Keeping a Balance on the Blood Sugar See-Saw 血糖跷跷板
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:367
If you thought blood sugar levels were something that only people with diabetes had to worry about, think again. ___1___ Blood sugar level refers to the amount of glucose in the blood, which is usually lowest in the morning and highest after a meal. Excessive blood sugar is a common problem, and it can damage vital organs, nerves, and blood vessels. It may also be associated with abnormal blood fats and increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. ___2___
One obvious cause of high blood sugar levels is a sugar-heavy diet. However, some people have metabolic conditions that interfere with the utilization of glucose, the relevant component of sugar and an important energy source for the cells in our bodies. ___3___ Sustained high blood sugar damages arteries with insufficient brain blood flow and causes possible stroke.
___4___ Sugar foods and refined starchy foods like white bread and pastries tend to increase blood sugar levels, while lean meat, beans, nuts, apples, and whole grains minimize the blood glucose response to food. Nutritionists recommend two servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables per day to avoid high blood sugar levels. ___5___ By eating sensibly and consulting with a doctor when necessary, there’s no reason you can’t keep your sugar level and your health in check.
−by Barry Hall, reviewed & edited by Dr. Mark Wahlqvist
(A) Based on the fact the longer the blood sugar remains out of control, the shorter your life, diabetics live 10 years less than non-diabetics.
(B) Everybody should keep an eye on their blood sugar levels, since having it too high or too low can lead to serious health risks.
(C) This means that the glucose stays in their bloodstream rather than reaching organs like the heart.
(D) The good news is that many blood sugar problems can be controlled by knowing what kinds and how much food to consume.
(E) Low blood sugar can cause irritability, loss of consciousness, memory loss, and brain damage.
(F) When your blood sugar level is at its lowest in the mornings, a healthy breakfast will give it an acceptable boost and keep you alert and energetic until lunch.
refer to 意指
excessive [ɪkˋsɛsɪv] adj. 过度的; 过多的
obvious [ˋɑbvɪəs] adj. 明显的
utilization [͵jut!əˋzeʃən] n. 利用;使用
component [kəmˋponənt] n. 成分; 组成部分
insufficient [͵ɪnsəˋfɪʃənt] adj. 不充分的,不足的
tend to 倾向, 易于
consult [kənˋsʌlt] v. 请教
keep an eye on 注意
lead to 导致...后果
risk [rɪsk] n. 危险,风险
consume [kənˋsjum] v. 消耗
More Information
level [ˋlɛv!] n.〔测得的〕数量﹐数值
diabetes [͵daɪəˋbitiz] n. 糖尿病
glucose [ˋglukos] n. 葡萄糖
vessel [ˋvɛs!] n. 血管,脉管
metabolic [͵mɛtəˋbɑlɪk] adj. 新陈代谢的
artery [ˋɑrtərɪ] n. 动脉
stroke [strok] n.(病)突然发作;中风
starchy [ˋstɑrtʃɪ] adj. 淀粉的
pastry [ˋpestrɪ] n. 油酥点心[糕饼]
sensibly [ˋsɛnsəblɪ] adv. 明智地
irritability [͵ɪrətəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 易怒
consciousness [ˋkɑnʃəsnɪs] n. 有知觉;清醒
Diabetes Overview
1. ( B ) |
2. ( E ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( F ) |