WikiLeaks Speaks Out 危机解密──引爆话题
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年11月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:314
You can bet your bottom dollar that everyone has visited the Wikipedia website. But they may not be aware of WikiLeaks. Nevertheless, this website – which is not related to Wikipedia – is an important source for journalists that could change the news forever. WikiLeaks receives, verifies, and publishes anonymous submissions and leaked documents. This is information that would otherwise not make it into the public domain.
WikiLeaks was established in 2006 and rapidly amassed more than a million documents. In many cases, the information passed to the organization is highly sensitive in nature. Hence, the site is particularly useful for dissidents, whistleblowers, journalists, and those who wish to share top-secret or classified data. As a result, the international community can gain access to previously unreleased or unreported documents.
Consequently, much of the content available on WikiLeaks was never meant for public scrutiny, and much of it is shocking. In April, 2010, the site published a video entitled Collateral Murder, in which U.S. forces open fire on Iraqi civilians in Baghdad. Eighteen people are killed, including two journalists. Although the video evidence seems indisputable, the U.S. military continues to deny negligence on its part.
Three months later, the Afghan War Diaries were released by WikiLeaks. Nearly 80,000 secret documents, penned by soldiers and intelligence officers, began to paint a picture of what really happens on Afghanistan’s battlefields, and this reminds us that, even at a time when information seems to be everywhere, there is much we aren’t told. But, as long as there is WikiLeaks, no secret is truly safe.
-by Alice Davis
bet one's bottom dollar 【口】绝对确信某事物; 打包票 be very sure
anonymous [əˋnɑnəməs] adj. 无名的; 不署名的
leak [lik] v. 泄漏
document [ˋdɑkjəmənt] n. 公文; 文件
establish [əˋstæblɪʃ] v. 建立;设立
sensitive [ˋsɛnsətɪv] adj. 敏感的; 要审慎处理的;机密的
classified [ˋklæsə͵faɪd] adj.〔数据或文件〕保密的; 机密的
gain access to 可以获得
content [ˈkɑnˌtɛnt] n. 内容,要旨
entitle [ɪnˋtaɪt!] v. 给……称号
evidence [ˋɛvədəns] n. 证据
indisputable [͵ɪndɪˋspjutəb!] adj. 无可争辩的; 不容置疑的
intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] n. 情报;情报工作
More Information
verify [ˋvɛrə͵faɪ] v. 核对,查实
submission [sʌbˋmɪʃən] n. 提交(物)
domain [doˋmen] n. 领域,范围
amass [əˋmæs] v. 积聚﹐积累; 大量收集
dissident [ˋdɪsədənt] n. 意见不同的人;不赞成者; 异议者
whistleblower [ˋhwɪsəl͵bloɚ] n.【口】告发人;告密者
scrutiny [ˋskrutnɪ] n. 详细的检查;仔细的观察
collateral [kəˋlætərəl] adj. 间接的; 附属的; 附带的
negligence [ˋnɛglɪdʒəns] n. 疏忽; 玩忽职守
paint a picture 勾勒出...的情况 to describe a situation in a particular way
Reading Questions
1. Why has WikiLeaks become famous?
A. It has become more popular than Wikipedia.
B. Many important journalists work there.
C. It publishes information that was once top-secret.
D. It helped the U.S. military during a war.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about WikiLeaks?
A. Many people have used the site to share data.
B. A lot of information on the website is quite shocking.
C. It released a video which made the U.S. military apologize.
D. It made some people realize they aren’t told everything.
3. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. WikiLeaks: Bringing the Truth to Light
B. Keeping Secrets Safe with WikiLeaks
C. The Early Years of WikiLeaks
D. Could WikiLeaks Be the Next Google?
WikiLeaks' Collateral Murder: U.S. Soldier Ethan McCord
Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq
1. ( C ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( A ) |