Where the Wild Things Are 野兽冒险乐园
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:360
As children, we likely all wished at some point that we could escape to our own private fantasyland free of bossy adults. And we no doubt created our fair share of mischief, too. Such natural childhood tendencies are perfectly captured in the classic children’s picture book Where the Wild Things Are.
First published in 1963, Where the Wild Things Are has lost none of its original appeal over nearly five decades. It tells the story of a mischievous young boy, Max, who is sent to his room without supper by his mother. While he fumes in his room, a mysterious forest starts to grow all around him, and he’s transported to an unfamiliar land. Max then travels across an ocean “night and day …. almost over a year, to where the wild things are.” The wild things are an assortment of huge, fierce creatures, but when Max encounters them, he isn’t the least bit scared. Instead, he tames them with a single glance, and they recognize Max as “the most wild thing of all” and make him their king. After enjoying a wild “rumpus” with his new friends, Max starts to feel homesick and decides to go back home. On returning to his room, he finds his supper waiting for him, “still hot.”
The book’s author and illustrator, Maurice Sendak, has been a leading figure in children’s literature since the 1950s right up to the present day. Of all his books, though, Where the Wild Things Are remains the most popular. To date, it has been translated into fifteen languages and has sold over two million copies worldwide.
escape [əˋskep] v. 逃跑;逃脱
mischief [ˋmɪstʃɪf] n. 胡闹,恶作剧
tendency [ˋtɛndənsɪ] n.〔发育﹑思想﹑行为等的〕倾向
capture [ˋkæptʃɚ] v. (特点);表现,体现(感情、气氛); 捕捉; 捕获
classic [ˋklæsɪk] adj. 典型的; 经典的
fume [fjum] v. 发怒;咆哮
transport [ˋtræns͵pɔrt] v. 运送,运输
assortment [əˋsɔrtmənt] n. 各色各样的搭配
fierce [fɪrs] adj. 凶猛的;好斗的
the least bit 毫厘;半点 in the slightest degree or in any respect
tame [tem] v. 驯化,驯养
glance [glæns] n. 一瞥;扫视
leading [ˋlidɪŋ] adj. 领导的;领路的; 主要的;最重要的
literature [ˋlɪtərətʃɚ] n. 文学
to date 至今; 到目前为止
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fantasyland [ˋfæntəsɪlænd] n. 梦境;太虚幻境
bossy [ˋbɑsɪ] adj. 爱指挥他人的,跋扈的
to have one’s fair share of something 得到(超过)通常得到的或期望得到的数量 to have a lot or more than enough of something bad
mischievous [ˋmɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 调皮的,淘气的
supper [ˋsʌpɚ] n. 晚餐,晚饭
rumpus [ˋrʌmpəs] n.【口】喧嚣;争吵
illustrator [ˋɪləs͵tretɚ] n. 插图画家
Today, the idea of a boy fooling around with imaginary monsters seems fairly innocent. However, when Where the Wild Things Are first appeared, it was criticized by some reviewers as being too scary for young readers. The children themselves would be the best judges, though, and they loved its creepy charms. In recognition of its popularity, it was subsequently awarded the 1964 Caldecott Medal as the “Most Distinguished Picture Book of the Year.”
One of the reasons behind the book’s success is the fact that kids can easily identify with the character of Max. Besides having an active imagination, he also displays a range of emotions, including anger, just like any normal kid. Compared to the cute images that fill most children’s books, the monstrous wild things are quite a breath of fresh air. Perhaps more than the story itself, it’s the masterful and moody quality of Sendak’s illustrations that stick most in the mind. This is why so many people still clearly remember their first encounter with the wild things long after growing up.
This year marks a new chapter in the story of Where the Wild Things Are, as a much-anticipated movie of the book is set to be released in October. Rather than relying on lots of special effects, the monsters are played by actors in padded suits, with only their faces being computer generated. The original story has also been padded out, exploring Max’s relationship with the wild things in greater detail. So, if you haven’t yet been charmed by this fantastic tale, now’s the time to discover your inner wild thing!
−by David Vickers
imaginary [ɪˋmædʒə͵nɛrɪ] adj. 想象中的;虚构的
fairly [ˋfɛrlɪ] adv. 颇为,相当地
innocent [ˋɪnəsnt] adj. 天真的,单纯的
in recognition of 为酬报…; 为褒奖...
popularity [͵pɑpjəˋlærətɪ] n. 讨人喜欢的特点﹐受欢迎
subsequently [ˋsʌbsɪ͵kwɛntlɪ] adv. 随后,接着
monstrous [ˋmɑnstrəs] adj. 可怕的,毛骨悚然的
a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人; 使人耳目一新 someone or something that is new and different and makes everything seem more exciting
moody [ˋmudɪ] adj. 心情不稳的,喜怒无常的
illustration [ɪ͵lʌsˋtreʃən] n. 插图
much-anticipated 万众期待的
rely on 依靠
fantastic [fænˋtæstɪk] adj.【口】极好的,了不起的
inner [ˋɪnɚ] adj. 内心的
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fool around 游手好闲, 鬼混 to waste time doing something without a particular purpose
creepy [ˋkripɪ] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的;不寒而栗的
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v.(与……)认同;感同身受[(+with)]
masterful [ˋmæstɚfəl] adj. 老练高明的; 熟练的;出色的
stick in the mind 令...难忘 if something sticks in the mind, you remember it easily, often because it was exciting or strange
padded [ˋpædɪd] adj. 装有衬垫的﹐有护垫的
pad out 拉长…的篇幅; 用不必要的材料来拉长 to make something appear to be larger or longer by adding unnecessary material
Reading Questions
1. What does NOT feature in the story of Where the Wild Things Are?
A. A naughty boy.
B. A violent battle.
C. A long journey.
D. Big scary monsters.
2. What do we know about the book itself?
A. It was written in the 1950s.
B. It has sold millions of copies in America.
C. It recently won an award.
D. Its author also drew its pictures.
3. What reason is given for the book’s continued popularity?
A. Children can relate to the main character.
B. Its illustrations frighten children.
C. It’s easy for readers to recall the story.
D. It makes readers feel very emotional.
4. What is mentioned about the movie of the book?
A. It uses lots of computer-generated effects.
B. It sticks very closely to the original story.
C. It starts a number of famous actors.
D. Many people have been looking forward to its release.
Where the Wild Things Are --TRAILER--
1. ( B ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( D ) |