Don’t Shed a Tear over Dry Eye Syndrome 眼睛干涩?了解干眼症
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年7月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:306
After a long afternoon of working on the computer, you’re ready to call it a day. But when you stand up, you notice your eyes are bothering you. They feel dry and itchy, and they burn a bit. Although many dismiss this irritation ___1___ nothing, it is actually a condition called dry eye syndrome, and more people are suffering from it every year.
1. |
(A) X |
(B) is |
(C) as |
(D) be |
Dry eye syndrome occurs when our eyes do not create enough moisture. This can be caused by a deficiency of the ___2___ glands, but more often, it occurs because we take part in activities that strain our eyes. Wearing contact lenses for long periods, not blinking enough, and working in dry, dusty environments are all common ___3___ why people develop dry eye syndrome.
2. |
(A) tear-produced |
(B) produced-tear |
(C) tear-producing |
(D) producing-tear |
3. |
(A) analyses |
(B) symptoms |
(C) descriptions |
(D) reasons |
Thankfully, there are some ways to relieve this condition. When watching TV or reading, be sure to ___4___. Also, drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your eyes hydrated. ___5___ your eyes, try eating fish that contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids. But if your eyes continue to trouble you, try to avoid rubbing them. Also, be sure to consult a doctor before using over-the-counter eye drops.
4. |
(A) take short breaks |
(B) give an excuse |
(C) catch your breath |
(D) break the ice |
5. |
(A) To strengthen |
(B) Strengthening |
(C) Be strengthened |
(D) Strengthen |
Vision is one of the most precious gifts we are ___6___ with. So, it’s important to take good care of our eyes and never ignore slight ___7___. If you remember to look out for your eyes, they’ll keep looking out for you, too.
6. |
(A) appointed |
(B) intoxicated |
(C) satisfied |
(D) endowed |
7. |
(A) traps |
(B) irritations |
(C) incidents |
(D) obstacles |
−by Jamie Blackler
call it a day 今天就到此结束, 就干到这里为止, 收工 to stop doing something, especially working
itchy [ˋɪtʃɪ] adj. 发痒的
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v. 不考虑; 不理会
irritation [͵ɪrəˋteʃən] n.【医】刺激;过敏;疼痛
moisture [ˋmɔɪstʃɚ] n. 湿气; 湿度
deficiency [dɪˋfɪʃənsɪ] n. 不足,缺乏
strain [stren] v. 使过劳(以致受损伤)
blink [blɪŋk] v. 眨眼睛
thankfully [ˋθæŋkfəlɪ] adv. (用以表示高兴或宽慰)幸亏
relieve [rɪˋliv] v. 松懈,解除
consult [kənˋsʌlt] v. 找(医生)看病;请教
look out for something 当心…, 留神…, 提防…; 照料 to feel responsible for something
More Information
not shed a tear 不流下一滴眼泪 not to show any emotion even when something is very sad
syndrome [ˋsɪn͵drom] n. 并发症状; 症候群
gland [glænd] n. 腺; 腺体
hydrated [ˋhaɪdretɪd] adj. 含水的
over-the-counter〔药品〕无医生处方也可买到的; 非处方的
endow [ɪnˋdaʊ] v. 赋予[H][(+with)]
Dry Eye Syndrome - From Total Eye Care
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1. ( C ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( A ) |
5. ( A ) |
6. ( D ) |
7. ( B ) |