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CNN 10 - January 9, 2020

Iranian Missiles Strike Near American Troops in Iraq; Look at Australia`s Wildfires From the Air; Mysterious Drone Sightings Made in Two U.S. States

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Is a heated standoff between the United States and Iran starting to cool off? That`s the first topic we`re talking about


heated [ˋhitɪd] adj. 激昂的

standoff [ˋstænd͵ɔf] n.【美】僵持;均衡

today on CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz always glad to have you watching. Throughout this week we`ve been following the back and forth attacks

between America and Iran that have been taking place in Iraq which is Iran`s western neighbor. On Wednesday, Iran launched more than 12 missiles

at two different military bases in Iraq where American troops were staying. The attack came within days of the U.S. air strike that killed a top

Iranian general in Iraq. Shortly after the Iranian missiles were launched, U.S. President Donald Trump said all is well and he made a statement about

the attacks late Wednesday morning.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We suffered no casualties. All of our soldiers are safe and only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases. Our

sustain [səˋsten] v. 承受,承担

great American forces are prepared for anything. Iran appears to be standing down which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very

stand down【军】(命令某人)解除戒备状态

good thing for the world.


AZUZ: The American leader also said he`d asked U.S. allies to get more involved in the Middle East and that the U.S. would further punish Iran`s

economy through economic sanctions. But he also suggested that if Iran quits trying to build nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism, the U.S.

wanted it to have a prosperous future in harmony with other countries. Iranian officials also spoke out on Wednesday. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

said the U.S. was given a slap in the face and President Hassan Rouhani said if America commit`s a crime she must know that we will ask decisively

a slap in the face 一记耳光

decisively [dɪˋsaɪsɪvlɪ] adv. 决然地;果断地

as we have already shown.

But as far as Iran`s missile attack goes, some officials from the Trump Administration say Iran intentionally avoided hitting areas where American

troops were concentrated suggesting Iran might have wanted to send a message but not actually trigger a U.S. military response. So it`s

possible that both sides here are looking for ways to calm things down. All of this coincided with a rollercoaster ride for global oil prices. In

the hours after the Iranian missile attack, they jumped up to more than $65 per barrel. After President Trump`s remarks, they dropped back down to

below $60. It shows you how events in an oil rich region can directly impact oil markets.

And with some investors breathing a sigh of relief over news concerning Iran, there was also some relief in another part of the world over news

sigh [saɪ] n. 叹气,叹息

concerning wildfires. Australia`s eastern coast has gotten some badly needed rain, a big help to firefighters but more hot, dry weather could be

ahead. Following yesterday`s view from the sea, today`s report gives you one from the air.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A break in the weather. Visibility at 900 meters. This bill long range helicopter was finally given clearance to fly.

clearance [ˋklɪrəns] n. 出入港许可证

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Inaudible) departure (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On board Ian Jauncey, the air attack supervisor for the New South Wales Rural Fire Service.

IAN JAUNCEY: Because it`s (inaudible) over, my (inaudible) has very little intel on exactly what the fire`s doing.


JAUNCEY: So they try to just get some eyes in the sky.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Since the Border Fire that crossed from Victoria into New South Wales rolled through parts of the far south coast over the

roll [rol] v. 伸展

weekend decimating townships, firefighters have been unable to get an aerial view of the monster they`re battling until now. With the front

decimate [ˋdɛsə͵met] v. 大量毁灭

stretching more than 60 kilometers wide, it`s burned all the way to the sea engulfing one of Eden`s largest employers the Woodchip Mill. But as the

engulf [ɪnˋgʌlf] v. 吞没;卷入

woodchip 木片


smoke billowed and will continue to for weeks possibly months, this enormous woodpile nearby lies untouched as does the jetty.

billow [ˋbɪlo] v.(巨浪)翻腾;波浪似地起伏,滚滚向前

jetty [ˋdʒɛtɪ] n. 防波堤; 码头

JAUNCEY: (Inaudible) protected that well.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The priority for firefighters isn`t the massive blaze burning out of control, but rather the smaller fires that have jumped

containment lines posing new threats to homes and townships.

JAUNCEY: There (inaudible) hot, you know, smoldering stuff near the edges of the fire there. Soon as the (inaudible) fire again stops. We`re now

smolder [ˋsmoldɚ] v. 闷燃烧尽

airborne over the top of the Eden township. Visibility is (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is it the first time the rural fire service has been able to take to the skies here on the far south coast of New South Wales to assess

the full extent of the fire damage. Smoke has just been too thick grounding all aircraft for days. While those water bombing aircraft have

just been activated allowing them to hit those wild hot spots as much as possible before conditions deteriorate on Friday. Two Black Hawks soon as

appear as Ian and pilot Mick Kennedy (ph) directed them to nearby dams to fill up their 3,000 liter buckets with water and extinguish identified hot


JAUNCEY: Turn (inaudible) two o`clock and just (ph) face back up here on the range.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But it was Georgia Peach, the Erikson (ph) sky plane that made the biggest impact.

JAUNCEY: Just like clockwork huh?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sucking up 9,800 liters of sea water at a time she got to work dousing the flames.

douse [daʊs] v. 弄熄


AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. What organization`s official mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world? Space X,

FAA, ICAO, or Civil Air Patrol. This is the mission statement of the Federal Aviation Administration, part of the U.S. Department of


The FAA sets rules for pilots, planes and drones and while we`re not sure if any laws are being broken in Colorado and Nebraska, where multiple

drones have been seen flying at night. A report in the Colorado Springs Gazette suggests they could be part of a secret U.S. Air Force program that

uses and monitors drones, still the aircraft have some residents on edge.

on edge: to be nervous or worried


LUCY KAFANOV, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In Colorado and Nebraska - -

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That is so creepy.

KAFANOV: - - a mystery in the night sky. What some say are drones, lots of them, but no one seems to know from where or why.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That little dot right there - -

KAFANOV: Jennifer Rollins (ph) was visiting family in Yuma County the day after Christmas when she spotted the flying objects capturing this one on


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s just hovering there.

KAFANOV: It`s a mystery and you want answers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. And I think everybody out there does too. It`s really unnerving to be out there by yourself and you see these flashing

unnerving [͵ʌnˋnɝvɪŋ] adj. 使人紧张不安的

lights near your home. You want to know what it is and why it`s out there.

KAFANOV: The enigma puzzling Colorado and Nebraska law enforcement in more than a dozen counties. Witnesses say the drones typically appear after

enigma [ɪˋnɪgmə] n. 谜;难以理解的事物

sunset. As many as 30 flying in formation, 200 to 300 feet above ground. Some with wingspans estimated at six feet. One sheriff pinpointing the

area where a rancher spotted some on New Year`s Eve.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We observed anywhere from five to 10 drones over about 25 miles square radius.

radius [ˋredɪəs] n. 半径;半径距离

KAFANOV: Although they don`t believe the flying objects to be malicious, officials want answers. Colorado Senator Cory Gardner tweeting that he`s

malicious [məˋlɪʃəs] adj. 【律】有恶意的

closely monitoring the situation. A Federal Aviation Administration spokesman telling CNN multiple FAA divisions and government agencies are

investigating these reports. It`s not clear if the flights are breaking any laws but they`ve drawn attention just as the FAA proposed sweeping new

sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 大刀阔斧的

regulations requiring most drones to be identifiable. Legal or not CNN aviation expert David Susi says they could pose a threat.

identifiable [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪəb!] adj. 可识别的

DAVID SUSI, CNN AVIATION EXPERT: People think, oh, it`s just a drone. It`s a small drone. It`s no danger to aircraft but it in fact a danger to

aircraft. They still are made of metal and they can go through an aircraft and cause damage even engine ingestion can cause an engine failure.

KAFANOV: Some theories suggest the drones could be flown by private companies conducting land surveys or part of a show like this one. Someone tampering

tamper [ˋtæmpɚ] v. 瞎弄,瞎搞

with new Christmas gifts, not likely.

not likely 不见得;不大可能

SUSI: Formation drone and flying in fleets is not something for the amateur.

KAFANOV: In fact, Susi says they might not be drones at all rather communication satellites.

SUSI: It would also explain why it`s been seen in so many different counties because at that altitude it would be seen from - - from hundreds

of miles.

KAFANOV: For now, a mystery still unsolved. Lucy Kafanov CNN, Denver, Colorado.


AZUZ: Who`s hungry for pizza? Now who`s hungry for pizza from an ATM? There`s a new one of those at the University of North Florida giving

college students access to hot pizza around the clock. The pies inside are refrigerated with certain toppings already on them so they`re not made to

order but they are baked to order. That takes a little less than four minutes at a cost of $9 per pizza. Are they good? Well they`re pizza. So

if you want to pizza and the time is 3 a.m., and you can warm up to the idea of a pizza ATM it`s on trend. Call a friend. Bring your hunger and

on trend 时髦的;赶得上潮流的

your money. It`s a short way to a fresh baked pizza pie with pepperoni. If you dream of late night pizza, this machine could grant your wishes.

pepperoni [͵pɛpɚˋronɪ] n. 意大利辣味香肠

Just don`t go with the anchovies and stink up the dorm with fishes.

anchovy [ˋæntʃəvɪ] n.【鱼】鳀鱼(产于地中海,肉味鲜美)

stink up 把……搞臭

I`m Carl Azuz. Hey, if you`re watching from a classroom you could get your school announced on our show. Here`s how, from CNN10.com click this link,

right here, to get to our official You Tube page. Subscribe and then comment on the latest video with your school, city and state, you could

hear it tomorrow on CNN.














heated [ˋhitɪd] adj. 激昂的

standoff [ˋstænd͵ɔf] n.【美】僵持;均衡

sustain [səˋsten] v. 承受,承担

stand down【军】(命令某人)解除戒备状态

a slap in the face 一记耳光

decisively [dɪˋsaɪsɪvlɪ] adv. 决然地;果断地

sigh [saɪ] n. 叹气,叹息                                                                         

clearance [ˋklɪrəns] n. 出入港许可证

roll [rol] v. 伸展

decimate [ˋdɛsə͵met] v. 大量毁灭

engulf [ɪnˋgʌlf] v. 吞没;卷入

woodchip 木片

billow [ˋbɪlo] v.(巨浪)翻腾;波浪似地起伏,滚滚向前

jetty [ˋdʒɛtɪ] n. 防波堤; 码头

smolder [ˋsmoldɚ] v. 闷燃烧尽

douse [daʊs] v. 弄熄

on edge: to be nervous or worried

unnerving [͵ʌnˋnɝvɪŋ] adj. 使人紧张不安的

enigma [ɪˋnɪgmə] n. 谜;难以理解的事物

radius [ˋredɪəs] n. 半径;半径距离

malicious [məˋlɪʃəs] adj. 【律】有恶意的

sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 大刀阔斧的

identifiable [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪəb!] adj. 可识别的

tamper [ˋtæmpɚ] v. 瞎弄,瞎搞

not likely 不见得;不大可能

on trend 时髦的;赶得上潮流的

pepperoni [͵pɛpɚˋronɪ] n. 意大利辣味香肠

anchovy [ˋæntʃəvɪ] n.【鱼】鳀鱼(产于地中海,肉味鲜美)

stink up 把……搞臭


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