How the World Changed in 2009 创新发明:2009世界大不同
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:339
Every year, everyone from scientists to environmentalists to the just plain curious seeks out a copy of TIME magazine and checks out its top 50 inventions of the year. TIME’s prestigious annual list has something for everyone and reminds us how inventive minds take our dreams and make them reality. For example, NASA’s sleek Ares I rocket, which tops the chart, has the ability to travel further into space than most people ever thought possible. And realizing the dream of those who prefer to visit other worlds from the comfort of home, controller-free gaming is TIME’s number five invention.
The much-publicized AIDS vaccine, which reported modest success in recent trials, made TIME’s list for reviving hope in the fight against HIV. Alongside this were other medical marvels, such as the futuristic electric eye. Scientists have been moving by leaps and bounds toward a device – consisting of a tiny camera mounted on spectacle frames and a microchip implanted on the eyeball – that could enable severely visually impaired people to make out faces and navigate rooms. Meanwhile, Stanford students developed a beautifully simplistic US$20 replacement knee. Its titanium counterpart costs a fortune, but this cheap version should change the lives of people who have lost a limb.
In a bid to end world hunger, Dutch scientists are perfecting a whole new way of farming meat: in a Petri dish. Grown in a laboratory rather than reared in the fields, artificial meat doesn’t sound appetizing now but, who knows, soon we could all be licking our lips over it.
seek out 找出; 搜寻出
invention [ɪnˋvɛnʃən] n. 发明,创造
annual [ˋænjʊəl] adj. 每年的; 一年一次的
modest [ˋmɑdɪst] adj. 不太大(或多)的
medical [ˋmɛdɪk!] adj. 医学的;医疗的
marvel [ˋmɑrv!] n. 令人惊奇的事物(或人物)
electric [ɪˋlɛktrɪk] adj. 电的; 用电的
device [dɪˋvaɪs] n. 设备,装置
consist [kənˋsɪst] v. 组成,构成[(+of)]
visually [ˋvɪʒuəlɪ] adv. 视觉上;外表上
make out 辨认; 了解 to discern or see, especially with difficulty
navigate [ˋnævə͵get] v. 导航
replacement [rɪˋplesmənt] n. 替换, 代替
artificial [͵ɑrtəˋfɪʃəl] adj. 人工的,人造的
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prestigious [prɛsˋtɪdʒɪəs] adj. 有名望的
much-publicized 大肆吹嘘的
vaccine [vækˋsin] n. 疫苗
revive[rɪˋvaɪv] v. 苏醒;复苏
alongside [əˋlɔŋˋsaɪd] prep. 在旁;并排
by leaps and bounds 非常迅速地 rapidly; by large movements forward
implant [ɪmˋplænt] v. 把〔某物〕植入〔体内〕; 移植
impaired [ɪmˋpɛrd] adj. 受损的;(能力)减弱的
titanium [taɪˋtenɪəm] n. 钛(金属元素,符号Ti)
cost a fortune 价格不菲 cost a lot of money
bid [bɪd] n.企图;努力[(+for)][+to-v] an attempt to do something
perfect [ˋpɝfɪkt] v. 使完美;做完
rear [rɪr] v. 饲养;栽种,培植
appetizing [ˋæpə͵taɪzɪŋ] adj. 引起食欲的
lick one’s lips 【口】舔嘴唇(自喜或期待某事); 急切盼望 to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen, usually because you think you will get something good from it
Hang on a minute! Didn’t we say there was something for everyone in TIME’s top 50? Rockets and electric eyes are all well and good, but there are a few items that might soon affect your life directly.
In fact, the “smart thermostat” could be saving you money by the end of this year. Taking the idea from the fuel indicator in his car, the inventor wanted something similar for his home. EnergyHub Dashboard tells you how much electricity your house is consuming and how much it is costing you. Furthermore, it is equipped with wireless technology that can turn household appliances off if they’re being uneconomical.
Cars have recently been slipping out of favor while bicycles have been booming. But sometimes we’re just too lazy to pedal to our destination. The YikeBike is an innovative transportation solution. It’s a folding electric bicycle, steered simply by leaning left or right, that zooms around at speeds of up to 20 km/h. And, if you need to cool down after all that zooming about, switch on your bladeless fan and chill out. The Air Mutiplier pushes cold air through an empty circle and looks just like a fan without blades.
汽车进来失宠了,而自行车则是大受欢迎。不过有时候我们就是太懒了,懒得一步步踩踏板到目的地。YikeBike是创新的交通运输方式,为折迭式的电动自行车,只要把身体往左或右倾斜就可以驾驶,疾驶而过速度最快可以达到时速20公里。如果在骑车趴趴走之后想凉快一下,就把无扇叶的电风扇打开好好放松吧。Air Multiplier把冷空气从中空的圆形框架中送出来,看起来就像是没有扇叶的普通电风扇。
There is a common saying that necessity is the mother of all invention, but TIME’s worst inventions of the year show us that this isn’t always true. A Japanese software that scans your smile to make sure you’re looking cheerful and a bra that can be removed and converted into gas masks are two inventions we can safely assume won’t be changing the world anytime soon!
−by Alice Davis
consume [kənˋsjum] v. 消耗,花费
equip [ɪˋkwɪp] v. 装备,配备[(+for/with)]
household [ˋhaʊs͵hold] adj. 家庭的;家用的
appliance [əˋplaɪəns] n. 家用电器; 设备
uneconomical [͵ʌnikəˋnɑmək!] adj. 不经济的;浪费的
out of favor 失宠, 得不到某人的喜爱 no longer desirable or preferred by someone
solution [səˋluʃən] n. 解答;解决(办法)
steer [stɪr] v. 驾驶
zoom [zum] v. 迅速接近
switch on〔用开关〕开﹐打开
blade [bled] n.【机】片,叶
necessity [nəˋsɛsətɪ] n. 需要
remove [rɪˋmuv] v. 移动,搬开
assume [ə`sum] v.(想当然地)认为
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thermostat [ˋθɝmə͵stæt] n. 自动调温器,恒温器
dashboard [ˋdæʃ͵bɔrd] n.〔汽车的〕仪表板
wireless [ˋwaɪrlɪs] adj. 无线的
booming [ˋbumɪŋ] adj. 大受欢迎的
pedal [ˋpɛd!] v. 踩踏板
folding [ˋfoldɪŋ] adj. 可折迭的
bladeless 无叶片的
chill out 完全放松﹐不紧张; 冷静 relax, take it easy
Reading Questions
1. What does the article say about the electric eye?
A. It assists color-blind people in seeing colors.
B. It allows people to see miles into the distance.
C. It restores perfect vision to people who are blind.
D. It helps people with damaged vision to function better.
2. What does the author think about artificial meat?
A. It will quickly become a popular item at stores.
B. It could possibly taste great sometime in the future.
C. It will put an end to world hunger in a short time.
D. It will taste better if prepared in a special way.
3. Which of the following is NOT an invention mentioned in the article?
A. A lightweight folding bike that is powered by air.
B. A wireless device that helps people save energy at home.
C. An artificial limb that can help people to walk again.
D. A computer program that checks if you are in a good moon.
4. What does the phrase “necessity is the mother of invention” mean?
A. An invention is powerful unless he or she feels inspired.
B. Nothing is possible without relying on past discoveries.
C. Things are usually created when there is a real demand for them.
D. Many of the inventions that are created are not really needed.
Read more:
top 50 inventions of the year, 2009, TIME
美国太空总署成功发射战神一号运载火箭Ares I
2009 Best Inventions of the Year
YikeBike - Urban Freedom
Dyson Air Multiplier fan first look review
more video
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( C ) |