One Writer’s Long ‘Road’ 「爱」与「希望」相伴的漫漫《长路》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年11月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年7月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:751
One of the best and best-known American novels published in recent years is The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. On the surface, it is a simple description of a journey. A father and his 10-year-old son travel across America, in search of a warmer climate. But their world has been utterly destroyed by some unspecified disaster, transformed into a dead, gray wasteland where nothing lives, not even plants.
It’s a hard journey indeed. All they have is a shopping cart with a few worn blankets and cans of food found among the smashed ruins of civilization. The father has a gun with two bullets, which he is saving for suicide. Instead he uses it to save his son’s life from an attacker. In this harsh land, everyone they meet is a threat, desperate and dangerous.
As dark as the story is, however, its message is one of faith, hope, and love. These ideals are all that sustain the father and son as they struggle against death daily on their long, sad road to the sea.
This grim tale was also made into a movie, released in 2009. It was generally praised by critics, who said it was true to the book, but many felt it was too bleak and depressing.
description [dɪˋskrɪpʃən] n. 描写;叙述;形容
destroy [dɪˋstrɔɪ] v. 毁坏,破坏
indeed [ɪnˋdid] adv. 的确
smashed [smæʃt] adj. 破碎的
desperate [ˋdɛspərɪt] adj. 危急的;绝望的
ideal [aɪˋdiəl] n. 理想
struggle against 与....对抗
depressing [dɪ`prɛsɪŋ] adj. 令人忧愁的﹐令人沮丧的
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utterly [ˋʌtɚlɪ] adv. 完全地;彻底地
unspecified [ʌnˋspɛsə͵faɪd] adj. 非特定的
wasteland [ˋwest͵lænd] n. 荒地;荒原
bullet [ˋbʊlɪt] n. 子弹
sustain [səˋsten] v. 支撑;承担
grim [grɪm] adj. 冷酷的, 残忍的, 可怕的
praise [prez] v. 赞美;表扬
bleak [blik] adj. 凄凉的
The language of The Road is simple and strong. The sentences are very plain. And screens are seldom more than a paragraph or page long, so the story moves fast. However, it is also deeply philosophical.
One major theme is the battle between good and evil. The “bad guys”, as the son refers to them, keep their fellow human beings as slaves, and even consume them for sustenance. Repeatedly the father reassures his son that they would never do the same, no matter how desperate their circumstances get. They must follow their principles, because they are the “good guys”. This role is highlighted through the use of religious imagery.
Also central to the story is the bond between father and son. No matter how bad things become, the father must carry on, for his son’s sake. After the father is injured, however, they seem almost to switch roles. At times it becomes unclear who is comforting or supporting whom on their desperate quest.
The setting of the story is also an important element. The land is buried in ash, the water is black and poisonous, and the weather is wild. After the end of the world, rain, snow, and bitter cold are as real a danger as any cannibals. The message seems to be that everything, from the natural world to society itself, can be swept away in an instant by man’s recklessness.
philosophical [ˏfɪlə`sɑfɪkəl] adj. 哲学的
circumstance [ˋsɝkəm͵stæns] n. 情况,环境
highlight [ˋhaɪ͵laɪt] v. 使显着,使突出;强调
bond [bɑnd] n. 培养一种特殊的关系
sake [sek] n. 缘故, 理由
switch [swɪtʃ] v.【口】调换;交换
quest [kwɛst] n. 追求;探索
poisonous [ˋpɔɪznəs] adj. 有毒的
sweep away 消灭; 摧毁 eliminate completely and without a trace
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sustenance [ˋsʌstənəns] n. 支持,维持; 生计
reassure [͵riəˋʃʊr] v. 使放心,使消除疑虑;向……再保证
imagery [ˋɪmɪdʒərɪ] n. 画像; 意象
carry on 继续下去 to continue without halting; persevere
at times 有时;偶尔 on occasion; sometimes
wild [waɪld] adj. 猛烈的,狂风暴雨的 furiously disturbed or turbulent; stormy
bitter [ˋbɪtɚ] adv. 严寒刺骨地 in an intense or harsh way
cannibal [ˋkænəb!] n. 食人生番,食人者
in an instant 立刻, 马上, 说时迟,那时快
recklessness [ˋrɛklɪsnɪs] n. 鲁莽,轻率
Although Cormac McCarthy has become famous for The Road and several other books, few details of his personal life are known. He took up writing while in college; later he dropped out and worked as an auto mechanic while writing his first novel, The Orchard Keeper, which was published in 1965.
He completed his fourth novel, Suttree, in 1979, after working on it for some 20 years. It tells the story of a man who has given up his previous life of privilege in order to become a simple fisherman on the river. Because of its cast of colorful characters, as well as McCarthy’s unusual writing style, it was hailed by critics as a masterpiece.
McCarthy’s next success came in 1985, with the novel Blood Meridian, which follows a traveling band of killers on their adventures around the Old West. It wasn’t highly regarded at first, but today it is widely considered his best novel and a turning point in his career.
Since then McCarthy has written several other westerns. One, released in 2005, is No Country for Old Men. It tells the story of a sheriff, a hired killer, and an ordinary man as they hunt each other through the Texas desert. In 2007 it was adapted into a movie, which won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Because of his literary accomplishments, McCarthy is often called one of the finest American writers working today, often mentioned in the same breath as greats like Hemingway and Faulkner.
-by Dmitri Deywyler
take up 喜欢上 to develop an interest in or devotion to
drop out 退出(学校等) to withdraw from participation, as in a game, club, or school
previous [ˋpriviəs] adj. 先前的
cast [kæst] n. 班底,演员阵容 the actors in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation
masterpiece [ˋmæstɚ͵pis] n. 杰作,名作
adapt [əˋdæpt] v. 改编
accomplishment [əˋkɑmplɪʃmənt] n. 成就
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auto mechanic 汽车修理工,技工
orchard [ˋɔrtʃɚd] n. 果树园,果树林
work on 致力于; 从事 to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something
privilege [ˋprɪv!ɪdʒ] n. 特权
hail [hel] v. 喝采
meridian [məˋrɪdɪən] n. 子午线,经线
band [bænd] n.(一)伙,(一)帮,(一)群 a group of people
highly regarded 高度的关注; 被看重 famous, outstanding
turning point 轉折點,轉捩點 the point at which a very significant change occurs; a decisive moment
western [ˋwɛstɚn] n. 〔描写19世纪美国西部生活的〕西部电影或小说 a novel, film, television program, or other dramatic work including themes, characters, or settings characteristic of the American West, especially of the late 1800s
sheriff [ˋʃɛrɪf] n.【美】县的行政司法长官;警长
mention in the same breath 相提并论 if you talk about two people or things in the same breath, you think they are very similar
The Road - Trailer
The Road - Clip 3 - Bad Guys
The Road - Clip 4 - We Did Good
No Country for Old Men - AWESOME Trailer!!!!