Slip, Slop, Slap for Fun in the Sun 骄阳夏艳,防晒大作战
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年8月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:374
The summer’s here, and for many of us, that means we’ll be spending more time outdoors enjoying the sunny weather. But, whether you’re going to play on the beach, hike in the mountains, or just relax in a park, you need to be careful when you’re outside in the hot summer sun. if you don’t take the correct precautions, you could be left with sore, red skin and a nasty case of sunburn.
Sunburn is caused by the ultraviolet, or UV, radiation found in sunlight. When your skin gets too much exposure to these harmful UV rays, it heats up, turns red, and starts to burn. To protect itself, your skin will release a pigment called melanin, which keeps you from getting burned so easily. It is this pigment that darkens your skin and gives you a tan. The less melanin you have in your skin, the greater your risk of getting sunburned.
While a large portion of Taiwanese women prize paler skin and often go to great lengths to avoid getting a tan or being burned, many Westerners actively seek a suntan. Even when it’s not sunny, they’ll often visit tanning salons to get an artificial tan. Across much of Europe and America, the commonly held view is that browner skin makes a person look more attractive and healthier. This perception may be misguided, though, since staying out in the sun for too long is anything but good for your health. Having sunburn not only leaves your skin feeling painful, but it can also cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Most seriously, an overexposure to UV radiation increases the risk of contracting skin cancer!
台湾大多数的女性很重视白晰肌肤,常不遗余力地避免晒黑或晒伤,但很多西方女性反而积极想把肌肤晒成古铜色。即使没出太阳,她们也常到「日晒中心」(tanning salon)进行人工晒肤。大部分欧美国家普遍的看法是,肤色深的人看起来更有吸引力、也比较健康。不过这样的观念可能有误导,因为长时间待在太阳底下对身体健康毫无益处。晒伤不仅会使肌肤疼痛,更可能引起头痛、晕眩,甚至恶心感。最严重的是,过度暴露在紫外线下会增加罹患皮肤癌的风险!
precaution [prɪˋkɔʃən] n. 预防措施
nasty [ˋnæstɪ] adj. 严重的
radiation [͵redɪˋeʃən] n. 辐射
exposure [ɪkˋspoʒɚ] n. 暴露;暴晒
harmful [ˋhɑrmfəl] adj. 有害的
release [rɪˋlis] v. 释放,解放
portion [ˋporʃən] n.(一)部分
prize [praɪz] v. 重视,珍视
go to great lengths (+to) 不遗余力; 无所顾忌 to try very hard to achieve a result
perception [pɚˋsɛpʃən] n. 认识,观念;看法
misguided [mɪsˋgaɪdɪd] adj. 被错误指导的
nausea [ˋnɔʃɪə] n. 恶心,作呕
contract [kənˋtrækt] v. 得(病)
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sunburn [ˋsʌn͵bɝn] n. 晒伤﹐〔晒太阳过量而引起的〕皮肤灼痛
pigment [ˋpɪgmənt] n. 色素
melanin [ˋmɛlənɪn] n. 黑色素
tan [tæn] n. 棕褐色;晒成的棕褐肤色
pale [pel] adj. 苍白的
suntan [ˋsʌntæn] n.〔皮肤的〕晒黑
tanning salon 日晒沙龙;美黑沙龙
anything but 根本不, 绝对不 not at all or in any respect
Staying indoors on a beautiful summer day just to avoid getting sunburned, however, seems like a waste. So, what can we do to protect ourselves and enjoy the sun in safety? The most common form of protection is sunscreen, a cream that you rub onto your skin to block UV rays and prevent sunburn and skin cancer. Sunscreens have something called a sunburn protection factor, or SPF, rating. Look for sunscreens with a high SPF, since the higher a cream’s rating, the more effective it will be in blocking UV radiation.
Sunscreens offer the greatest level of protection when applied 15 to 30 minutes before you go out in the sun, as this gives the cream time to soak into your skin. You should then reapply the sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes after you go out in the sun. You can also help protect yourself by eating the right foods. Surprisingly, dark chocolate and tomatoes, including ketchup, contain chemicals that help your body resist the effects of UV light.
However, none of these precautions are a sufficient substitute for covering up with extra clothing. Experts advise people to wear hats and long-sleeved shirts when going out in the summertime, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Though the effects of too much sun can be very harmful, if you take the necessary precautions, there’s no reason why you can’t get outside for some fun in the sun. Just remember the phrase every Australian student knows by heart: slip, slop, slap. Slip on a T-shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat.
−by Andrew Crosthwaite
waste [west] n. 浪费
protection [prəˋtɛkʃən] n. 保护,防护
block [blɑk] v. 阻挡,阻止
ray [re] n. 光线
rating [ˋretɪŋ] n. 等级
soak [sok] v. 渗透
resist [rɪˋzɪst] v. 抵抗
effect [ɪˋfɛkt] n. 作用;影响
sufficient [səˋfɪʃənt] adj. 足够的,充分的
substitute [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut] n. 代替物;代用品
cover up (完全)盖住; 遮住, 裹住
advise [ədˋvaɪz] v. 劝告,忠告
know by heart 记在心中
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in safety 平安地, 安然无恙地 free from harm
sunscreen [ˋsʌn͵skrin] n. 防晒霜﹐ 防晒油
rub [rʌb] v. 擦
ketchup [ˋkɛtʃəp] n. 调味西红柿酱(= catchup)
chemical [ˋkɛmɪk!] n. 化学制品;化学药品
long-sleeved 长袖的
slip, slop, slap 穿上; 擦上; 戴上
slip on 迅速穿上 put on with ease or speed
slop [slɑp] v. 溅出;溢出;泼 to spill or splash a liquid onto someone or something
slap [slæp] v. 随便地放置 to dress in something hastily
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, which of the following statements is true?
A. Westerners like getting sunburned.
B. Sunburn is caused by UV radiation.
C. Sunburn is good for your health.
D. You can’t get sunburned when you’re in the mountains.
2. What does melanin do?
A. It makes your skin red.
B. It makes your skin sore.
C. It causes cancer.
D. It protects you from getting sunburned.
3. In the phrase, “slip, slop, slap,” what does the word “slop” refer to?
A. Putting on sunscreen.
B. Putting on a hat.
C. Putting on a T-shirt.
D. Eating tomato ketchup.
4. What is this article’s main message about the sun?
A. Going out in the sun is the most effective way of getting a tan.
B. It should be avoided as it makes your skin darker.
C. It is dangerous if you’re not careful.
D. It is completely harmless.
Quick sunburn relief - Sunburn treatment and remedies
Sunscreens and Reviews
1. ( B) |
2. ( D) |
3. ( A) |
4. ( C) |