The Kiwifruit: Superfood 神奇好物奇异果
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年7月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:385
About the size of an egg, with brown furry skin and a rough texture, this fruit is certainly nothing much to look at. But despite its unremarkable appearance, it’s been dubbed a superfood, for not only is it delicious but it’s also packed full of nutritional goodness. Can you guess what it is? If you said the kiwifruit, congratulations!
When most people think of the kiwifruit’s origin, New Zealand automatically comes to mind. But while the kiwifruit has been called that country’s national treasure, it is actually China that lays claim to the title of the fruit’s birthplace. Originally known as the Chinese gooseberry, the kiwifruit was first taken to New Zealand in 1904. Later farmers there, in search of a more marketable name, renamed it after New Zealand’s national bird, the kiwi, which bears a humorous resemblance to the fruit. Then, in the 1950s, they began to export it worldwide.
Since that time, shoppers around the world have come to love the kiwifruit for its mouthwatering taste, convenient size, and fun method of consumption – just slice it in two and scoop out the contents! But the other ingredient in the fruit’s super success is its incredible nutritional value. Packed full of vitamins, potassium, and fiber in quantities greater than many other fruits, the kiwifruit has been credited with health benefits ranging from improving blood pressure to helping to prevent cancer. Now, with the invention of the even more tasty good kiwifruit, it’s a safe bet that the fantastic kiwifruit will remain on shopping lists and in lunchboxes for many years to come.
−by James Laughton-Smith
despite [dɪˋspaɪt] prep. 尽管,任凭
nutritional [njuˋtrɪʃən!] adj. 营养的
automatically [͵ɔtəˋmætɪk!ɪ] adv. 自动地
lay claim to something 声称是; 宣称应归其所有 to place a claim on something
in search of 寻找
bear a resemblance to 与…相像, 与…相似
export [ˋɛksport] v. 输出,出品
consumption [kənˋsʌmpʃən] n.【正式】吃
content [ˋkɑntɛnt] n. 内容(物)
ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt] n. 原料﹐成分
credit with 认为……有(某种优点或成就等)
benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt] n. 好处﹐益处
range from .. to .. 在从…到…的范围内变化
prevent [prɪˋvɛnt] v. 防止,预防
More Information
furry [ˋfɝɪ] adj. 覆有毛皮的
rough [rʌf] adj. 粗糙的
texture [ˋtɛkstʃɚ] n. 质地
nothing much 价值不大; 不重要 not much; hardly anything; nothing of importance
dub [dʌb] v. 把……叫做
packed [pækt] adj. 充满…的; 含有很多…的
goodness [ˋgʊdnɪs] n. 精华,养分
national treasure 国宝
gooseberry [ˋgus͵bɛrɪ] n.【植】醋栗
kiwi [ˋkiwɪ] n. 鹬鸵(纽西兰产,长嘴无翅)
mouthwatering adj. 令人垂涎的
scoop [skup] v. 用勺舀
potassium [pəˋtæsɪəm] n.【化】钾
fiber [ˋfaɪbɚ] n. 纤维
tasty [ˋtestɪ] adj.【口】美味的;可口的
safe bet 肯定成功, 万无一失 something that you are certain will happen
lunchbox [ˋlʌntʃbɑks] n.(上学或工作时携带的)午餐盒饭;饭盒
Reading Questions
1. How can we describe the appearance of a kiwifruit?
A. It is smooth and round like an egg.
B. It has an extraordinary appearance.
C. It looks similar to a type of bird.
D. It is shiny like gold.
2. Which is true about the kiwifruit’s name?
A. “Kiwi” means “national treasure” in the language of native New Zealanders.
B. “Kiwifruit” is a translation of the Chinese for “gooseberry.”
C. It was named by Chinese exporters.
D. Farmers renamed it so it would sell better.
3. Which is not an advantage of the kiwifruit?
A. It has a delicious taste.
B. It is fun to eat.
C. It can cure cancer.
D. It is good for your health.
2011 ZESPRI Kiwifruit 纽西兰奇异果_有神.wmv
ZESPRI 纽西兰奇异果/ 起来篇
1. ( C ) |
2. ( D) |
3. ( C) |