Putting the Brakes on Fast Food 慢。食。慢慢享受
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年1月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:355
We microwave a TV dinner in the blink of an eye. A restaurant serves a junk meal in an instant. But one movement is intent on not only taking the “fast” out of “fast food,” but actually turning it into “slow food.”
The Slow Food movement began in 1980 in Italy after its founder came to the realization that the “eat fast, live fast” philosophy is damaging. Intensive farming has caused environmental damage, and the human consumption of the pesticides used is a huge cause for concern. In addition, Slow Food supporters believe that when we buy imported food cheaply in the supermarket, local agriculture suffers as a consequence. The food is only superficially cheaper; in the long run, we are harming our own economies. Furthermore, Slow Food advocates say that by discarding the time-honored food traditions of our ancestors, we put part of our culture at risk of dying out.
The group wants to preserve the traditional senses of farming, cooking, and dining, taking lessons from a time when people found great pleasure in preparing and savoring food as a family. The Slow Food movement wants us to keep our ancestors’ recipes alive, to buy seasonal produce at the farmers’ market, and to foster a respect for the environment through education. A locally grown piece of fruit gives you peace of mind – you know exactly where it came from, and you’ve reduced your carbon footprint because your food didn’t fly halfway around the planet.
One Slow Food motto is “planet and plate,” reminding us how closely linked the two things are and how straightforward it is to begin to affect a change. The French say “bon appetit” at meal times – but say it the Taiwanese way: “Qing man yong!”
有一句慢食运动的口号是「星球与碟子」(planet and plate),提醒我们这两样事物是多么息息相关,且这句口号也开始对社会有直接的影响。法国人在用餐前会说:bon appetit(祝你胃口大开),但我们台湾人会说:「请慢用。」
−by Alice Davis
movement [ˋmuvmənt] n. 运动,活动
intent [ɪnˋtɛnt] adj. 专心致志的;坚决要做的[F][(+on/upon)]
realization [͵rɪələˋzeʃən] n. 领悟;认识
intensive [ɪnˋtɛnsɪv] adj. 集中的; 密集的
consumption [kənˋsʌmpʃən] n.〔油﹑电等的〕消耗量
import [ɪmˋport] v. 进口〔商品〕﹐输入
agriculture [ˋægrɪ͵kʌltʃɚ] n. 农业
as a consequence 因而,结果
discard [ˋdɪskɑrd] v. 抛弃
die out 死光, 灭绝 become extinct
recipe [ˋrɛsəpɪ] n. 烹饪法;食谱
produce [ˋprɑdjus] n. 产品; 〔尤指〕农产品
foster [ˋfɔstɚ] v. 培养,促进
motto [ˋmɑto] n. 座右铭
straightforward [͵stretˋfɔrwɚd] adj. 明确的; 易懂的
More Information
in the blink of an eye 一眨眼的功夫 a very short time
pesticide [ˋpɛstɪ͵saɪd] n. 杀虫剂﹐农药
superficially [ˋsupɚˋfɪʃəlɪ] adv. 浅薄地; 虚假地;表面上
advocate [ˋædvəkɪt] n. 提倡者;拥护者
time-honored [ˋtaɪm͵ɑnɚd] adj. 因古老而受到尊重的;确立已久的; 历史悠久的
sense [sɛns] n. 意义; 智慧
peace of mind 心安
bon appetit 【法】(望你)有好的食欲 good appetite; enjoy your meal
qing man yong 请慢用
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a disadvantage of choosing fast food?
A. Traditional recipes are used less often.
B. Farmers in our own areas are badly affected.
C. The production of fast food is harmful to the planet.
D. Consuming too much fast food makes us overweight and unfit.
2. Which of the following measures does the Slow Food movement suggest?
A. Eating fast food to save money.
B. Buying foods locally, according to the time of the year.
C. Experimenting with foods that are unavailable nearby.
D. Making sure fruit is imported by airplane to keep it fresh.
3. From the passage, how would you best describe the Slow Food movement?
A. As a campaign promoting old Italian recipes.
B. As a collection of courses in cooking and healthy eating.
C. As a group encouraging people to change the way they eat.
D. As a company in competition with McDonald’s and other chains.
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1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |