CNN 10 - May 6, 2021
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2021年5月10日
- 最后更新于 2023年7月10日
- 发布于 2021年5月10日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:638
Observers Voice Concern for Afghan Women and Girls; Chinese Rocket Goes Out of Control; Broadway is Allowed to Reopen; U.S. Runner Breaks Record
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: With two days left in the work in school week, we welcome you to CNN 10. My name is Carl Azuz. The process of pulling U.S.
troops out of Afghanistan has begun. U.S. military officials said earlier this week that the withdraw was two to six percent complete. Last month,
President Joe Biden announced that almost all American service men and women would leave the Asian country this year. It`s a controversial
The conflict there started in late 2001 and it`s become the longest war America`s ever been involved in. But despite the continued presence of
thousands of U.S. and coalition troops, Afghanistan is not a stable country. It`s former rulers, a Muslim fundamentalist group named the
Taliban, are still a powerful and violent force.
They continue to launch attacks against Afghan government troops. Some U.S. military officials say the Afghan government could fall apart if coalition
forces aren`t there to help it. But President Biden says the U.S. mission was to make sure Afghanistan would no longer be used as a base for
terrorists as it was for the September 11th, 2001 attacks and that that mission has been accomplished.
He also says it no longer makes sense for thousands of U.S. troops to be concentrated in that one country, but the top U.S. general says the
withdraw brings the potential for bad possible outcomes in Afghanistan. Critics of the pullout say it could mean civil war.
pullout [ˋpul͵aʊt] n. 撤军
Another concern they have involves women`s rights. Those didn`t exist under the Taliban. They could vanish again if the Afghan government collapses.
U.S. Secretary of State Tony Bliken says the Taliban won`t gain acceptance by other countries if they don`t respect the rights of women and girls.
U.S. intelligence officials say international acceptance probably isn`t a Taliban priority. American troops are scheduled to leave the Asian country
by September 11th, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the U.S.
All right. If you were watching last week, you might remember the Chinese space station we told you about. The first module for it was launched last
module [ˋmɑdʒul] n.(宇宙飞船的)舱
Thursday. It was put into orbit as planned but there`s been a problem. China lost control of the rocket that carried the module so now the rocket
is set to re-enter earth`s atmosphere this weekend and no one knows where exactly that will happen or what exactly will happen when it does. Meteors
and small satellites commonly burn up in our atmosphere when they get there posing no threat to people or plants or animals on Earth.
But this Chinese rocket is huge, so big that chunks of it could survive reentry and hit the ground. Chances are they won`t. Most of the earth`s
surface, 70 percent of it, is covered by oceans. So experts say the Chinese rocket parts are likely to land there. Should we be worried if they don`t?
And why can`t scientists figure out where this thing is going?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was launched by China as one module of their space station last week and it is hurdling around the world at 18,000 miles an
hurdle [ˋhɝd!] v. 跨过
hour. So because it`s going so fast, they won`t know exactly where this thing is going to hit until hours, literally, before it happens, because
one hour could make the difference of 18,000 miles.
Now, most of the times when these things re-enter the atmosphere, analysts say they -- they break apart. The pieces burn up but because this rocket is
so massive. There is a chance that large pieces could re-enter, could stay intact and chances are they`d probably fall into the ocean. Analysts are
wanting us to remind you that this is not the end of days. There`s such a tiny chance that you could be affected by this.
AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. What has caused more individual shutdowns of Broadway than any other event? Wars, pandemics, strikes or power outages.
Strikes have temporarily shutdown New York City`s theater district more times than any other factor.
Most of the strike related shutdowns lasted days though. Until corona virus reached America in early 2020, the last time Broadway had been closed for
more than a year had been during the American Revolution. Even during the Spanish Flu pandemic of the early 20th century, which was far deadlier than
COVID-19, Broadway stayed open. For the first time since March of last year, restrictions on the theaters are about to be removed, meaning they`ll
be allowed to reopen but it`s still going to be months before people can go see a Broadway show.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Broadway now has the green light to reopen on May 19th but bringing shows back isn`t as simple as just flipping on a light
switch. So New York`s theater owners are instead going to reopen in the fall.
The timing comes as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that capacity restrictions can be lifted on the venues later this month, much faster than
many in the arts community had expected. Broadway has been dark since March of last year with an estimated 100,000 people out of work.
But re-launching Broadway shows requires weeks of advance preparation and production like rebuilding sets and costumes, bringing back staff, casting
casting [ˋkæstɪŋ] n. 角色分配
for the shows and then conducting rehearsals plus time to sell the tickets. Even if theaters could get their cast and crew in place by the summer,
social distancing restrictions remain in place for indoor venues.
That limits audience size and according to an industry insider, it`s a financial burden most Broadway shows can`t handle. So theater fans eager
for the "Great White Way" to reopen will have to wait a few more months before the lights come back on, on Broadway.
AZUZ: Unless you are a seasoned runner, the six minute mile isn`t something you achieve on accident. Now imagine breaking that barrier 31
times in a row and you have a good sense of what it takes to be a champion at a 50 kilometer or 31 mile race. The men`s world record for this is 2
hours, 42 minutes and 30 seconds. The women`s world record was just broken.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. I felt uncomfortable. There`s going to be a 25, 26 and you start feeling that marathon fatigue or your feet are just kind
of sticking to the ground and, you know, your energy levels are low and you still have a long way to go.
I think it was -- was very specifically challenging on this course is that we came through that 26.2 mile mark and then you head away from
specifically [spɪˋsɪfɪk!ɪ] adv. 特别地
head away: to move away
the start/finish line. So you know you`re getting further away from home to a degree even though your actually getting closer.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nice job. (Inaudible)
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was intriguing getting into that unknown and going like I`ve never been here before and even in the training, like, the
changes and the things the coach would throw at me. And I don`t know if that`s going to be enough, like, I was -- it was all so foreign and fresh and new
throw [θro] v. 施加(影响等)
and I think it made me excited about the-- like the further and the longer distances.
And it was like doing my first marathon again where, you know, was just really aware of making sure I was doing everything as best as I could
because you can`t skimp on anything that might be what holds it all together and makes it all unravel.
skimp [skɪmp] v. 节省; 在…方面吝啬
unravel [ʌnˋræv!] v. 阐明;弄清;解决;揭开
I would love to do it again. Win Boston is always the goal when I sign up. And it would be interesting to see how the filelds come together
and what it feels like in the fall. But I`m excited to be able to train at home in Charlevoix, Michigan because I think that area`s just perfect for preparing
for Boston-type course. So, I`m definitely shooting for a big one in -- in October.
shoot [ʃut] v.(箭一般)飞驰;飞快地移动
AZUZ: For 10 out of 10. It`s time to fight fire with goats, as in goats. The Salinas River Bed in California typically sees dozens of wildfires
every year. The city of Paso Robles has hired ruminants to reduce the threat. About 100 of these animals are expected to munch through overgrown
ruminant [ˋrumənənt] n. 反刍动物
overgrown [ˋovɚˋgron] adj.【贬】长得太大的;生长过度的;(杂草等)蔓生的
grasses at a pace of about two to three acres per day. That creates natural fire breaks, spaces where fires lack the fuel to burn and that can reduce
the fire threat going forward.
The cost of the project is $45,000 and as more space opens up, more goats and sheep could be brought in to help. So if fires get your "goat", just go
and get your goat. Don`t be "gruff" about it, just call your friends "Billy" and "Nanny" and encourage them not to be "sheepish" or to "faint"
away from the chance to "keekal" back and "La Manche" their way through the "goarse" grasses like their "angorging" themselves on a "toginburger". I`m
Carl Azuz with goat puns because they are tough to "bleet". Shout out goes out to Divide County High School. It is located in Crosby, North Dakota.
Tomorrow`s Friday ya`ll.
pullout [ˋpul͵aʊt] n. 撤军
module [ˋmɑdʒul] n.(宇宙飞船的)舱
hurdle [ˋhɝd!] v. 跨过
casting [ˋkæstɪŋ] n. 角色分配
specifically [spɪˋsɪfɪk!ɪ] adv. 特别地
head away: to move away
throw [θro] v. 施加(影响等)
skimp [skɪmp] v. 节省; 在…方面吝啬
unravel [ʌnˋræv!] v. 阐明;弄清;解决;揭开
shoot [ʃut] v.(箭一般)飞驰;飞快地移动
ruminant [ˋrumənənt] n. 反刍动物
overgrown [ˋovɚˋgron] adj.【贬】长得太大的;生长过度的;(杂草等)蔓生的