Making a Splash with Water Sports 逐浪戏水.沁凉一夏
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年8月05日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:385
There’s no denying it – with temperatures routinely in the high 30s, stuffy air, and ultra humidity, summers in Taiwan can be hard to bear. Many just turn on the air-conditioner and stay in all day. However, a far better way to get relief from the burning sun and uncomfortable conditions is to take to the water and try out some water sports!
For the more conventional among us, swimming is the water sport of choice. Just head down to the pool with your swimming suit, and you’re set to go. Taiwan’s many water parks also offer swimmers much needed heat relief with an element of fun thrown in.
In recent years, more daring outdoor water sports, such as surfing, have grown in popularity. Come summer, large crowds of surf-lovers descend on the sandy beaches of Taiwan and its outlying islands to catch some waves. It is tricky at first, but once you master the action of jumping up on the board just as the wave breaks, the thrill of riding a wave to the beach is second to none.
Surprisingly, staying relatively dry is also an option when it comes to water sports – if you take up kayaking. Originally used by Inuit hunters, kayaks, small canoe-like boats, come with a covered top to keep you dry. Kayaking is an ideal way to spend a leisurely day on the river, taking in the beautiful scenery. If you have a taste for adventure, you can also take your kayak down dangerous rapids for a hair-raising aquatic challenge.
there’s no denying it 这是不可否认的 used for saying that something is clearly true
humidity [hjuˋmɪdətɪ] n. 湿气,湿度
relief [rɪˋlif] n.(痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻
conventional [kənˋvɛnʃən!] adj.〔观点﹑行为〕守旧的﹐传统的
daring [ˋdɛrɪŋ] adj. 大胆的,勇敢的;敢于冒险的
descend on 突然访问; 向……涌来
tricky [ˋtrɪkɪ] adj. 困难的; 复杂的; 难处理的
thrill [θrɪl] n. 兴奋,激动
second to none 首屈一指; 最佳 better than everything else
relatively [ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ] adv. 相对地;相当
option [ˋɑpʃən] n. 可选择的东西
take up 开始学; 开始从事 to develop an interest in or devotion to
take in 参观, 观赏 to look at thoroughly
scenery [ˋsinərɪ] n. 风景,景色
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stuffy [ˋstʌfɪ] adj. 闷热的
try out 试用,试验 try something new, as in order to gain experience
set [sɛt] adj. 准备好的 ready
element [ˋɛləmənt] n. 要素,成分
throw in 额外奉送; 添上 to insert or introduce into the course of something
surfing [ˋsɝfɪŋ] n. 冲浪(运动)
outlying [ˋaʊt͵laɪɪŋ] adj. 远离中心的;边远的
kayaking [ˋkaɪækɪŋ] n. 皮划艇运动;皮艇运动
Inuit [`ɪnjʋɪt] n. 伊努伊特人〔居住在北美北部严寒地区〕
canoe [kəˋnu] n. 独木舟
rapid [ˋræpɪd] n. 急流;急湍
hair-raising [ˋhɛr͵rezɪŋ] adj. 惊险的; 恐怖的
aquatic [əˋkwætɪk] adj. 水上的;水中(进行)的
When it comes to river-based water sports, especially those that involve a more advanced element of danger, Taiwan is one of the best places to be in the world. The island’s wealth of mountains provide a vast network of rivers, many with fast-running sections perfect for sports like rafting and river trekking, two water sports that have really taken off in recent years.
Xiuguluan River in Hualien is arguably the most popular place in Taiwan for rafting. During the summer months, you can see groups of up to 12 people racing down the rapids on a large raft, holding on for dear life. For them, the challenge is working together to use their paddles to direct the boat around rocky obstacles, all the while trying to stay afloat.
Compared to rafting, river trekking happens at a slower pace, but it is no less breathtaking or challenging for participants. River trekkers follow the path of streams or small rivers to their source, traversing obstacles such as sharp rocks, deep water, and steep, rocky walls along the way – all on foot. As you might expect, equipment such as safety helmets, rubber-soled shoes that grip slippery rocks, and carabiners for climbing is a must.
With so many water sports on offer, this summer, instead of complaining about the scorching weather, dive into water sports and discover how much fun you can have in the water!
−by James Laughton-Smith
involve [ɪnˋvɑlv] v. 牵涉; 包含
advanced [ədˋvænst] adj. 先进的;高等的
wealth [wɛlθ] n. 丰富,大量[S][(+of)]
vast [væst] adj. 广阔的,广大的
network [ˋnɛt͵wɝk] n. 网状系统
take off 【口】(指观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎 to become active and exciting
all the while 一直, 始终 always
no less 不亚于, 同样…, not lower in rank or importance
breathtaking [ˋbrɛθ͵tekɪŋ] adj. 惊险的; 令人惊叹的
steep [stip] adj. 陡峭的
equipment [ɪˋkwɪpmənt] n. 配备,装备
grip [grɪp] v. 抓住;握紧
scorching [ˋskɔrtʃɪŋ] adj. 灼热的
dive into 跳入,冲进
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rafting [ˋræftɪŋ] n. 泛舟
raft [ræft] n.(救生用)橡皮艇
hold on 紧握
for dear life 拚命地
paddle [ˋpæd!] n.(短而阔的)桨v. 用桨划(船)
obstacle [ˋɑbstək!] n. 障碍(物)
traverse [trəˋvɝs] v.; [ˋtrævɝs] n. 越过;穿过
helmet [ˋhɛlmɪt] n. 头盔
sole [sol] n. 鞋底
carabiner [kærəˋbɪnɚ] n. 登山用铁锁; 登山扣
Reading Questions
1. What can be implied about kayaks from the article?
A. They are the same size as canoes.
B. They give you a taste for adventure.
C. They come with covers to keep them dry.
D. They were used for hunting by Inuits.
2. Why is Taiwan suited to rafting and river trekking?
A. It boasts a wealth of sandy beaches.
B. It has a vast number of water parks.
C. Many of its rivers have fast sections.
D. Large crowds appear in summer.
3. Which of the following is NOT a piece of equipment used by river trekkers?
A. A helmet to protect the head.
B. Paddles to direct their boat around rocks.
C. Shoes that prevent the water from slipping.
D. Devices to help the user climb rocky walls.
4. What does the article imply about water sports?
A. Many involve an element of excitement.
B. Swimming isn’t really a proper water sport.
C. They are the only way to get relief from summer conditions.
D. They always require a degree of danger.
Kayaking For Fitness
Deckers Creek and Lower Big Sandy
more videos
River Trekking in Mei Hwa Shi, Hsinchu, Taiwan
1. ( D) |
2. ( C) |
3. ( B) |
4. ( A) |