Paper: Not Ready For the Recycling Bin 典雅坚韧:纸的无限可能
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:318
Before the technological revolution, there was a time when paper dominated. People wrote letters, not e-mails; read books, not e-Books. For years, we’ve been moving toward a paperless world. Yet paper – with its long history – has played a priceless part in many world cultures and, for some artisans, it will never be “just packaging.”
As it happens, paper and cardboard can be environmentally sound, cheap, and durable materials. In Taichung, Carton King Creativity Park shows day-trippers exactly what paper can do. Strolling around the scenic gardens, you’ll spot a scaled-down Eiffel Tower and Hotel Burj Al Arab, constructed from a special paper-cardboard which, though it seems implausible, is both waterproof and fireproof! Rest your weary feet in the restaurant – you’ll find yourself sitting on a chair built from paper, eating off a table made from paper, and using crockery fashioned from paper! The park’s staff insists the chair is as strong as its conventional cousin, going as far as to suggest a complete house could be built and furnished from this super-sturdy “paperboard.”
Speaking of paper houses, the Paper Dome in Puli, Nantou has become a focal point of community life. Supported by 58 cardboard columns, the dome was built as a temporary replacement for a church after an earthquake in Japan in 1995. Ten years later, it was relocated to Puli, where it weathers the storms to this day.
The market for creative paper products and using the material innovatively isn’t folding. Perhaps paper hasn’t had its day, after all.
−by Alice Davis
revolution [͵rɛvəˋluʃən] n. 革命
dominate [ˋdɑmə͵net] v. 支配﹐控制
priceless [ˋpraɪslɪs] adj. 无价的;稀世之珍的
sound [saʊnd] adj. 完好的; 健全的
durable [ˋdjʊrəb!] adj. 经久的,耐用的
stroll [strol] v. 散步
scenic [ˋsinɪk] adj. 景色秀丽的
construct [kənˋstrʌkt] v. 建造
weary [ˋwɪrɪ] adj. 疲倦的,疲劳的
furnish [ˋfɝnɪʃ] v. 为〔房屋或房间〕配备家具; 布置
sturdy [ˋstɝdɪ] adj. 坚固的,经久耐用的
temporary [ˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] adj. 临时的;暂时的
relocate [riˋloket] v. 重新安置; 移迁; 搬迁
More Information
artisan [ˋɑrtəzn] n. 工匠;技工
day-tripper 当天来回的短途旅客 a tourist who makes excursions lasting just one day
scaled-down [͵skeldˋdaʊn] adj. 缩小的; 按比例缩减的 to be reduced proportionally
implausible [ɪmˋplɔzəb!] adj. 难以置信的;不像真实的
off [ɔf] prep. 以……为依靠 Informal from
crockery [ˋkrɑkərɪ] n.(总称)陶器,瓦器
fashion [ˋfæʃən] v. 制作;使成形;形成
insist [ɪnˋsɪst] v. 坚决认为;强调
cousin [ˋkʌzn] n. 同性质的人[物]; 类似之物 something similar in quality or character
go as far as 更深入地 to be extreme in talking about or doing something
dome [dom] n. 圆屋顶
focal [ˋfok!] adj. 焦点的;在焦点上的
weather [ˋwɛðɚ] v. 平安度过(暴风雨);经受住
fold [ˋfold] v. (企业或组织)停业,关门 to close, especially for lack of financial success; fail
have had its day (不再顺利、兴旺、强大等) 失势; 已经终结; 不再受欢迎了
haven't had its day 时日(终结)还没到来
Reading Questions
1. How does the article present paper in the opening paragraph?
A. As nothing more than packaging material.
B. As a useless product that should be rejected.
C. As playing an important role in our past.
D. As an item that is as popular now as it has always been.
2. Which of the following paper items is NOT mentioned in the article?
A. A place of worship.
B. Edible paper meals.
C. A four-legged piece of furniture.
D. A miniature copy of a world-famous tourist hotspot.
3. What does the expression “paper hasn’t has its day” mean?
A. Paper’s existence is not over.
B. Paper is a forgotten part of history.
C. Paper’s anniversary is never celebrated.
D. Paper is not given the recognition it deserves.
Paper Dome
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |