A Peek Inside the World of Apps 超夯App引领风潮
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年8月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:283
It seems that the modern world runs on applications – those fun, convenient, and at times useful programs found on our smartphones and online that run the gamut from time wasters to life savers. Let’s take a look at the best that the app world has to offer right now.
Imagine that you meet someone new, and the two of you really hit it off. Then comes the inevitable exchange of information that involves manually typing someone’s contact details into your phone – until now, that is. With the Bump app, all you need to do is select what info you want to share with a person, then hold your phone and gently bump hands with the other Bump user, and this information will be automatically transferred between the phones.
Then there is WhatsApp Messenger. With this helpful app, anyone with an iPhone, Blackberry, Android, or Nokia phone can send text messages to their friends for free, because it uses the same data plan used for email and web browsing.
还有一种WhatsApp Messenger应用程序。有了这个帮助良多的应用程序,任何有iPhone、黑莓机、Android系统手机或是诺基亚手机的人都可以免费传送简讯给他们的朋友,因为此应用程序与电子邮件与浏览网络一样都使用手机的无线网络。
Apps can also be found online, with Facebook being the first place app enthusiasts should look. One of the most popular Facebook apps in Taiwan is the fat man simulator, which lets you see what you would look like if you were to pack on a few pounds. Another popular application is the one that allows you to see what your personality like by analyzing which Chinese character you use most while using Facebook. All these and more await you in the ever expanding world of apps.
-by Joe Henley
gamut [ˋgæmət] n. 全部,整个范围 a complete range or extent
bump [bʌmp] v. 碰,撞
text message 发短信;简讯
simulator [ˋsɪmjə͵letɚ] n. 仿真训练装置
run on something 靠....运行 be dominated by, be concerned with, be preoccupied with
take a look at 看一看 to observe or examine someone or something
hit it off 相处融洽 to quickly become good friends with someone
pack on 增加 gain (weight)
Reading Questions
1. What is the main purpose of the article?
(A) To talk about the best way to find applications.
(B) To give details on how to download applications.
(C) To explain why applications should be given away for free.
(D) To introduce a few fun and useful applications.
2. What does Bump do?
(A) It apologizes for you if you bump into someone.
(B) It allows people to easily exchange contact info.
(C) It is an application that functions like a social networking website.
(D) It is just a fun game that people can play in their spare time.
3. What does WhatsApp Messenger allow people to do?
(A) To have a video chat with friends and family members.
(B) To make long distance calls at reduced rates.
(C) To send text messages for free.
(D) To talk on the phone without spending any money.
FIRST LOOK: Newly updated BUMP iOS APP
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |