Take a Hard Stare at Paddington Bear 可爱的小麻烦:柏灵顿熊
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年7月01日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:378
Were you to bump into Paddington Bear, he would likely tilt his hat towards you and greet you politely. Were he standing before you in his Wellington boots and blue duffle coat, you probably couldn’t help but fall in love with him. He would melt your heart, just as he did with Mr. and Mrs. Brown when they found him at the famous London train station to which he owes his name.
Paddington Bear is a lovable figure from children’s literature. His creator, Michael Bond, came up with the idea for the little chap when he saw a single teddy bear in a shop window by Paddington Station on Christmas Eve, 1956. Bond was compelled to buy the bear, which he gave to his wife as a gift. Inspired by wartime footage of child evacuees at the train station, Bond began writing a story about a stowaway bear, who had a tag around his neck that read: “Please look after this bear. Thank you.” Ten days later, the first Paddington book was completed. A Bear Called Paddington was published in 1958.
After their encounter with the bear who, we are told, has come all the way from Darkest Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Brown take him back to their London home where the fun-filled adventures of well-meaning Paddington really begin. This is a bear who has a passion for marmalade sandwiches and is always getting into scrapes!
stare [stɛr] n. 凝视,注视;瞪眼
bump into【口】碰见某人; 偶遇; 巧遇 to meet someone by chance; to unexpectedly meet someone
tilt [tɪlt] v. 使倾斜
cannot help but 不得不 to be unable to do anything else except
owe ... to ... 应把…归功于
come up with (针对问题等) 想出; 提供
compel [kəmˋpɛl] v. 强迫,使不得不
footage [ˋfʊtɪdʒ] n.〔某个事件的〕影片
evacuee [ɪ͵vækjʊˋi] n. 被后撤者;被疏散者
publish [ˋpʌblɪʃ] v. 出版;发行
encounter [ɪnˋkaʊntɚ] v. 意外地遇见(朋友等)
scrape [skrep] n.【口】窘境,困境
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hard stare 狠狠地瞪 staring with an intense passion
were you to 如果你... if you were to; if you become
duffle [ˋdʌf!] n. 一种有厚毛的粗呢
chap [tʃæp] n.【口】家伙,小伙子,男人
stowaway [ˋstoə͵we] n. 逃票乘客;偷渡者
look after 照顾, 照看 to take care of
well-meaning [ˋwɛlˋminɪŋ] adj. 善意的;好心的 well-intentioned; not unfriendly or threatening
marmalade [ˋmɑrm!͵ed] n.(带碎果皮的)橘子(或柠檬)果酱
get into 进入, 达到(某种状态或情形) to become involved in
Bond has written 15 Paddington books to date. Translated into many languages, they have sold 300 million copies worldwide. Yet Paddington doesn’t stop there: he is also a TV character, movie star, and wildly popular toy.
Although he is always getting into trouble, it is never his intention to be mischievous. His gentle manner wins him the love of the Brown family, but he sometimes, humorously, loses his temper. Then he will mutter something “hotly” and gave one of his “hard stares.” In the books, Paddington gets into a tight spot in nearly every chapter. The TV series follows this simple format, so we might find Paddington making a terrible mess in the bathroom when he ought to be getting himself ready, or causing chaos at an Underground station, or covering Mr. Brown’s painting with marmalade and ketchup. There’s rarely a dull moment when Paddington is around.
Paddington’s appeal is unstoppable. In 1994, at the opening of the Channel Tunnel, he was the first to make the journey from England to France. He has appeared on Royal Mail stamps, and has been used in advertising campaigns for marmalade. There is a bronze statue of Paddington at his namesake station, as well as a little shop selling memorabilia.
Outside Britain, Paddington is growing in popularity. Anyone in Taiwan who had not heard of the sweet character has become familiar with him when 7-11 launched its Paddington Bear campaign. People of all ages were madly collecting points to earn themselves a cute Paddington toy. This little bear is irresistible – who wouldn’t want to take him home with them?
−by Alice Davis
intention [ɪnˋtɛnʃən] n. 意图﹐目的; 打算
mischievous [ˋmɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 恶作剧的;调皮的
humorously [ˋhjumərəslɪ] adv. 滑稽地;幽默地
mutter [ˋmʌtɚ] v. 低声嘀咕,咕哝; 抱怨
format [ˋfɔrmæt] n.(电视,广播节目等的)编排; 安排
make a mess 制造混乱
chaos [ˋkeɑs] n. 混乱;杂乱的一团
appeal [əˋpil] n. 吸引力
stamp [stæmp] n. 邮票
campaign [kæmˋpen] n. 活动
familiar [fəˋmɪljɚ] adj.(某人)熟悉(某事)的,通晓……的[F][(+with)]
irresistible [͵ɪrɪˋzɪstəb!] adj. 无法抗拒的; 富有诱惑力的
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to date 至今; 到目前为止 up to the present time
hotly [ˋhɑtlɪ] adv. 愤怒地
in a tight spot 处于困境 in a difficult situation
dull [dʌl] adj. 乏味的,单调的
bronze [brɑnz] adj. 青铜制的
namesake [ˋnem͵sek] n. 同名物;以他人的名字取名的人
memorabilia [ˋmɛmərəˋbɪlɪə] n.〔与某著名人物﹑事件或时代有关的〕纪念品﹐收藏品
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, how did Paddington Bear get his name?
A. He was named after Michael Bond’s book.
B. His name was chosen by the Brown children.
C. He was named after the location where Mr. and Mrs. Brown discovered him.
D. He was named after his birthplace in Peru.
2. What do we know about Michael Bond?
A. He will not write any more stories about Paddington.
B. A wild bear was the inspiration for his books.
C. He got the idea for the first Paddington book from the real events.
D. He published his first Paddington book immediately after completing it.
3. Which of the following is mentioned as one of Paddington’s “tight spots”?
A. Making a scene in a public place.
B. Getting ready for his first day at school.
C. Covering the kitchen with marmalade and ketchup.
D. Running away on the London Underground.
4. Which description does NOT apply to Paddington Bear?
A. He is always getting into scrapes, although he doesn’t mean to.
B. He is a character who appeals to people across the world.
C. He is a bear who is always calm, and never gets cross.
D. He is a cute character who appears in lots of different places.
make a scene: (当众)大吵大闹 to make a public display or disturbance
Paddington - Please Look After This Bear
Paddington Bear - Paddington Goes underground
Paddington Bear - A bear in hot water
1. ( C ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( C ) |