Horsing Around at the Races 肯塔基赛马:五花八门,万马奔腾
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年5月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:370
On the first Saturday of May each year, fans look forward to the thunderous sound of galloping hooves and the excitement of another photo finish at the biggest horse race in America, the Kentucky Derby. The race is the culmination of the two-week Kentucky Derby Festival, and draws 150,000 people to Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. It attracts everyone from celebrities to everyday folks who just want to have a good time, and perhaps place a bet on the races. The atmosphere of anticipation leading up to the firing of the starting gun is unrivaled in the world of sports.
The Kentucky Derby sees the best three-year-old horses tear down the two-kilometer track, with their jockeys spurring them on. When the dust settles at the conclusion of “the most exciting two minutes in sports,” the winner will take home two million U.S. dollars and a place in equestrian racing history.
The history of the Kentucky Derby traces its roots back to a man named M. Lewis Clark Jr., who founded the Louisville Jockey Club and financed the building of Churchill Downs, the track where the race is run. The first derby took place in 1875, and it has been an irreplaceable slice of American culture ever since.
Churchill Downs still looks much as it did for over one hundred years, with the landmark twin spires still sitting atop the famed grandstands. Now, however, in addition to about 50,000 seats, the track has been modernized to include luxury suites for the rich and famous.
thunderous [ˋθʌndərəs] adj. 像打雷的;轰隆轰隆响的
culmination [͵kʌlməˋneʃən] n. 顶点;高潮的到达
draw [drɔ] v. 吸引;招来
celebrity [sɪˋlɛbrətɪ] n. 名人,名流
place a bet on 下赌注
anticipation [æn͵tɪsəˋpeʃən] n. 预期,期望
track [træk] n.【体】跑道
settle [ˋsɛt!] v. 停息;下沉;沉淀
finance [faɪˋnæns] v. 供资金给
irreplaceable [͵ɪrɪˋplesəb!] adj. 不可代替的
slice [slaɪs] n. 部分,份
spire [spaɪr] n. 尖塔;尖顶
modernize [ˋmɑdɚn͵aɪz] v. 现代化
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horse around【俚】哄闹,胡闹 to be active in a silly way; to play around roughly with someone or something, possibly abusing someone or something
gallop [ˋgæləp] v.(马等)疾驰,飞跑
hoof [huf] n. 蹄
photo finish 难分胜负的竞赛; 【体】(赛马中)照相判定
derby [ˋdɝbɪ] n. 大赛马 a formal race usually having an open field of contestants; any of various annual horseraces, especially for three-year-olds
lead up to 作为...的准备(或先导); (向上)一路通到 to aim at or route movement to something
unrivaled [ʌnˋraɪv!d] adj. 无敌的;无可比拟的
tear down 向······猛扑 to race down something very fast
jockey [ˋdʒɑkɪ] n. 赛马的骑师,骑士
spur someone on 鞭策, 激励 to urge someone onward; to egg someone on
equestrian [ɪˋkwɛstrɪən] adj. 骑术的
ever since 从...以来 continuously since a specified time or event
grandstand [ˋgrænd͵stænd] n. 正面看台
suite [swit] n. 套房
One of the big attractions for spectators at the Kentucky Derby is that they can make it interesting by betting on which horse will win. Before each race, the odds are posted – a horse without much hope of winning might have 50-1 odds, meaning that for every one dollar a person bets, they win 50 dollars if the horse manages to pull off an upset victory. The jockeys and horses wear unique silks to identify themselves, so the rowdy fans know which horse to cheer on as they come down the final stretch. A solid gold trophy, the only such award in American sports, awaits the victor.
The derby is full of traditions, many of which go back several decades or more. First off is the hat parade, in which women wear elaborate, weird, and beautiful hats made up to look like flowers, famous landmarks, and even animals. It’s a high-class affair where members of high society show off their wild hats and outfits to one another and the media.
Meanwhile, on the infield of the track, the less affluent members of the crowd gather for a huge party. Some of them might even enjoy a mint julep or two, the official cocktail of the Kentucky Derby since 1938. In 2006, the drink was served in gold cups with silver straws, costing 1,000 U.S. dollars each. People on Millionaire’s Row, where the horse owners have their private suites, surely didn’t miss the opportunity to enjoy such a rare luxury. With a lot of class, a storied history, a party that’s not to be missed, and unbeatable suspense and action, the Kentucky Derby has all the ingredients for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
−by Joe Henley
spectator [spɛkˋtetɚ] n.(比赛等的)观众
manage [ˋmænɪdʒ] v. 设法做到;勉力完成[+to-v]
unique [juˋnik] adj. 独一无二的;独特的
stretch [strɛtʃ] n.(竞赛跑道的)直线跑道,最后阶段
await [əˋwet] v. 等候;等待
parade [pəˋred] n. 游行
elaborate [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] adj. 精心制作的;精巧的
weird [wɪrd] adj. 【非正式】古怪的; 奇异的
affair [əˋfɛr] n. 喜庆(或社交)活动
outfit [ˋaʊt͵fɪt] n.(尤指在特殊场合穿的)全套服装
unbeatable [ʌnˋbitəb!] adj. 无以伦比的,无比的
suspense [səˋspɛns] n. 悬念;悬疑; 悬而不决,未定
ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt] n.(构成)要素,因素
once-in-a-lifetime 千载难逢的; 一生仅有一次的
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odds [ɑds] n. 机会,可能性;成功的可能性
pull off 成功完成 to perform in spite of difficulties or obstacles; bring off
upset [ʌpˋsɛt] n.〔比赛﹑竞选等中〕意外的击败
rowdy [ˋraʊdɪ] adj. 喧闹的
trophy [ˋtrofɪ] n.〔比赛等赢得的〕奖杯﹐奖牌
first off【口】首先 before anything else
make up 编造 to constitute; form
show off 卖弄, 炫耀 display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously
affluent [ˋæflʊənt] adj. 富裕的
julep [ˋdʒulɪp] n. 冰镇薄荷酒
straw [strɔ] n. 吸管
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is NOT true of the Kentucky Derby?
A. It always takes place on a Saturday.
B. It features horses that are 30 years old.
C. The winner instantly becomes a millionaire.
D. The first Kentucky Derby took place over a century ago.
2. How has Churchill Downs changed over the years?
A. The track has been improved.
B. Its spires have been replaced.
C. The track has been made longer.
D. The grandstands have been made smaller.
3. If you bet 10 dollars on horse with 20-1 odds, how much would you get if the horse wins?
A. $1.
B. $10.
C. $20.
D. $200.
4. What is implied about going to the Kentucky Derby?
A. It is only for horse lovers.
B. It is only for the rich and famous.
C. It is an experience unlike any other.
D. Contrary to its reputation, it is actually quite dull.
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1. ( B ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |