Politics of the Brain 政治立场是天生的?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2008年1月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年2月10日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:344
Have you ever wondered what’s wrong with people who don’t agree with you politically? Is there anything wrong with their brains? There probably isn’t, but a recent experiment by psychologists at New York University ___1___ point to dissimilarities between the brains of liberals and conservatives.
1. |
(A) do |
(B) does |
(C) has |
(D) just |
For the study, psychologists asked ___2___ of the participants to sit in front of a computer screen and gave them the same task. If an “M” appeared, they were to press a button. If a “W” appeared, they were not to press the button. The letters flashed on the screen for only a fraction of a second, so the participants ___3___ think fast.
2. |
(A) one |
(B) any |
(C) each |
(D) every |
3. |
(A) must |
(B) may |
(C) had to |
(D) used to |
The letter M appeared much more often than W, so pressing the button became ___4___, making it difficult not to press it. In the end, liberals were around ten percent more accurate than conservatives when it ___5___ to pressing the button at the right time. The study is especially intriguing because it demonstrates a difference between liberal and conservative ways of thinking ___6___ using a method unconnected to politics.
4. |
(A) occasional |
(B) compulsive |
(C) unusual |
(D) habitual |
5. |
(A) turned |
(B) got |
(C) went |
(D) came |
6. |
(A) by |
(B) on |
(C) about |
(D) with |
The research strongly suggests that liberals are programmed to try different ways of doing and looking at things ___7___ conservatives prefer to stick to what they are already comfortable with. Unfortunately, what it can’t tell us is whether or not conservatives and liberals will ever agree on anything.
7. |
(A) that |
(B) what |
(C) while |
(D) as |
−by Mark Mitchell & Amy Gittelson
dissimilarity [dɪs͵sɪməˋlærətɪ] n. 相异;相异点
liberal [ˋlɪbərəl] n. 自由主义者
conservative [kənˋsɝvətɪv] n. 保守主义者,守旧者
fraction [ˋfrækʃən] n. 小部分
intriguing [ɪn`trigɪŋ] adj.〔由于奇特﹑神秘或出人意料而〕引起好奇心的; 令人感兴趣的
demonstrate [ˋdɛmən͵stret] v. 示范; 展示; 演示
program [ˋprogræm] v.〔由于社会﹑羣体或情况的影响〕使〔某人〕按某种方式行事[思考]
1. ( B ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( D ) |
6. ( A )
7. ( C ) |