The Cat’s Meow 就是卡哇伊
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年11月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月05日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:423
For a fictional character that doesn’t even have a mouth, this little kitty sure has made a lot of noise! Hello Kitty, or Kitty White as she’s properly known, has been making her mark on popular culture and consumer products for 35 years, and her feline power remains robust. Created by Japanese merchandising company Sanrio, Hello Kitty is anything but imposing. Dolled up in cute outfits, she has a red bow perched in front of her left ear to set off her black eyes, yellow nose, and absent mouth. She is a petite “five apples” in height and weighs a dainty “three apples.”
以一个没有嘴巴的虚构人物来说,这只小猫咪呼风唤雨的力量不容小觑!Hello Kitty(正式的名字为凯蒂.怀特)这35年来在流行文化与消费产品上名气响亮,她的「猫魅力」也历久不衰。Hello Kitty是日本商品公司三丽鸥创造出来的人物,而她一点也不盛气凌人。穿着可爱的服装,打扮得漂漂亮亮,左边的耳前别有一只红色的蝴蝶结,衬托出她黑色的眼睛、黄色的鼻子及没有嘴巴的脸蛋。她迷你娇小的身躯仅仅只有五颗苹果高,三颗苹果重。
First introduced on a coin purse in 1974, her image is now licensed to domestic and international companies with sales valued at over US$1 billion a year. Many Taiwanese fans may have flown on Hello Kitty jets, enjoyed appetizing fare at a Hello Kitty-themed restaurant in Taipei, or even given birth in a maternity hospital in Yuanlin that is decorated entirely with images of Hello Kitty.
1974年,Hello Kitty在一款零钱包上初次亮相,而如今她的肖像已授权给日本国内及全球各地许多公司,销售额估计每年超过十亿美元之多。许多台湾的粉丝可能搭乘过Kitty Jet彩绘飞机,在台北的Hello Kitty主题餐厅享用过美味的餐点,或甚至是在一间位于员林,完全以Hello Kitty图样布置而成的妇产科医院里生下小宝宝。
Hello Kitty is not all flash and no substance, though. In 2004, she was an ambassador for UNICEF’s “Go Girls !” Campaign, and donated $150,000 to the program advocating girls’ literacy. This was actually the third time she had worked with the global organization, which has honored her with the special title “UNICEF Special Friend of Children.”
不过Hello Kitty可不是奢华而没内涵的花瓶角色。她在2004年时担任联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)”Go, Girls!”活动大使,并捐助15万美元给这项提倡女童读写能力的计划。这其实是她第三次和该全球性组织携手合作,也因此获得「UNICEF儿童特别之友」的殊荣。
After 35 years of success, there’s no doubt that this cute, silent character will continue to have a positive impact on companies’ profits and the lives of girls and women worldwide. No one ever said you had to roar to be heard!
−by Debbie Duncan
cat’s meow 搶手/夢寐以求 a highly sought-after and fancy example of something
fictional [ˋfɪkʃən!] adj. 虚构的; 编造的; 小说的
make one's mark 出名; 成功 to be successful or famous
robust [rəˋbʌst] adj. 坚固的; 强健的
anything but 根本不, 绝对不 not
perch [pɝtʃ] v. 坐落, 位于
license [ˋlaɪsns] v. 准许;发许可证给
value [ˋvælju] v. 估价,评价
fare [fɛr] n. 伙食; 食物;饮食
themed [θimd] adj. 反映一定主题的
give birth 生产, 生育
entirely [ɪnˋtaɪrlɪ] adv. 完全地;彻底地
ambassador [æmˋbæsədɚ] n. 大使
campaign [kæmˋpen] n. 运动,活动
donate [ˋdonet] v. 捐献,捐赠[(+to)]
roar [ror] v. 咆哮; 大声喊叫
More Information
feline [ˋfilaɪn] adj. 猫科的
imposing [ɪmˋpozɪŋ] adj. 威风的
doll [dɑl] up 把…打扮的漂漂亮亮的 Slang to adorn or dress (oneself or another, esp. a child) in a stylish or showy manner
outfit [ˋaʊt͵fɪt] n.(尤指在特殊场合穿的)全套服装
bow [bo] n. 蝴蝶结;蝴蝶领结
set off 衬托; (通常指通过对比)使显得更漂亮 to make something distinct or outstanding
petite [pəˋtit] adj.(女子等)个子小的,娇小的
dainty [ˋdentɪ] adj. 轻巧的,小巧的
purse [pɝs] n. 钱包;(女用)手提包
maternity [məˋtɝnətɪ] n. 产科医院;产科病房
flash [flæʃ] n. 浮华
advocate [ˋædvəkɪt] v. 主张; 拥护; 鼓吹
literacy [ˋlɪtərəsɪ] n. 识字;读写能力
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Hello Kitty’s image generates a lot of money.
B. Hello Kitty’s face can be seen around the world.
C. Any business can make money from Hello Kitty’s image.
D. A Hello Kitty-themed hospital can be found in Taiwan.
2. According to the passage, why is Hello Kitty “not all flash and no substance”?
A. Because she supports maternity hospitals.
B. Because she works with many global organizations.
C. Because she donated all her profits to helping girls learn to read.
D. Because she supports improving the lives of girls around the world.
3. Which point does the passage make about Hello Kitty?
A. Keeping quiet always gets things done.
B. Hello Kitty has done more than just make money.
C. Hello Kitty needs to branch out beyond Taiwan and Japan.
D. Hello Kitty only appeals to little girls, not grow-ups.
Hello Kitty Restaurant
1. ( C ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |