Woodstock: A Celebration of Peace and Music 爱与和平的礼赞:伍兹塔克音乐节
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:363
These days, thousands of outdoor music festivals are held around the world every year. However, none of them come ___1___ to the legendary status of 1969’s Woodstock Festival.
1. |
(A) over |
(B) prior |
(C) close |
(D) across |
Officially billed as the Woodstock Music & Art Fair, the event took place from August 15th to 18th on land near the rural town of Bethel, New York. It ___2___ largely thanks to the efforts of four young men who planned a music festival, which around 200,000 people were expected to attend. Public interest proved to be far greater than anyone had anticipated, though, ___3___ around half a million festival-goers eventually turning up.
2. |
(A) broke up |
(B) came about |
(C) went around |
(D) showed off |
3. |
(A) with |
(B) for |
(C) at |
(D) by |
As ___4___ on its original poster, the Woodstock Festival aimed to celebrate “three days of peace and music.” Among the performers ___5___ some of the most popular rock musicians and bands of the day, like Jimi Hendrix, Neil Young, and The Who. Woodstock’s significance went far beyond music, however. Set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, it came to embody the anti-war and liberal spirit of the 1960s. As one of the organizers put it at the time, it was a ___6___ for people and love.
正如其原版海报所倡导,伍兹塔克音乐节的宗旨为颂扬「充满和平与音乐的三日」。参与音乐节的表演者中,包括当时最负盛名的流行摇滚乐手与乐团,像是吉米.亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix)、尼尔.扬(Neil Young)、何许人合唱团(The Who)等。不过,伍兹塔克带来的意义却远超过一场音乐盛会的层次。由于当时的时代背景为越战时期,这场音乐季就变成体现1960年代反战与自由精神的代表。诚如当时一名活动筹划人所言,那是爱与和平的胜利。
4. |
(A) advertised |
(B) it advertised |
(C) advertising |
(D) to advertise |
5. |
(A) had |
(B) did |
(C) being |
(D) were |
6. |
(A) theory |
(B) victory |
(C) strike |
(D) slogan |
This year sees Woodstock’s 40th anniversary, and the acclaimed Taiwanese director Ang Lee has released Taking Woodstock, a comedy-drama telling the story behind the festival. So why not ___7___ the spirit of Woodstock by going to see the movie or, even better, by attending an outdoor music festival when you next get the chance!
今年是伍兹塔克的40周年纪念,备受赞誉的台湾导演李安也推出新片《胡士托风波》(Taking Woodstock),这是一部重现伍兹塔克音乐节背后故事的喜剧片。若想重温伍兹塔克的精神,不妨去看看这部电影;或者等你有机会时,去参加一场户外音乐节会来的更棒!
7. |
(A) revoke |
(B) rely |
(C) reward |
(D) relive |
−by David Vickers
legendary [ˋlɛdʒənd͵ɛrɪ] adj. 传说的;传奇的
status [ˋstætəs] / [ˋstetəs] n. 社会地位; 状态
rural [ˋrʊrəl] adj. 乡村的; 田园的
anticipate [ænˋtɪsə͵pet] v. 预期,期望
turn up 出现, 到来 to happen unexpectedly
aim [em] v. 致力,意欲,旨在[(+at/for)][+to-v]
performer [pɚˋfɔrmɚ] n. 表演者
significance [sɪgˋnɪfəkəns] n. 重要性,重要
embody [ɪmˋbɑdɪ] v. 体现
liberal [ˋlɪbərəl] adj. 自由的; 自由主义的
spirit [ˋspɪrɪt] n. 精神
More Information
officially [əˋfɪʃəlɪ] adv. 官方地; 正式地
bill [bɪl] v. 贴海报宣布[H][O2][(+as)] to declare or describe officially; proclaim
poster [ˋpostɚ] n. 海报
backdrop [ˋbæk͵drɑp] n. 背景
as someone put it 如...所言 as someone said
acclaimed [əˋklemd] adj. 广受欢迎的; 备受推崇的
come about 发生; 产生 to take place; happen.
revoke [rɪˋvok] v.【罕】回想,重新唤起
relive [riˋlɪv] v.(在想象中)再体验;再经历
Jimi Hendrix "American Woman"
Neil Young - Heart Of Gold
The Who - Who Are You
Taking Woodstock - Official Trailer [HD]
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( A ) |
5. ( D ) |
6. ( B )
7. ( D ) |