Dandruff: The White Devil 甩掉头皮屑,拒当白雪公主
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:368
You scratch your head and a shower of white flakes descends before your eyes. Is it snowing? Sadly, ___1___. You’ve just got dandruff, and a quick look down at your shoulders, which by now resemble a miniature winter wonderland, shows you just how bad the problem is. You quickly ___2___ the flakes of dead skin and pray that no one has noticed, because, despite the fact that over 50% of people suffer from the complaint, dandruff can be embarrassing.
1. |
(A) it’s not |
(B) it hasn’t |
(C) it won’t |
(D) it doesn’t |
2. |
(A) put off |
(B) pick up |
(C) tell apart |
(D) brush off |
The basic cause of dandruff is simple and unavoidable: your skin is constantly renewing itself. ___3___ skin cells get older, they get pushed outward, and then they eventually die and flake off. With most people, these flakes are usually too small to be noticeable. For dandruff sufferers, however, skin cells are shed very quickly, or bind together to form large flakes. A number of ___4___ can cause this to happen. Eating certain types of sugary food, frequent exposure to extreme heat or cold, sweating, and allergic reactions to hair products are all thought to trigger dandruff. But the condition’s main cause is a fungus which grows on your scalp. For those susceptible to an attack of the problem flasks, this fungus grows quickly and, ___5___ causing dandruff, can leave your skin itchy and red.
3. |
(A) Despite |
(B) As |
(C) Whereas |
(D) Unless |
4. |
(A) ingredients |
(B) formulas |
(C) studies |
(D) factors |
5. |
(A) by means of |
(B) according to |
(C) apart from |
(D) instead of |
Help is at hand, ___6___, in the form of specially medicated anti-dandruff shampoos. Chemicals in these shampoos help remove dead cells and treat the flake-forming fungus. They won’t cure you of dandruff completely, but they should make ___7___ snowstorms a thing of the past.
6. |
(A) therefore |
(B) likewise |
(C) though |
(D) consequently |
7. |
(A) personal |
(B) regional |
(C) local |
(D) external |
−by Andrew Crosthwaite
scratch [skrætʃ] v. 抓;搔
descend [dɪˋsɛnd] v. 落下; 下降
embarrassing [ɪmˋbærəsɪŋ] adj. 令人尴尬的﹐使人难堪的
unavoidable [͵ʌnəˋvɔɪdəb!] adj. 不可避免的
renew [rɪˋnju] v. 更新
eventually [ɪˋvɛntʃʊəlɪ] adv. 最后,终于
noticeable [ˋnotɪsəb!] adj. 显而易见的,显着的
shed [ʃɛd] v. 使(籽,毛发等)脱落
bind [baɪnd] v. 黏结
extreme [ɪkˋstrim] adj. 极端的,极度的
allergic [əˋlɝdʒɪk] adj. 过敏的
trigger [ˋtrɪgɚ] v. 触发,引起
susceptible [səˋsɛptəb!] adj. 易受……影响的[F][(+to)]
itchy [ˋɪtʃɪ] adj. 痒的
More Information
dandruff [ˋdændrəf] n. 头皮屑
shower [ˋʃaʊɚ] n. 冰雹(或风雪等)的一阵[P1]
flake [flek] n. 小薄片
by now 这时, 到此刻为止 already
wonderland [ˋwʌndɚ͵lænd] n. 仙境; 奇境
complaint [kəmˋplent] n. (尤指不严重的)疾病; 抱怨
flake off 剥落 to break away from the whole, perhaps under pressure or because of damage
sufferer [ˋsʌfərɚ] n. 患病者; 受害者
fungus [ˋfʌŋgəs] n. 真菌
scalp [skælp] n.【解】头皮
at hand 在眼前;在附近 happening or present at this time
medicated [ˋmɛdɪ͵ketɪd] adj. 掺入药物的
a thing of the past 老式(或过时)的事物 something that does not exist or happen any more
apart from 除...外 besides
Stop Flakes: How to Treat Dandruff
1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( C ) |
6. ( C ) |
7. ( A ) |