Great American Heroes: Tom, Huck and Mark Twain 汤姆与哈克:马克.吐温的小英雄
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- 创建于 2010年11月24日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:338
Coming-of-age novels strike a chord with many a reader. The universal themes of adolescence and the journey from childhood to maturity relate to us all. Mark Twain’s classics, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer and Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, are two of the best-loved such tales in American literature. They also mark the first time an author successfully experimented with different American dialects and tackled some of the nation’s unique cultural and social issues.
Mark Twain was actually just a pen name; the writer’s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, and he was born in 1835 in Florida, Missouri. Missouri, at this time, was a slave state. Soon after his birth, his family moved to the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, the inspiration for the town of St. Petersburg in Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Clemens lost his father, a lawyer, to pneumonia in 1847, and the young boy began to work to support himself, his mother, and his siblings.
In 1853, Clemens left Hannibal. He visited New York, St. Louis, and Philadelphia, amongst other places. Later, he trained to be a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi, gaining his qualification in 1859. He continued with this highly-paid occupation until the Civil War of 1861 put a stop to river traffic along the Mississippi. It was during his days on the river that he picked up his pen name. The boating term, mark twain, means that the water is 12 feet deep and safe to navigate.
1853年时,克列门斯离开了汉尼拔。他造访了纽约、圣路易、费城以及其他许多地方。之后,他为成为密西西比河的内河渡轮领航员而受训,并在1859年获得正式资格。他持续做这个高薪的工作,直到1861年美国内战中止了密西西比河的交通为止。他就是在河上的这段时间采用了马克吐温(mark twain)这个笔名。mark twain是与船行相关的专有名词,意思是水位12英吋深且能够安全航行。
In 1862, Twain began to work as a reporter. He had his first taste of literary success in 1865 with The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. He married in 1870 and moved to Connecticut, where he would pen his most famous works.
coming-of-age 成年的;由孩童转变为成人的
adolescence [æd!ˋɛsns] n. 青春期
maturity [məˋtjʊrətɪ] n.〔人﹑动物或植物的〕成熟期
classic [ˋklæsɪk] n. 古典著作;经典著作
dialect [ˋdaɪəlɛkt] n. 方言﹐地方话
tackle [ˋtæk!] v. 着手对付(或处理)
inspiration [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən] n. 灵感
sibling [ˋsɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹
pilot [ˋpaɪlət] n.(船舶的)领航员;舵手
qualification [͵kwɑləfəˋkeʃən] n. 资格,能力
occupation [͵ɑkjəˋpeʃən] n. 工作,职业
put a stop to 停止; 制止
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strike a chord 引起(某人)内心共鸣; 打动(某人) if something strikes a chord with someone, they are interested in it and like it because it is connected with their own lives or opinions
many a 许多(后接单数名词) each of a large indefinite number
pneumonia [njuˋmonjə] n. 肺炎
riverboat [ˋrɪvɚ͵bot] n. 江轮;内河船只
pen [pɛn] v. 写;写作
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn not only have the same setting and many themes in common, but also share the same characters. In fact, Tom and Huck are best friends, and there are members of the St. Petersburg community who appear in both novels. Both deal with boyhood adventure and the ways in which children learn about the adult world. They must reconcile what they have been taught about the world with the way the world really is.
Tom Sawyer, 1876, is narrated by Tom as an adult recalling his childhood experiences – like falling in love – with nostalgia and fondness. The reader learns about the fateful night when Tom and Huck secretly witness the murder of Dr. Robinson. When the killer tries to frame Muff Potter for the crime, Tom faces a crisis of conscience: tell the court what really happened and risk the vengeance of a murderer, or see an innocent man convicted.
Huckleberry Finnis still a boy who tells of his own adventures, and he captures the audience with his easy talk and humor. Like Tom, he must wrestle with his conscience to figure out right from wrong. Huck runs away from his violent father and comes across Jim, a slave from the town. Jim’s trying to escape to a free state, and Huck, who is enjoying the freedom of living outside society’s rules, struggles with the concept of slavery. He does not know if he should help Jim, and his dilemma is central to the novel.
setting [ˋsɛtɪŋ] n. 环境;背景
in common 有共同之处
reconcile [ˋrɛkənsaɪl] v. 调和;使一致[(+with)]
narrate [næˋret] v. 讲(故事);叙述; 给(电影等)作旁白
recall [rɪˋkɔl] v. 回想,回忆
fondness [ˋfɑndnɪs] n. 喜爱;钟爱
fateful [ˋfetfəl] adj. 重大的;决定命运的
witness [ˋwɪtnɪs] v. 目击
risk [rɪsk] v. 冒……的风险
innocent [ˋɪnəsnt] adj. 无罪的,清白的
wrestle [ˋrɛs!] v. 与……搏斗
come across 偶然碰见
dilemma [dəˋlɛmə] n. 困境,进退两难
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nostalgia [nɑsˋtældʒɪə] n. 怀旧之情
frame [frem] v.【俚】陷害;捏造
vengeance [ˋvɛndʒəns] n. 报复;报仇
free state 自由州(美国早期禁止蓄奴的州)
Twain was not limited by genre. In 1889, he published A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, a sci-fi tale of time travel and the benefits and curses of technology. The story focuses on Hank Morgan, a 19th-century mechanic who goes back in time to 6th-century Camelot. Here, he passionately promotes the technology of the future, but Arthur’s court shows no interest. Questions about the structure of society, civilization, and progress are also raised.
Mark Twain was a liberal man, and throughout his life, he spoke out against racism and imperialism. This is often overlooked, though. Huckleberry Finn, though always a strong contender for the title of the Greatest American Novel, is also a novel which stirs up a lot of controversies. Modern readers take offense to some of the language Twain employs, believing it proof that the writer himself was racist. But most critics say these derogatory terms should not be taken out of context: Twain was simply presenting the language and attitudes as they existed at the time.
So, for an adventure laced with humor and full of heart, why not delve into the pages of Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn? Ernest Hemingway could not have been more forthcoming in his praise of Twain: “All modern literature comes from Huckleberry Finn ….. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since.”
-by Alice Davis
curse [kɝs] n. 咒语;诅咒
mechanic [məˋkænɪk] n. 机械工,修理工,技工
promote [prəˋmot] v. 宣传,推销
progress [ˋprɑgrɛs] n. 进步; 进展
liberal [ˋlɪbərəl] adj.(思想)开放的﹐支持[主张]变革的
overlook [͵ovɚˋlʊk] v. 忽视;忽略
contender [kənˋtɛndɚ] n. 争夺者;竞争者
stir up 激起;煽动 provoke
take offense (因……)发怒;生气 to become angry or hostile
be taken out of context 断章取义 to ignore the overall meaning of an utterance in order to assign undue importance or meaning to a part of it
forthcoming [͵forθˋkʌmɪŋ] adj. 乐于提供信息的; 【口】乐意帮助的
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genre [ˋʒɑnrə] n. 【法】文艺作品之类型
court [kort] n. 宫廷;王宫
passionately [ˋpæʃənɪtlɪ] adv. 热情地;激昂地
speak out 不顾忌地道出; 大声说 to speak without fear or hesitation
imperialism [ɪmˋpɪrɪəlɪzəm] n. 帝国主义; 扩张主义
employ [ɪmˋplɔɪ] v. 使用,利用
derogatory [dɪˋrɑgə͵torɪ] adj. 贬低的; 有伤品格的
lace with 与…交织在一起, 纵横分布着 to add or intersperse with something in order to produce a certain effect
delve [dɛlv] v. 探究,钻研;搜索[(+into)] to examine or study something carefully; to enter into the examination or study of something