他们的歌曲里,加深音乐的层次。在伦敦、纽约和德国都举办过国际性的节奏口技竞赛和大会串。这些活动给了节奏口技表演者一个机会,让他们在检视自身技巧的同时,也能与同侪们彼此交流、互相切磋。多亏了这些人的努力,节奏口技的节奏才能显得强而有力。
6. |
(A) related |
(B) transforming |
(C) combining |
(D) referred |
7. |
(A) In spite of |
(B) Thanks to |
(C) In addition to |
(D) Apart from |
-by Jamie Blackler
peek [pik] v. 一瞥; 窥视
host [host] n. 一大群,许多[(+of)] a great number; a multitude
technique [tɛkˋnik] n. 技巧
rhythm [ˋrɪðəm] n. 节奏
mimic [ˋmɪmɪk] v. 模仿
by and large 大体上; 一般而论 for the most part; generally
convention [kənˋvɛnʃən] n. 会议,大会
establish [əˋstæblɪʃ] v. 建立;设立
educate [ˋɛdʒə͵ket] v. 教育
peer [pɪr] n. 同辈
More Information
funky [ˋfʌŋkɪ] adj. 节奏强烈的; 新款的; 时髦的 passionate, soulful; of or pertaining to funk
intrigue [ɪnˋtrig] v. 激起……的好奇心(或兴趣)
stereo [ˋstɛrɪo] system 立体音响系统
scratching [skrætʃɪŋ] n. 刮唱盘
dynamic [daɪˋnæmɪk] adj. 有活力的; 动态的
beatboxing 节奏口技
percussion [pɚˋkʌʃən] n. 敲打乐器
old-school 守旧派的; 老套的 a class of people favoring traditional ideas
MC 司仪 master of ceremonies
rhyme [raɪm] v. 押韵
rapper [ˋræpɚ] n. 说唱乐表演者; 饶舌歌手 one who performs rap
gimmick [ˋgɪmɪk] n. 花招;窍门 something designed to attract extra attention, interest, or publicity
revival [rɪˋvaɪv!] n. 复兴,再流行
a cappella【义】【音】没有乐器伴奏的
texture [ˋtɛkstʃɚ] n.〔写作﹑音乐﹑艺术等作品的〕神韵﹐风神格调
network [ˋnɛt͵wɝk] v. 交流; 建立关系 to interact or engage in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support
shareck scratching the record on a jvc ttable
Skiller vs Reeps One - 1/2 Final - 3rd Beatbox Battle World Championship
1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( C ) |
6. ( C ) |
7. ( B ) |