The Ig Nobel Prizes: Celebrating the Silly Side of Science 搞笑诺贝尔奖:另类科学礼赞
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年10月04日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年1月15日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:301
An unbelievably funny scene is playing out on stage. The floor is littered with paper airplanes, and a man with a broom rushes around the stage to collect them all. In front of him, three ridiculously-dressed figures are performing a comedy routine. And did I mention that all four of the men on stage are Nobel Prize winners?
Since their founding in 1991, the Ig Nobel Prizes have sought to show the world the lighter side of science. They were founded to celebrate scientific achievements “that cannot, or should not be reproduced.” Although meant as a parody, the awards are all presented by real Nobel Prize winners in a lavish ceremony held every year at Harvard University. Winners travel to Boston from all over the world to receive their awards and participate in the fun.
Besides comedy sketches from distinguished scientists, the festivities feature an “Off Keynote Address.” All of the recipients are expected to give speeches, but they must stick to a strict time limit of one minute. If they go over, “Miss Sweety-Poo,” a nine-year-old girl in a party dress, will appear onstage. Her job is to silence them with high-pitched cries of “Please stop! I’m bored!”
Another tradition is for members of the audience to pelt the stage with paper airplanes. A physics professor named Roy Glauber usually acts as the “Keeper of the Broom,” sweeping the stage clear of the paper airplanes. In 2005, however, Glauber had to miss the ceremony. He was in Sweden accepting an actual Nobel Prize!
litter [ˋlɪtɚ] v. 乱丢(杂物)
parody [ˋpærədɪ] n. 拙劣的模仿;蠢事
ceremony [ˋsɛrə͵monɪ] n. 典礼
distinguished [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃt] adj. 卓越的;著名的
stick [stɪk] to 坚持
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play out 演出或现出某事物(尤指在现实生活中) to unwind, unfold, or unreel something
broom [brum] n. 扫帚
rush around 东奔西跑 to try to do a lot of things or to go to a lot of places in a short period of time
routine [ruˋtin] n.(经常表演的)固定剧目
lighter side 较轻松的一面 lighter side means to be less mean and brighter thinking
lavish [ˋlævɪʃ] adj. 过分铺张的; 过分丰盛的
sketch [skɛtʃ] n. 喜剧性短剧;(音乐等的)小品
festivity [fɛsˋtɪvətɪ] n. 庆典,庆祝活动
keynote [ˋki͵not] n.(演说等的)主旨,基调
recipient [rɪˋsɪpɪənt] n. 接受者;受领者
high-pitched [ˋhaɪˋpɪtʃt] adj. 声调高的;尖声的
pelt [pɛlt] v.(连续地)投掷
The research celebrated ranges from the comical to the ridiculous. Many studies are honored for their unusual subject matter or strange results. In 2002, four British scientists were awarded a prize for their discovery that the presence of humans tends to sexually arouse ostriches. Another biology award went to three Swedish researchers for their report entitled “Chickens Prefer Beautiful Humans.”
The physics field provides equally hilarious entries, such as Jilliane Clarke’s Ph.D. thesis examining if there was any truth to “the five-second rule.” Clarke disproved the common (and somewhat absurd) myth that food dropped on the floor will stay clean if it is picked up within five seconds. Sometimes a paper’s title alone is enough to merit an Ig Nobel. A group of Australian researchers were awarded the prize for their paper: “An Analysis of the Forces Required to Drag Sheep Over Various Surfaces.”
Although most of the prizes are for humorous studies, they are sometimes used as critical statements. Two awards have been given for research into homeopathic medicine, a field dismissed by most scientists. In 1999, an Ig Nobel Prize in “science education” was awarded to school boards in the American states of Colorado and Kansas. This was in response to their decision not to teach evolution in schools.
But for the most part, these awards are just meant to demonstrate that science doesn’t have to be dull. After all, even the most brilliant scientists need some comic relief.
−by Michael Karanicolas
comical [ˋkɑmɪk!] adj. 滑稽的;诙谐的
hilarious [hɪˋlɛrɪəs] adj. 极好笑的; 极有趣的
merit [ˋmɛrɪt] v. 值得,应受
evolution [͵ɛvəˋluʃən] n.(生物的)进化
demonstrate [ˋdɛmən͵stret] v. 显示,表露
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range from … to … 在从…到…的范围内变化
ostrich [ˋɑstrɪtʃ] n. 驼鸟
entitle [ɪnˋtaɪt!] v. 给(书等)题名
thesis [ˋθisɪs] n. 论文
disprove [dɪsˋpruv] v. 证明…是不对的, 提出…的反证, 反驳
absurd [əbˋsɝd] adj. 不合理的,荒谬的
homeopathic [͵homɪəˋpæθɪk] adj.【医】顺势疗法的
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v. 不考虑,抛弃
school board(地方上的)教育委员会
board [bord] n.(政府的)部,局,会
dull [dʌl] adj. 乏味的,单调的
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is the main purpose of the Ig Nobel Prizes?
A. To make fun of scientists who are talkative when making a speech.
B. To do a humorous imitation of an important award ceremony.
C. To enlighten the world about the true meaning of scientific research.
D. To educate the public about the importance of being correct in scientific analysis.
2. What role does the “Keeper of the Broom” play?
A. The person is responsible for maintaining order during the ceremony.
B. The person must buy brooms for everyone who attends the ceremony.
C. The person teaches the winners the proper ways to use a broom.
D. The person’s job is to clean the stage during the ceremony.
3. Which of the following topics would probably NOT win an Ig Nobel Prize?
A. Chickens Prefer Beautiful Humans
B. The Truth behind the Five-Second Rule
C. An Analysis of Air Pollution in the Cities
D. A Study on Homeopathic Medicine
4. What would be another good title for this article?
A. Prizes from Harvard University
B. The Funny Side of Science
C. The Hidden Secret of Physics
D. Nobel Prize Winners
Improbable Research Collection #129: The Best of Miss Sweetie Poo
1. ( B ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( B ) |