A Man’s Home is His Castle: V.S. Naipaul’s Mr. Biswas 探索自我与家园:《毕斯华斯先生的房子》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:350
We are all influenced by our families and by the places where we grew up. These things shape the people we become and play an important part in forming our identities. This is especially true for acclaimed author Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul.
Naipaul was born in Trinidad in 1932, to an Indian family of the Brahman caste. The highest-ranking group of the Hindu class system. His father was a newspaper correspondent who wrote short stories in his free time. Naipaul said that his father “made the vocation of the writer seem the noblest in the world,” and so he “decided to be that noble thing.” After finishing school, Naipaul won a scholarship to Oxford University and moved to England. When he graduated, he embarked on a career as a freelance writer.
By the middle of the fifties, Naipaul was coming into his own as a writer. He was living in Britain but deeply analyzing his Trinidadian upbringing and his Indian roots. He saw himself as Indian when he was in the West Indies, and as West Indian while living in Britain. He traveled to many countries, darkly observing the effects of colonialism in his writings. Though many postcolonial writers and critics attacked his conservatism, his excellence in letters was recognized by prestigious institute. Naipaul received numerous awards throughout his life, including the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001.
identity [aɪˋdɛntətɪ] n. 身分;本身
acclaimed [əˋklemd] adj. 受到赞扬的
ranking [ˋræŋkɪŋ] n. 地位; 等级
freelance [ˋfriˋlæns] adj. 自由作家(或演员等)的;独立的
come into one's own 获得应有的荣誉(或承认、名声等) to become fulfilled
upbringing [ˋʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n. 养育;教养
roots [ruts] n. 祖籍; 血统
conservatism [kənˋsɝvə͵tɪzəm] n. 守旧﹐保守主义
excellence [ˋɛks!əns] n. 优秀;杰出
numerous [ˋnjumərəs] adj. 许多的,很多的
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Trinidad [ˈtrɪnɪˌdæd] 千里达
Brahman [ˋbrɑmən] n. 婆罗门
caste [kæst] n. 印度社会的)种姓;种姓制度
Hindu [ˋhɪndu] adj. 印度的;印度教的
correspondent [͵kɔrɪˋspɑndənt] n. 通讯记者;特派员
darkly [ˋdɑrklɪ] adv. 阴郁地;生气地 in a dark glowering menacing manner
observe [əbˋzɝv] v. 观察;研究
colonialism [kəˋlonɪəl͵ɪzəm] n. 殖民主义;殖民政策
letters [ˋlɛtɚz] n. <正>文学(作品)
Of Naipaul’s many novels, A House for Mr. Biswas, published in 1961, is viewed by many as his finest. It tells the tragicomic story of Mr. Biswas, a Brahman Indian in Trinidad, and his quest to be an independent man and own a place of his own. Many aspects of Mr. Biswas’s character were inspired by Naipaul’s father, who had died in 1953.
Mohun Biswas had an inauspicious start in life. He was born “in the wrong way” and with eleven fingers. Things only get worse when a Hindi wise man predicts Mohun’s future: he will be a spendthrift, and maybe a liar, and he will “eat up” his parents. Furthermore, Mohun must steer clear of trees and water.
Unfortunately for Mohun, the wise man was not wrong. One day, Mohun is tending a neighbor’s calf, which wanders off to the stream. The boy follows and, having never seen water before, is entranced by the stream. When he realizes he was lost the calf, he gets scared, and returns to the house and hides. But when people report having seen him at the stream, they jump to the wrong conclusion: he fell in. Mohun’s father dives in to save him, but he tragically drowns. His family is separated, and Mohun loses his home.
He faces further adversity in his youth, and approaching adulthood, he vows to take charge of his own fortunes. He finds a job as a signwriter, but before long, he finds himself in another bad situation. Mr. Biswas’s attempts to woo a beautiful woman are seen as a marriage proposal! He is forced to wed the girl and move in with her large, oppressive family. More than ever, Mr. Biswas desires independence, and swears he will one day own a house of his own.
aspect [ˋæspɛkt] n. 方面,观点
predict [prɪˋdɪkt] v. 预言;预料
spendthrift [ˋspɛnd͵θrɪft] n. 挥霍无度的人
steer clear of 避开 to stay away from; avoid
tend [tɛnd] v. 照管,照料
wander off 迷失; 走散 to roam away
jump to a conclusion (未经全面考虑) 匆匆作出结论
dive [daɪv] v. 跳水
drown [draʊn] v. 溺死
adversity [ədˋvɝsətɪ] n. 逆境;厄运
oppressive [əˋprɛsɪv] adj. 压迫的,压制的
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tragicomic [͵trædʒɪˋkɑmɪk] adj. 悲喜剧性的; 悲喜交加的
inauspicious [͵ɪnɔˋspɪʃəs] adj. 不吉的;恶运的
Hindi [ˋhɪnˋdi] adj. 北印度的
calf [kæf] n. 小牛
entrance [ˋɛntrəns] v. 令(人)出神,使陶醉
take charge of 掌管 to assume control or command
signwriter 写招牌的人
woo [wu] v. 求爱,求婚
Mr. Biswas’s wife’s family represents large, traditional households throughout Africa and Asia. But Mr. Biswas’s determination to escape this and build his own house and his own life shows he is a fiercely modern man, desperate to flee the ties of expectation and tradition.
Mr. Biswas is hired as a journalist and eventually achieves his dream and buys his own house. It is not perfect, but it is enough for him, and his wife and their children become accustomed to it.
As in many of his writings, Naipaul gives voice to the silent victims of colonialism and speaks up for the outsider. He says A House for Mr. Biswas is “the most personal” of his books. The author explains that story comes from his experience of childhood and his father’s influence on his literary ambitions. Writing the novel was a labor love for Naipaul and took three years to complete. By the end, though he knew the novel by heart, he could no longer bear to read it. When he later heard an installment of the story read over the radio, he was “swamped by … emotions” and cried.
For Naipaul, Mr. Biswas’s struggle to buy a house is akin to the struggle his father and he himself faced to become an artist. As one critic points out, Naipaul calls on individuals to reject “victimhood” and “choose to be free.” A House for Mr. Biswas is a perfect example of how this can be done.
-by Alice Davis
fiercely [ˋfɪrslɪ] adv. 极度地
expectation [͵ɛkspɛkˋteʃən] n. 期待;预期
eventually [ɪˋvɛntʃʊəlɪ] adv. 最后,终于
accustomed [əˋkʌstəmd] adj. 习惯的,适应了的
speak up 不顾忌地道出; 公开发表意见 to speak without fear or hesitation
outsider [ˋaʊtˋsaɪdɚ] n. 外人;门外汉;局外人
literary [ˋlɪtə͵rɛrɪ] adj. 文学的
by heart 背下来地; 确实记得 memorized word for word
bear [bɛr] v. 忍受;经得起
swamp [swɑmp] v. 被淹没; 陷入困境
akin [əˋkɪn] adj. 同类的;近似的
call on 号召; 请求 to order or request to undertake a particular activity
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determination [dɪ͵tɝməˋneʃən] n. 坚定;果断
labor of love 爱做的事, 出自喜爱而做的事 work done for interest in the work itself rather than for payment
installment [ɪnˋstɔlmənt] n.(分期连载的)部分
victimhood [ˋvɪktɪm͵hʊd] n. 受害者的感觉 the situation of someone who is a victim, or who thinks that they have been unfairly treated
Sir VS Naipaul at THiNK 2011