CNN 10 - May 10, 2021
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2021年5月15日
- 最后更新于 2023年7月10日
- 发布于 2021年5月15日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:660
Fall Of A Runaway Rocket; Disappointing U.S. Jobs Report; Ongoing Shortages Of Certain Goods; Impending Cicada Emergence.
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Round and round and round it went, where it stopped lead CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz. We`re talking about the runaway Chinese
runaway [ˋrʌnə͵we] adj. 逃跑的,逃亡的
rocket we told you about last week. It launched on April 29th with the mission of putting part of China`s new space station into orbit.
That will be assembled from several modules like this and the Communist country expects its station will be up and running by the end of 2022.
Well, the rocket got its module into space, that part worked but then the rocket went out of control and started heading back down toward Earth.
China and the United States both said it reentered our atmosphere on Saturday night. Experts told people not to worry. They expected it would
land in an ocean somewhere as 70 percent of the Earth`s surface is covered by those.
And as of Sunday, it looks like they were right. China`s government-run news agency says most of the rocket burned up in the atmosphere and that
the remaining debris landed in the Indian Ocean. China`s Space Agency gave coordinates that put the rocket`s wreckage a little west of the island nation of Maldives.
coordinate [koˋɔrdnɪt] n.【数】坐标
Maldives [ˋmældaɪvz] n. 马尔地夫
U.S. Space Command says the vehicle entered somewhere over the Arabian Peninsula at 10:15 eastern time on Saturday night. But it hasn`t confirmed
yet if the rocket landed in the Indian Ocean. Officials are trying to find out where exactly the parts came down.
The administrator of NASA has criticized China for not meeting responsible standards with its space debris. He says, everyone that conducts work in
space needs to act responsibly to ensure the safety, stability and security of activity there.
10 Second Trivia. Which of these U.S. government departments was created first? Is it the Department of Education, Labor, Energy or Transportation?
The Department of Labor was established in 1913 and it releases the government`s monthly jobs report.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was not the flood of rehiring economists had predicted, more like a trickle. April`s jobs reports show the job market
struggling to rebound. Economists had expected American would add 1 million jobs. The economy still down 8.2 million positions in the pandemic.
Now most of the hiring happened in leisure and hospitality as states has allowed greater numbers in bars and restaurants and as vaccinations have
hospitality [͵hɑspɪˋtælətɪ] n. 殷勤招待
allowed for more travel. The leisure sector though is still down 2.8 million jobs since February 2020. The unemployment rate rose slightly to
6.1 percent.
The job market is still in a deep hole and the damage has been uneven. Lower income earners, women, Hispanic and black workers bore the brunt of
bear the brunt of 首当其冲
the layoffs and millions are still out of work.
And some employers report trouble finding workers. There are a-half million factory job openings right now and elsewhere some workers may be
reluctant to venture back into the labor market for three reasons.
Fear of contracting the virus, a lack of childcare with children out of school and the cushion from $300 a week extra in jobless benefits. The
cushion [ˋkʊʃən] n. 缓和的冲击
potential good news for workers, employers may have to pay more to attract talent. Average hourly earnings jumped 21 cents in April.
So as the economy heals, Montana and South Carolina are opting out of that $300 a week in extra jobless benefits. They cite labor shortages and they call it a disincentive to return to work.
disincentive [͵dɪsɪnˋsɛntɪv] n. 抑制因素
AZUZ: The shortage of workers in certain fields is part of the reason why certain goods are hard to come by. Who would have thought it`d be hard to
get fried chicken? It is for KFC and some other restaurants like Buffalo Wild Wings and Wingstop.
The prices they pay for chicken have gone up and a big reason is the groups that supply it are having trouble finding employees and keeping up with
demand. We`ve told you how bicycles, computer chips, ketchup packets and lumber have been harder to find. Same thing with steel, when the COVID
lumber [ˋlʌmbɚ] n.【美】木材,木料
outbreak started suppliers of these goods temporarily shutdown but demand for them unexpectedly went up. So that caused shortages and price
Rare earth metals are needed for everything from computer wiring in homes to lithium ion batteries and while demand for these items is on the rise,
lithium ion battery 锂离子电池
their supply chains are somewhat unreliable. And it takes a long time to set up new mining operations.
Chlorine prices for pool owners are going up just as people start diving into the summer swimming season. A big problem here has to do with a fire
chlorine [ˋklorin] n.【化】氯
at a chlorine factory last August. But when we talk about gas prices, that brings us full circle back to a labor shortage. Companies say they just
full circle 兜个大圈又回到原样
aren`t enough qualified drivers out there to man the tanker trucks and that`s happening just as the summer driving season gets underway.
man [mæn] v. 给……配置人员
PETE MUNTEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Lei Jang (ph) says she needed a reset from working from her home in Washington, D.C. for more than a year. So she
reset [ˋrisɛt] n. 调整
booked this weekend getaway in rural Virginia. Close enough to drive because she thought flying was too risky.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just need to pause a bit -- a little bit. I just want to refresh my mind.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Pretty much booming. It stays booked just about every night.
booming [ˋbumɪŋ] adj. 兴旺发达的;景气好的;大受欢迎的
MUNTEAN: Joan Holvey (ph) runs this century-old cabin now rented out for 16 weeks straight on Airbnb. Just the latest example of a summer travel
season that could feel more like before the pandemic. The U.S. Travel Association says 72 percent of Americans will make at least one trip this
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s very close to what we normally find. We-- we find going this summer 75 to 80 percent of Americans say they`re planning on
taking a trip away from home. This summer is going to be really a -- a comeback for travels.
MUNTEAN: While the CDC relaxed its travel guidelines for those who are fully vaccinated, overseas flights and Caribbean cruises are still bogged down
bog [bɑg] v. 陷入泥沼;动弹不得[(+down)]
in pandemic restrictions. That`s why experts say prepare for the summer of the road trip.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ve had people call me, said I`ve just got to get out of the house. You know, I`ve got to get him out and he`s driving me
MUNTEAN: Gas prices are already going up in part because demand for driving is coming back. The average price for a gallon of gas has increased 60
percent in the last year, in some places as high as $4.00 per gallon.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All summer travels not going to be what it was in 2019. It`s not going to exceed pre-pandemic levels. It`s going to be close.
MUNTEAN: KOA Campgrounds says this year`s bookings are 20 percent higher than 2019. Yosemite National Park is so popular that it`s now requiring
reservations and in Hawaii, rental cars are in such short supply that some have taken to renting U-Hauls instead. One study says the top destinations include
beaches and cabins like this one for a summer travel season that`s about to look like no other.
like no other 与众不同
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can`t get a rental car. You can`t get an RV these days and people are taking to the roads and the good old American road
MUNTEAN: Pete Muntean, CNN, Quicksburg, Virginia.
AZUZ: Concluding today`s show the rise of Brood 10. It`s not a movement. It`s not a DJ. It`s a group of cicadas also known as the Great Eastern Brood,
cicada [sɪˋkedə] n.【昆】蝉,知了
these insects have been underground for the last 17 years. But in the biggest emergence of cicadas since 2004, billions of them are about to
surface from Tennessee to New York in the hopes of finding a mate.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With a roar to rival a passing jet, the cicadas are on the move. A remarkable bunch called Brood 10 and when the males let loose
roar [ror] n.(雷,炮等)轰鸣
bunch [bʌntʃ] n.【口】群,伙,帮
let loose 猛烈开(火),密集发射(子弹、炸弹等)
with their mating call.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s airplane noise if we were in the center of Brood 10. You wouldn`t hear that airplane.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This particular strain emerges in the Mid-Atlantic and a few Mid-Western states living underground on tree roots, counting the
strain [stren] n. 负担,沉重压力
seasonal cycle of those trees and coming into the light only once every 17 years. To fascinate entomologists in the right place at the right time,
entomologist [͵ɛntəˋmɑlədʒɪst] n. 昆虫学家
like the Smithsonian`s Floyd Shockley (ph).
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Periodical cicada mass emergences are one of those once or twice in a lifetime kind of things. I hope people, you know, aren`t
periodical [͵pɪrɪˋɑdɪk!] adj. 周期的;定期的;时而发生的
scared but enjoy the show.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In busy areas, a million and a half could appear per acre, a trillion in all rising when the soil temperature reaches 64
degrees. Are they dangerous? No although they can damage some small trees where they lay their eggs. Are they edible? Yes.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh yes. That`s the sound you want to hear.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are videos online offering recipes like this one from the Tennessee Farm Bureau, if you can stomach it. Do I eat the eyes
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A little crunchy. Got a leg stuck between my teeth here.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you spice them right, they taste a lot like shrimp.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why are there so many? Because everything eats them. Cicadas survive only because there are too many to be devoured entirely.
Will they be around long? No. Just a few weeks.
But will they bug some people? Absolutely. So scientists say if you are caught in this creeping, crawling, cicada storm don`t think of it as a
bug [bʌg] v.【俚】烦扰;激怒
scary nuisance but a natural wonder like the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls. That`s what they say.
nuisance [ˋnjusns] n. 讨厌的人(或事物);麻烦事
AZUZ: Of course, there will be cicada "hatas" out there. They`ll be "brooding" when the insects start to "hiss". But maybe we shouldn`t let us
"bug" us when they "bagan" their "hemopterawesome" emergence. Because after all, there`s a kind of "cidadence" to their "cicadance".
Today`s shout out takes us to Juneau. Don`t you know the capital of Alaska is home to Thunder Mountain High School which is an amazing sounding place.
We hope your weeks off to a great start and that you`ll join us again tomorrow. I`m Carl Azuz.
runaway [ˋrʌnə͵we] adj. 逃跑的,逃亡的
coordinate [koˋɔrdnɪt] n.【数】坐标
Maldives [ˋmældaɪvz] n. 马尔地夫
hospitality [͵hɑspɪˋtælətɪ] n. 殷勤招待
bear the brunt of 首当其冲
cushion [ˋkʊʃən] n. 缓和的冲击
disincentive [͵dɪsɪnˋsɛntɪv] n. 抑制因素
lumber [ˋlʌmbɚ] n.【美】木材,木料
lithium ion battery 锂离子电池
chlorine [ˋklorin] n.【化】氯
full circle 兜个大圈又回到原样
man [mæn] v. 给……配置人员
reset [ˋrisɛt] n. 调整
booming [ˋbumɪŋ] adj. 兴旺发达的;景气好的;大受欢迎的
bog [bɑg] v. 陷入泥沼;动弹不得[(+down)]
like no other 与众不同
cicada [ sɪˋkedə] n.【昆】蝉,知了
roar [ror] n.(雷,炮等)轰鸣
bunch [bʌntʃ] n.【口】群,伙,帮
let loose 猛烈开(火),密集发射(子弹、炸弹等)
strain [stren] n. 负担,沉重压力
entomologist [͵ɛntəˋmɑlədʒɪst] n. 昆虫学家
periodical [͵pɪrɪˋɑdɪk!] adj. 周期的;定期的;时而发生的
bug [bʌg] v.【俚】烦扰;激怒
nuisance [ˋnjusns] n. 讨厌的人(或事物);麻烦事