The Eden Project: Re-creating Paradise 伊甸计划:重建失乐园
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:346
In the Book of Genesis, the Garden of Eden is described as a paradise on Earth where the first man and woman lived in ___1___ nature. Unfortunately, humankind’s relationship with the natural world has not been so idyllic since then. But now there’s an undertaking that is re-creating this early vision of heaven on Earth, and ___2___ appropriately, it’s called the Eden Project.
(A) visible |
(B) special |
(C) suitable |
(D) while |
(E) each |
(F) unspoiled |
(G) washing up |
(H) built |
(I) where |
(J) some |
(K) public |
(L) rather |
The Eden Project is the world’s largest greenhouse complex ___3___ upon the site of an exhausted clay quarry in Cornwall, England. The domes of the greenhouse, made from an ultra-durable plastic, are ___4___ from miles around – rising so high that the Tower of London could easily fit inside the 55-meter-tall Rainforest Biome. This greenhouse re-creates a tropical environment within its limits, ___5___ the Mediterranean Biome features the warm, temperate climate of that region.
(A) visible |
(B) special |
(C) suitable |
(D) while |
(E) each |
(F) unspoiled |
(G) washing up |
(H) built |
(I) where |
(J) some |
(K) public |
(L) rather |
What makes this project ___6___ is the fact that it took a location that was once an eyesore and transformed it into a beautiful educational tool for the ___7___. Visitors to the Rainforest Biome can see over 1,000 plant species, including rare species such as the stinking corpse flower and the coco de mer palm tree, which has the largest seeds in the plant kingdom. A huge indoor waterfall, which is fed by recycled water, keeps the humidity ___8___ high for the biome’s collection of tropical plants.
(A) visible |
(B) special |
(C) suitable |
(D) while |
(E) each |
(F) unspoiled |
(G) washing up |
(H) built |
(I) where |
(J) some |
(K) public |
(L) rather |
Even the structure of the biomes is environmentally friendly. The material used to make the bubbles of the greenhouse domes is recyclable, and it can last for 25 years with minimum maintenance. Increasingly, the architect got the idea for the bubble shapes while ___9___ and seeing the bubbles in the sink. From that simple idea, the Eden Project has grown into a natural exhibition that draws a million people a year, ___10__ of whom receives a much-needed reminder of humankind’s dependence on nature.
(A) visible |
(B) special |
(C) suitable |
(D) while |
(E) each |
(F) unspoiled |
(G) washing up |
(H) built |
(I) where |
(J) some |
(K) public |
(L) rather |
−by Joe Henley
humankind [ˋhjumən͵kaɪnd] n. 人类
vision [ˋvɪʒən] n. 梦想,幻想,憧憬
appropriately [əˋproprɪ͵etlɪ] adv. 适当地; 合适地
site [saɪt] n. 地点; 场所
durable [ˋdjʊrəb!] adj. 经久的; 耐用的
tropical [ˋtrɑpɪk!] adj. 热带的
transform [trænsˋfɔrm] v. 使改变;使改观.[(+into)]
humidity [hjuˋmɪdətɪ] n. 湿气,湿度
structure [ˋstrʌktʃɚ] n. 结构;构造
material [məˋtɪrɪəl] n. 材料,原料
recyclable [rɪˋsaɪkləb!] adj. 可回收利用的
minimum [ˋmɪnəməm] adj. 最小的,最少的,最低的
maintenance [ˋmentənəns] n. 维修,保养
reminder [rɪˋmaɪndɚ] n. 提醒; 提醒物
dependence [dɪˋpɛndəns] n. 依靠,依赖
More Information
Book of Genesis 圣经; 创世记
idyllic [aɪˋdɪlɪk] adj. 悠闲的; 田园诗的;牧歌的
undertaking [͵ʌndɚˋtekɪŋ] n. 事业;企业;工作
exhausted [ɪgˋzɔstɪd] adj. 耗尽的,用完的
clay [kle] n. 黏土;泥土
quarry [ˋkwɔrɪ] n.(采)石场;露天矿场
dome [dom] n. 圆屋顶
biome ['baɪom] n. (生态)生物群系 a major regional or global biotic community, such as a grassland or desert, characterized chiefly by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate
within limits 适度地; 有限度地 up to a certain point; with certain restrictions
Mediterranean [͵mɛdətəˋrenɪən] n.(M-)地中海; adj.(M-)地中海的
temperate [ˋtɛmprɪt] adj. 温和的,不极端的
eyesore [ˋaɪ͵sɔr] n. 难看的东西
stinking [ˋstɪŋkɪŋ] adj. 发恶臭的
wash up 洗(餐具) to wash dishes after a meal
The Eden Project
Tower of London - Time to Travel
1. ( F ) |
2. ( L ) |
3. ( H ) |
4. ( A ) |
5. ( D ) |
6. ( B ) |
7. ( K ) |
8. ( C ) |
9. ( G ) |
10. ( E ) |