It’s Burger Time! 汉堡:挡不住的美味
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月04日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年10月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:392
The smell of grilled beef fills the air. Your waitress arrives and sets a sandwich in front of you. A juicy patty of ground beef sits between two halves of a toasted bun, covered with lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mustard, onion, and the all-important pickles. The hamburger is one delicious food that everybody identifies with America.
The origin of the hamburger is unclear, since a number of restaurants claim that they invented it. However, Walter Anderson from Kansas standardized the recipe in 1921. He carefully weighed the burgers and served them on a specially shaped bun. His restaurant was called White Castle, and it was the first of a chain that would popularize the hamburger. Today, White Castle’s infamous burger, the slyder, is loved by some but loathed by others.
汉堡的起源仍无定论,因为许多餐厅都宣称他们发明了汉堡。然而,来自堪萨斯州的华特.安德森于1921年将汉堡的制作方式标准化。他小心翼翼地秤量汉堡的重量,并将其放于一特制形状的小圆面包上。安德森所开设的「白色汉堡」是第一家汉堡连锁店,并使汉堡流行起来。今日,虽然有些人不喜欢白色城堡所贩卖的「the slyder」,但仍有许多人对这恶名远播的汉堡趋之若鹜。
McDonald’s began to serve U.S. diners in 1940. At McDonald’s, the preparation of the burger was rigorously controlled, right down to the order in which the patties were flipped. Managers even had to go to McDonald’s Hamburger University to learn how to do their job. Many other fast-food chains sprouted up later, ranging from A & W with its famous root beer to Burger King, where burgers are grilled over a flame. The thin patties and assembly line production of hamburgers have been exported around the world, from Japan to Brazil.
grilled [grɪld] adj. 烤的;炙过的
ground [graʊnd] adj. 磨碎的;磨平的
identify with something 视……(与……)为同一事物[(+with)] to associate people and things, in any combination
origin [ˋɔrədʒɪn] n. 起源;由来
a number of 一些
standardize [ˋstændɚd͵aɪz] v. 使标准化;使合标准
recipe [ˋrɛsəpɪ] n. 烹饪法;食谱
loathe [loð] v. 厌恶,憎恨
diner [ˋdaɪnɚ] n. 用餐的人
rigorously [ˋrɪgərəslɪ] adv. 严格地;严谨地
flip [flɪp] v. 使翻转
sprout [spraʊt] up 涌现; 大量出现 to grow upward quickly, as do newly sprouted seedlings
assembly [əˋsɛmblɪ] line 装配线﹐流水作业线
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patty [ˋpætɪ] n.【美】肉饼
bun [bʌn] n. 小圆面包
mustard [ˋmʌstɚd] n. 芥末; 芥子酱
all-important [ˋɔlɪmˋpɔrtnt] adj. 极重要的
pickle [ˋpɪk!] n. 腌渍食品;腌菜
claim [klem] v. 自称,声称;主张
chain [tʃen] n. 连锁店
popularize [ˋpɑpjələ͵raɪz] v. 使〔某物〕受欢迎; 宣传﹐推广
infamous [ˋɪnfəməs] adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的
right down 十足地, 地地地道道 all things considered
To most Americans, though, fast food hamburgers aren’t the real thing. If you want a good burger, you have to go to local restaurants, where hamburgers are an entirely different experience. There, the beef patties are as thick as your hand and topped with your choice of fresh ingredients, including grilled onions and sautéed mushrooms. A good burger can be so thick that it’s difficult to fit into your mouth.
There are many different takes on the hamburger, and different regions have their own variations. In the Carolinas, hamburgers “with everything” are smothered in chili, cheese, onions, mustard, and coleslaw. The Hawaiians like their burgers with pineapple and teriyaki sauce. One restaurant chain, Waffle House, even claims to have over seventy million ways to serve a burger!
Wherever you go, though, the heart of a good burger is the high-quality pure beef patty. Many Americans pride themselves on the ability to cook up the perfect burger and love to show off their grilling abilities at backyard barbeques. Dark and smoky on the outside, pink and juicy on the inside, with no seasoning except salt and pepper to bring out the flavor of the beef – this is how to make a great hamburger. Far from being fast food, a properly made hamburger is a meal fit for a king.
top [tɑp] v. 盖;给……加盖(或顶)[(+with)]
ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt] n.〔烹调用的〕原料﹐材料﹐成分
variation [͵vɛrɪˋeʃən] n. 变化;变动
smother [ˋsmʌðɚ] v. 厚厚地覆盖
pride oneself on 以...为自豪
show off 卖弄, 炫耀
seasoning [ˋsiznɪŋ] n. 调味料,佐料
bring out 使…明显; 显示出; 使…得以发挥
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the real thing 货真价实 something that is genuine and not an imitation
sauté [soˋte] adj. 嫩煎的 fry briefly over high heat; fry quickly in a little fat
take [tek] n. 种类; 样式 the act or process of taking
chili [ˋtʃɪlɪ] n. 红番椒
coleslaw [ˋkol͵slɔ] n. 凉拌卷心菜
teriyaki [͵tɛrɪˋjɑkɪ] n. [日]照烧(有酱油、酒等腌泡后烤的鱼或肉)
heart [hɑrt] n. 要点
cook up〔匆忙地〕煮烧﹐做〔饭〕to prepare (a meal), esp quickly
far from 决非, 一点不 something: not at all
Reading Questions
1. What is true about hamburgers in America?
A. The most popular place to eat them is Waffle House.
B. They are usually smothered with chili and coleslaw.
C. Many Americans think they can cook them well.
D. The first one was made in Kansas in 1950.
2. What did Walter Anderson do with his hamburgers?
A. Covered them with pineapple and teriyaki sauce.
B. Took the burgers’ weights and put them on the buns.
C. He brought the assembly line production of hamburgers all over the world.
D. Grilled them over a flame and served them with root beer.
3. What is true about McDonald’s in the article?
A. Its first store was at Hamburger University.
B. It made burgers in a tightly controlled way.
C. Its most famous hamburger was called the slyder.
D. It created the first hamburger back in 1921.
4. Which of the following is NOT associated with a good hamburger?
A. It is grilled at a barbecue.
B. It is too thick to fit in your mouth.
C. It is dark on the outside and pink on the inside.
D. It is produced on an assembly line.
White Castle Slider Secrets Revealed
McDonald's Hamburger University
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( D ) |