Frozen Delight 极冻快感
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年1月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:428
Imagine jumping into ice-cold water in the middle of winter. Crazy as this may sound, it’s actually a popular pastime in some countries. Ice swimming is a hobby where people make a hole in a frozen body of water, like a lake, and then jump in.
But what could possibly prompt anyone to willingly subject themselves to such freezing conditions? Well, for starters, the sudden drop in temperature actually boosts your body’s circulation and heart rate, producing hormones called endorphins, which stimulate feelings of pleasure. The golden rule is to never stay in for more than a few minutes. As long as you keep your breathing normal and don’t panic, you should be fine.
Ice swimming is especially popular in Finland, where about 10 percent of the population has tried it at least once. There is a long tradition here of taking a dip in the freezing water, after first enjoying a boiling sauna. Russians are also fond of ice swimming, where members of specially formed clubs across the country are known as “Walruses.” The practice there has roots in the Russian Orthodox Church, where it is seen as a way to cleanse oneself of sin and disease.
As an activity that can give you a thrill, refresh your body, and possibly purify your soul, it’s no wonder so many are “diving in!”
−by Marcus Lindy Sortijas & David Vickers
pastime [ˋpæs͵taɪm] n. 消遣;娱乐
prompt [prɑmpt] v. 激起〔某人说或做某事〕
subject [səbˋdʒɛkt] v. 使..蒙受;使..遭遇 [F][+to] to cause someone to endure something
boost [bust] v. 推动;促进
purify [ˋpjʊrə͵faɪ] v. 净化
More Information
for starters 首先; 作为开头 as a beginning
circulation [͵sɝkjəˋleʃən] n. 循环
hormone [ˋhɔrmon] n. 激素; 荷尔蒙
endorphin [ɛnˋdɔrfən] n. 脑内啡(脑分泌的具有镇痛作用的氨基酸)
stimulate [ˋstɪmjə͵let] v. 刺激; 促使
golden rule 重要的原则; 重要的行为准则(any) important rule
Finland [ˋfɪnlənd] n. 芬兰
take a dip 洗澡
sauna [ˋsaʊnə] n.(芬兰的)蒸汽浴;桑拿浴
walrus [ˋwɔlrəs]n.【动】海象
Orthodox [ˋɔrθə͵dɑks] adj.(大写)【宗】东正教(会)的
cleanse [klɛnz] v. 使纯净,净化(某人的罪恶等)
thrill [θrɪl] n. 兴奋,激动
Reading Questions
1. What does ice swimming involve?
A. Swimming from ice block to ice block in a competition.
B. Cleansing oneself of sin in a religious ceremony.
C. Swimming across lakes in the middle of winter.
D. Making a hole in frozen water and jumping in.
2. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. Endorphins are produced when the ice swimmer comes out of the water.
B. In Finland, it is common to relax in a sauna after going ice swimming.
C. When you go ice swimming, it is important to stay relaxed and breathe normally.
D. Ice swimming in Russia is part of a religious festival held every year.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. There are possible dangers in ice swimming.
B. It is important to enter the water slowly.
C. Hidden treasure can be found under frozen water.
D. Ice swimming can help you live longer.
Ice swimming in Finland
Winter Swimming in Russia, Moscow, Strogino, 2008
1. ( D) |
2. ( C) |
3. ( A) |