Celebrating New Life at Easter 复活节:象征重生的缤纷庆典
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月01日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:350
For some people, it’s one of the most important religious festivals of the year. For others, it’s simply a time for chocolate eggs, fluffy bunnies, and newborn chicks. The festival is Easter, of course, and it’s just around the corner.
This weekend, Christians around the world will celebrate Easter Sunday. In many ways, Easter is even more important than Christmas, because it marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You might be wondering why Jesus came back from the dead, or why he had to die in the first place. Christians say that this is what he was sent to Earth to do. They believe that he died to save humans from our wrongdoings, and that by rising again, he made it possible for everyone to go to heaven.
To prepare themselves for this special day, many Christians observe a period of fasting and penitence, which is known as Lent. The final week of this period is called Holy Week, and it contains some of the most important dates on the Christian calendar. It begins with Palm Sunday, when Jesus made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem. People thought he had come to free them from the Roman Empire and rushed to throw palm leaves at his feet. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, Jesus’s final meal with his 12 disciples, which was also a celebration of the Jewish Passover feast. Then comes Good Friday, the day on which he was crucified and buried. Finally, Holy Week comes to an end with Easter Sunday, the most important day of all.
religious [rɪˋlɪdʒəs] adj. 宗教的,宗教上的
around the corner 即将来临 about to happen; imminent
celebrate [ˋsɛlə͵bret] v. 庆祝
resurrection [͵rɛzəˋrɛkʃən] n. 复活;复苏
wrongdoing [ˋrɔŋˋduɪŋ] n. 坏事;罪行
observe [əbˋzɝv] v. 遵守; 奉行
fast [fæst] v.〔尤因宗教原因而〕禁食; 斋戒
penitence [ˋpɛnətəns] n. 忏悔;赎罪
triumphant [traɪˋʌmfənt] adj. 胜利的; 成功的
commemorate [kəˋmɛmə͵ret] v. 庆祝;纪念
disciple [dɪˋsaɪp!] n. 信徒,门徒
feast [fist] n. 盛宴,筵席
bury [ˋbɛrɪ] v. 埋葬,安葬
come to an end 终结, 结束
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fluffy [ˋflʌfɪ] adj. 毛茸茸的
chick [tʃɪk] n. 小鸡
rise [raɪz] v.【宗】复活
Lent [lɛnt](基督教)四旬斋,大斋期(指复活节前的四十天)
Jerusalem [dʒəˋrusələm] n. 耶路撒冷
Maundy 洗足仪式; <天主教>濯足仪式时分发的救济金
Passover [ˋpæs͵ovɚ] n.(圣经)踰越节
crucify [ˋkrusə͵faɪ] v. 把……的手脚钉在十字架上处死
Easter Sunday is known as a movable feast, as it doesn’t fall on the same date every year. In fact, Easter can come anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th. This is because, like Chinese New Year, the date of the holiday is connected to the phases of the moon. Scholars have also linked Easter to an ancient northern European festival which took place at a similar time and was dedicated to Eastre, the goddess of spring and fertility.
Modern-day Easter celebrations contain both religious and secular activities. There are probably more church services during Easter than at any other time of the year. On Good Friday and Easter Saturday, the tone is obviously quiet and somber since people are remembering the death of Jesus Christ. That all changes on Easter Sunday, though, when services are triumphant, joyous occasions.
Outside church, festivities focus on Easter eggs and the Easter bunny, both of which can be traced back to the ancient festival celebrating Eastre. Brightly-painted Easter eggs are probably the most important symbol of the holiday, as they represent both new life and, with their bright colors, the sunlight of spring. During the popular Easter egg hunt, children search for these eggs, which are hidden around their homes and gardens. Many children also wake up on Easter morning to find that the Easter bunny has left them chocolate eggs, candy, and marshmallow chicks.
Easter has changed at a lot over the years and, for better or worse, it has become a marriage of deep religious significance and sweet-toothed revelry. You’ll have to decide for yourself which of the two to honor on Sunday.
−by Andrew Crosthwaite
movable [ˋmuvəb!] adj.(节日)每年日期不同的
connect [kəˋnɛkt] v. 和... 有关联
phase [fez] n. 阶段,时期
scholar [ˋskɑlɚ] n. 学者
link .. to .. 把…与…连在一起
dedicate [ˋdɛdə͵ket] v. 奉献, 献身于, 致力于
fertility [fɝˋtɪlətɪ] n. 生育能力; 繁殖力
activity [ækˋtɪvətɪ] n. 活动
somber [ˋsɑmbɚ] adj. 忧郁的;沉闷的
joyous [ˋdʒɔɪəs] adj. 快乐的;高兴的
occasion [əˋkeʒən] n. 场合;重大活动,盛典
trace back to 可追溯到
represent [͵rɛprɪˋzɛnt] v. 代表
for better or worse 不管是好是坏; 不管结果如何 if a situation exists or happens for better or for worse, it exists or happens whether its results are good or bad
Usage notes: This phrase is used in a traditional marriage ceremony in which the man and woman promise to stay together whether their life is good or bad.
honor [ˋɑnɚ] v. 尊敬; 实践
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secular [ˋsɛkjəlɚ] adj. 世俗的;非宗教的
festivity [fɛsˋtɪvətɪ] n. 庆祝活动
marshmallow [ˋmɑrʃ͵mælo] n. 棉花糖
sweet-toothed 嗜食甜品者的; 充满甜食的 of a great liking for sweet-tasting foods
revelry [ˋrɛv!rɪ] n. 寻欢作乐,狂欢
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, why do Christians believe Jesus came to Earth?
A. To punish humans for their mistakes.
B. To enable people to get into heaven.
C. To educate people about Easter Sunday.
D. To change the laws of the government.
2. Which of the following things might a person who is not religious do during Easter?
A. Go to church.
B. Say a prayer.
C. Speak with a priest.
D. Enjoy some chocolate eggs.
3. Which of the following statements about Easter is true?
A. Easter eggs symbolize rebirth and the beginning of winter.
B. It is always held on the same day each year.
C. Jesus was killed on Good Friday, not Easter Sunday.
D. Many Christians don’t eat on Easter Sunday.
4. Which statement best describes this article?
A. It provides an overview of what Easter is and how people celebrate it.
B. It summarizes the ways in which people can enjoy Easter this year.
C. It disputes some claims that many religious people make about Easter.
D. It attempts to convince readers that they should start celebrating Easter.
How to make Amazing Easter Egg art!
Typical Western Lent in March/April 2011, with days labelled. Precise dates vary each year, and start/end days vary by denomination. The last three weeks are duplicated at the bottom to show Passiontide, the Holy Week, and the Easter Triduum. See Great Lent for Lent in Eastern Christianity
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1. ( B ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( A ) |