The Telescope Beyond the Atmosphere 一窥银河奥妙:哈伯太空望远镜
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年5月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:283
On April 25th, 1990, the dreams of astronomers around the world were realized when the Hubble Space Telescope was released from the Space Shuttle Discovery into Earth’s orbit. Stargazers and scientists had, for the first time, the ability to see ___1___ into space than ever before. Named after Edwin Hubble, a man who was the first to observe galaxies ___2___ our own, the space telescope would lead us into a new age of discovery.
(A) a few |
(B) beyond |
(C) fund |
(D) capture |
(E) with |
(F) farther |
(G) standing |
(H) which |
(I) dedication |
(J) atmosphere |
The Hubble Telescope has an infinitely better perspective than a ground telescope, because its view is not disrupted by the Earth’s ___3___. As the telescope orbits our planet – once every 97 minutes – its mirrors ___4___ light which is directed toward scientific instruments. These instruments process the information to create the breathtaking images for ___5___ the Hubble is known.
(A) a few |
(B) beyond |
(C) fund |
(D) capture |
(E) with |
(F) farther |
(G) standing |
(H) which |
(I) dedication |
(J) atmosphere |
Since Hermann Oberth first conceived the idea for a space telescope in 1923, scientists, astronomers, and astrophysicists worked together to make it possible. In 1977, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the European Space Agency had the plan for the Hubble, and Congress agrees to ___6___ the project.
(A) a few |
(B) beyond |
(C) fund |
(D) capture |
(E) with |
(F) farther |
(G) standing |
(H) which |
(I) dedication |
(J) atmosphere |
Twenty years of ___7___ paid off, as the Hubble revealed the existence of dark energy, the age of the universe (13-14 billion years old), and how galaxies are formed, to name but ___8___ of its groundbreaking discoveries.
(A) a few |
(B) beyond |
(C) fund |
(D) capture |
(E) with |
(F) farther |
(G) standing |
(H) which |
(I) dedication |
(J) atmosphere |
The Hubble ushered in an era of understanding and enabled us to see the universe in ways never before possible. As the Hubble approaches the end of its life, a new era is coming: the James Webb Space Telescope is ___9___by to take the Hubble’s place. The Hubble’s legacy, though, will be ___10__ us for a long, long time.
(A) a few |
(B) beyond |
(C) fund |
(D) capture |
(E) with |
(F) farther |
(G) standing |
(H) which |
(I) dedication |
(J) atmosphere |
-by Alice Davis
astronomer [əˋstrɑnəmɚ] n. 天文学家
stargazer [ˋstɑr͵gezɚ] n. 看星星的人;占星师;天文学家
galaxy [ˋgæləksɪ] n. 银河
infinitely [ˋɪnfənɪtlɪ] adv. 无限地,无穷地;极其
perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv] n. 远景,前景,前途,展望,透视图 a view or vista
disrupt [dɪsˋrʌpt] v. 使混乱,使中断
astrophysicist [͵æstroˋfɪzɪsɪst] n. 天体物理学家
aeronautics [͵ɛrəˋnɔtɪks] n. 航空学;飞行术
Congress [ˋkɑŋgrəs](C-)美国国会
approach [əˋprotʃ] v. 即将达到
pay off【口】(尤指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好结果, 成功 to result in success
to name but a few 仅以这些为例 giving only these as examples, even though more could be cited
usher [ˋʌʃɚ] in something 领进; 引进 to signal the beginning of something
stand by 准备行动 to be ready or available to act
(HD) Hubble Space Telescope Images 2010 The Stars Like Dust - Jonn Serrie
The James Webb Space Telescope
1. ( F ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( J ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( H ) |
6. ( C ) |
7. ( I ) |
8. ( A ) |
9. ( G ) |
10. ( E ) |