Puzzling Puzzles 拼图片片,想象无限
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年12月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:302
Have you ever done a wasgij or a photomosaic? Or are you feeling puzzled? Well, maybe you haven’t puzzled over a wasgij, but chances are you’ve ___1___ a jigsaw puzzle.
你做过wasgij或相片马赛克吗?还是你正觉得困惑不已?也许你还没有为了玩 wasgij 绞尽脑汁过,但是你应该曾经拼过拼图。
1. |
(A) relied on |
(B) taken apart |
(C) sealed up |
(D) pieced together |
The jigsaw dates back to the 1760s, when London-___2___ mapmaker John Spilsbury stuck one of his maps to a sheet of wood. He cut around the borders of the countries, ___3___ an educational game that would help schoolchildren learn geography. Later, manufacturers would use different materials, like plywood and cardboard, and experiment with diverse designs. Soon, jigsaws were ___4___ a learning tool; they became a popular pastime.
2. |
(A) base |
(B) based |
(C) basing |
(D) bases |
3. |
(A) creating |
(B) to create |
(C) created |
(D) and creates |
4. |
(A) nothing but |
(B) no more than |
(C) none other than |
(D) more than |
Over the years, jigsaws grew more complicated, with more pieces. So-called impossipuzzles have repetitive ___5___, like Smarties or baked beans, and are extremely difficult to solve. There’s even a picture-less jigsaw, as well as 3D puzzles of globes, cities, and skyscrapers.
5. |
(A) rituals |
(B) activities |
(C) designs |
(D) theories |
Are you still confused about the wasgij? Well, it’s a “cult jigsaw.” The picture on the box shows a different perspective than the puzzle inside. In case you hadn’t noticed, wasgij is jigsaw spelled ___6___! The photomosaic might also have you scratching your head. Close up, many varied little images are ___7___, but from a distance, the eye sees one single complete picture.
6. |
(A) backwards |
(B) upside down |
(C) downwards |
(D) up and down |
7. |
(A) destructive |
(B) visible |
(C) experimental |
(D) mobile |
Alternatively, you could try the world’s largest jigsaw, with 24,000 pieces! For those without the space for a puzzle of these dimensions, try an online jigsaw instead. There are numerous options for jigsaw fun. So don’t fall to pieces – take a deep breath and start solving the puzzle piece by piece!
-by Alice Davis
puzzle over 苦苦思索,为…大伤脑筋 try to solve
border [ˋbɔrdɚ] n. 边界,边境,国界
cardboard [ˋkɑrd͵bord] n. 硬纸板
diverse [daɪˋvɝs] adj. 多种多样的;多变化的
complicated [ˋkɑmplə͵ketɪd] adj. 复杂的;结构复杂的
so-called [ˋsoˋkɔld] adj. 所谓的; 号称的
skyscraper [ˋskaɪ͵skrepɚ] n. 摩天楼,超高层大楼
perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv] n. 看法,观点
scratch [skrætʃ] v. 抓;搔
alternatively [ɔlˋtɝnə͵tɪvlɪ] adv. 要不然;或者
dimension [dɪˋmɛnʃən] n.(长,宽,厚,高等的)尺寸
fall to pieces 跌得粉碎, 散开, 坍塌 to become emotionally upset
More Information
wasgij [ˈwɑzgɪdʒ] (n. 拼图的一种)
photomosaic [ˌfotəmɔˋzeɪk] n.像片镶嵌图; 照相拼接
plywood [ˋplaɪ͵wʊd] n. 夹板;胶合板
cult [kʌlt] adj. 受特定群体欢迎的; 在特定群体中流行的 an exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest
Wasgij on Overdrive
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( C ) |
6. ( A ) |
7. ( B ) |