Spawning Beauty in the Deep Blue Sea 海中花仙:珊瑚
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年4月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:370
Both bizarre and beautiful, corals are among the Earth’s most interesting life forms. Perhaps most surprisingly, despite their plant-like appearance, corals are actually animals. They have mouths and stomachs, and some are even capable of eating small fish.
While each distinct coral structure – called a coral head – looks like a single organism, they are actually comprised of many identical creatures called polyps. Each polyp measures a few millimeters across and has its own means of catching and eating food.
There are two main forms of corals: stony and soft. When thinking of corals, most people would likely think of the stony varieties, which are reef-builders. They are able to convert food into hard calcium, which is used to form a skeleton. Over time, layers of these skeletons build up, and reefs are formed.
Coral heads grow asexually through a process of budding whereby new organisms grow out of existing polyp. As these mature, they grow away from the adult polyp, and the coral head expands.
Corals also breed sexually through a mass spawning process, in which millions of polyps simultaneously release bundles of sperm and eggs into the water. That coral species are able to coordinate the release of eggs and sperm is one of nature’s marvels. Scientists are unsure exactly what prompts these rituals, but it is believed that temperatures, sunset times, and phases of the moon are all important factors.
comprise [kəmˋpraɪz] v. 由……组成
identical [aɪˋdɛntɪk!] adj. 完全相同的,完全相似的
convert [kənˋvɝt] v. 转变,变换[(+to/into)]
mature [məˋtjʊr] v. 成熟;长成
simultaneously [saɪməlˋtenɪəslɪ] adv. 同时地
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bizarre [bɪˋzɑr] adj. 奇异的;异乎寻常的
coral head 珊瑚岬
organism [ˋɔrgən͵ɪzəm] n. 生物,有机体
polyp [ˋpɑlɪp] n.【动】珊瑚虫;水螅虫
measure [ˋmɛʒɚ] v. 有……长(或阔,高等)
millimeter [ˋmɪlə͵mitɚ] n. 公厘,毫米
across [əˋkrɔs] adv. 宽
reef-builder 造礁珊瑚 any stony coral which contributes material to the formation of coral reefs
calcium [ˋkælsɪəm] n. 钙
skeleton [ˋskɛlətn] n. 骨骼;骸骨
build up 积累, 增加, 逐渐增强, 逐渐形成 to accumulate or collect
asexually [eˋsɛkʃʊəlɪ] adv. 无性生殖地
budding [ˋbʌdɪŋ] n. 出芽生殖
breed [brid] v. 繁殖
spawn [spɔn] v. 产(卵);生育
bundle [ˋbʌnd!] n. 束
coordinate [koˋɔrdnɪt] v. 协调,调节
The coral reefs off the coast of Kenting usually begin their spawning season halfway through the third month of the lunar calendar. Polyps emit colorful strands of sperm and eggs that dance and sway in the water’s currents. It’s almost like the sea itself is blooming like a flower. The unusual beauty of the event has even made it a growing tourist attraction for the area.
Over the centuries, Taiwan has become one of the world’s most important sites for coral. The island’s subtropical climate and underwater landforms are perfect for coral growth. What’s more, while other reefs around the world have suffered in recent years, Taiwan’s reefs have remained quite healthy.
Across the globe, reefs are suffering from a destructive process known as coral bleaching. Under environmental stress, reef-building corals sometimes expel organisms which give corals their color and provide them with most of their energy. Without them, corals lose their color and die.
It is suspected that rising water temperatures and pollution are the main causes of coral bleaching. In recent years, Taiwanese reefs have also suffered from bleaching, and the affected area is expanding rapidly. With scientists predicting further rises in sea temperatures, Taiwan cannot afford to relax. We must act to protect our coral so that future generations can enjoy its beauty, too.
−by Andrew Crosthwaite
sway [swe] v. 摇动,摇摆
bloom [blum] v. 开花;生长茂盛
destructive [dɪˋstrʌktɪv] adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的
suspect [səˋspɛkt] v. 猜想﹐怀疑
predict [prɪˋdɪkt] v. 预测
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halfway [ˋhæfˋwe] adv. 大致上
strand [strænd] v.(绳、线等的)股;缕
subtropical [sʌbˋtrɑpɪk!] adj. 亚热带的
landform [ˋlænd͵fɔrm] n. 地形
bleach [blitʃ] v. 变白;脱色,变淡
expel [ɪkˋspɛl] v. 排出;喷出
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following statements about coral reproduction is NOT true?
A. Corals reproduce in more than one way.
B. Scientists don’t understand everything about coral reproduction.
C. Corals are able to release sperm and eggs at the same time.
D. Corals reproduce asexually in a process of mass spawning.
2. According to the article, why has Taiwan become an important site for coral?
A. Taiwan’s climate provides ideal conditions for coral growth.
B. Corals have become a major tourist attraction in Taiwan.
C. The rising water temperatures off the coast are perfect for corals.
D. Taiwan has escaped the effects of coral bleaching.
3. What does the article tell us about coral bleaching?
A. It can only be caused by global warming.
B. It occurs when corals absorb chemicals that cause them to change color.
C. Corals around the world are dying due to bleaching.
D. Areas affected by bleaching in Taiwan have decreased in recent years.
4. What can be inferred from the article?
A. Polyps of a coral structure consist of many identical coral heads.
B. Sea water temperature is the only factor that prompts coral spawning.
C. The threat to coral is expected to grow in the future.
D. Reefs in Taiwan have suffered worse bleaching than the rest of the world.
Coral Dinnertime
The Coral Spawn
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( C ) |