CNN 10 - May 14, 2021
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2021年5月15日
- 最后更新于 2023年7月10日
- 发布于 2021年5月15日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:722
History of Unrest in the Holy Land; Restart of U.S. Fuel Supply Line; Concept Seaplane That Would Fly Low and Fast.
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Fridays are pretty cool, I guess. Didn`t see that one coming did you. But the last day of the work and school week doesn`t
need me to say it`s awesome. It just is. I`m Carl Azuz. We`re diving a little deeper today into the ongoing conflict between Israelis and
Palestinians often referred to as the Middle East conflict. When we produced this show, not much had changed from the day before. The two sides
were still engaged in their worst violence in years with the Israeli military launching more air strikes in Palestinian controlled areas and
Palestinian militants firing more rockets into Israel.
In several Israeli cities there`s been rioting and violence between Arab and Jewish citizens. One mayor says decades of coexistence between these
two groups have been quote "trampled". Flights into Israel have been cancelled by several international airlines and it looked like the Israeli
trample [ˋtræmp!] v. 踩踏, 蹂躏践踏, 轻视
military and Palestinian militants were both waiting for the other side to stop its attacks first before pulling back on their own. Gaza is the
Gaza [ˈɡɑzɑ] n. 加沙(西南亚地中海岸港市,巴勒斯坦的一部分,1967年被以色列占领)
Palestinian controlled territory from which rockets are being launched and which is being targeted by Israeli air strikes. Gaza is controlled by Hamas,
a Muslim fundamentalist group that does not recognize Israel as a nation.
Because Hamas`s attacks through the years have targeted civilians, the U.S. government and European Union consider it to be a terrorist organization as
does Israel. Hamas wants an Islamic country established in the region that now includes Israel. But decades of efforts to establish two countries in
this area, a Palestinian state and an Israeli state have all failed. It has tremendous religious and historical significance to Jews and Muslims as
well as Christians.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These rugged limestone hills in a rift valley. East of the Mediterranean Sea have a rich and storied past, from the Bible right up
rift [rɪft] n.【美】河流中的浅石滩
to the present. Different peoples give it different names. Palestine, Judea and Samaria, or more simply, the West Bank sitting as it does on the
western side of the Jordon River. Nearly 3 million people live here, about 2.5 million Palestinians and more than 400,000 Jewish settlers. It`s not
large just twice the size of Rhode Island, Luxemburg but it has been a central part of Israeli-Palestine conflict for decades.
Luxemburg [ˋlʌksəm͵bɝg] n. 卢森堡(位于德、法、比利时之间)
June 1967 was a key month. That`s when Israel convinced it faced eminent invasion from its Arab neighbors launched a series of preemptive strikes.
eminent [ˋɛmənənt] adj. 明显的
preemptive [priˋɛmptɪv] adj. 先发制人的
In the short six-day war that followed, Israel captured land from Syria, Egypt and Jordan from which it took the West Bank and East Jerusalem. When
the United Nations Security Council convened a few months later, it declared the West Bank like all the conquered lands occupied territory. The
convene [kənˋvin] v. 召集(会议)
Israeli Army was ordered to withdraw but there was little inclination to do so. Not only did the land provide Israel with a greatly enhanced sense of
inclination [͵ɪnkləˋneʃən] n. 意愿
security along its eastern flank, it also meant access to holy sites with which the West Bank is richly endowed.
flank [flæŋk] n. 胁;胁腹;侧面;厢房
richly endowed 得天独厚的
In Hebron stands the Cave of the Patriarchs, where Abraham`s buried and Bethlehem is Rachel`s tomb, further north In Nablus is the tomb of Joseph.
Hebron 希伯仑
Bethlehem [ˋbɛθləhɛm] n. 伯利恒(耶稣降生地)
These sites and many more are holy to Jews as well as to Christians and Muslims. In control of the West Bank, Israel began building homes for
Jewish settlers which became towns, schools, medical centers, even the university. The population of the settlements grew from 10,000 in 1979 to
100,000 by 1992 to over 440,000 in 2019. All protected and supported by Israeli soldiers as well as concrete, barbed wire and check points.
Tensions with the Palestinian population who felt they were being driven from the land and subjugated have many times boiled over.
subjugate [ˋsʌbdʒə͵get] v. 征服;制服;使屈从
boil over【口】非常恼火
Producing indelible images, still associated political region, the rock throwing youth, the carnage of the suicide attack. The devastating power
indelible [ɪnˋdɛləb!] adj. 难以去除的;擦不掉的;持久的
carnage [ˋkɑrnɪdʒ] n. 大屠杀
of tanks and attack helicopters but there have also been attempts at peace and resolution and the focus has generally been on the same formula, two states
for two peoples. The United Nations tried it first in 1947, a partition of the land held by Britain for three decades into a Jewish state and an Arab
partition [pɑrˋtɪʃən] n. 分开;分割;划分
state. The plan fell apart rejected by Arab powers. The high point of peace efforts came in the 1990s` as part of a negotiated agreement, the Oslo Accords.
fall apart 破裂
The West Bank was divided into three areas. It was an arrangement only ever meant to be temporary bridging the way to the establishment of a
bridge [brɪdʒ] v. 把……连结(或弥合)起来;缩短距离
state of Palestine, also including Gaza and parts of Jerusalem living side by side with the state of Israel.
But it never happened. Legally, little has changed. Most of the international community continues to describe all of the West Bank as
occupied territory and says Israel`s settlements are illegal. Israel disputes that saying it`s rights to the land stretch back to biblical times
dispute [dɪˋspjut] v. 争论;争执
and the status of the land was unclear when Jordan had it before 1967. Palestinians also lay historical and religious claim to the land where they
lay [le] v. 宣称;提出
still hope one day to build their state. The reality is that diplomacy has been in limbo for years. Negotiations, a peace process seem like ideas from another era.
limbo [ˋlɪm͵bo] n. 待定状态; 被遗忘状态
AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. Longhorn, Olympic and Pony Express are all the names of what? National Historic Trails, Oil Pipelines, Railroad Companies
or Cryptocurrency. These are all the names of oil pipelines like the Colonial Pipeline we`ve been reporting on.
Less than a week after it was hit by a cyberattack on its computer systems, the Colonial Pipeline is up and running again. The company`s main supply
up and running(尤指系统或机器)运行,运转
lines were restarted on Wednesday night but fuel flows through these pipes slowly at five miles per hour. So it could still be days before
southeastern gas stations have fuel to sell. As of Thursday morning, most gas stations in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia were dry. The
fuel tracking app GasBuddy also reported significant outages from Tennessee to Maryland. Besides the slow flow of fuel, there`s a shortage of qualified
truck drivers for gas deliveries so that`s not helping things. The computer hack on Colonial Pipeline was carried out using ransomware.
ransomware 勒索软件(用于拐骗数据的恶意软件,它是一种攻击者对受害者的数据进行加密然后再要求受害者支付解密密钥的攻击)
It typically steals or locks out the businesses important information until the ransom is paid to get it back. We had conflicting reports on whether
ransom [ˋrænsəm] n. 赎金
Colonial paid the ransom. By Thursday morning, a source had told CNN that the company and U.S. government officials were able to get back the most
important info that was stolen without paying the hackers. But Thursday afternoon, sources told the Bloomberg Media Company that Colonial paid the
hackers nearly $5 million to get its files back. On Wednesday, President Joe Biden had signed an Executive Order that requires better cyber security
on software sold to the government, but his administration says a lot more work is needed to prevent hacks like this one on Colonial Pipeline.
A new electric vehicle concept is making waves because it would fly right above them. This what a company named Regent calls a ground effect vehicle.
make waves 引起轰动; 掀起波澜; to shock or upset people with something new or different
It`s a plane that would fly very close to the water making it more efficient. Of course, there`d be less margin for error that close to the
surface at 180 miles per hour. Other companies are working on concepts like this. Regent hopes to get it off the ground or water by 2025.
A seaplane that is "plain" to see is, be an "oversea" adventure. Wave hopping without stopping could be a popping business venture. Still, the
service could make nervous those who fear they`d scratch the "surface" shaking loose a new "Spruce Goose" on sea or sky can "ground" it`s purpose.
Evanston High`s pretty fly. Want to give a shout out to our viewers in Evanston, Wyoming. You Tube is the place to go to request a shout out for
your school. Just a heads up. Our last show of the spring season airs two weeks from today on Friday, May 28th. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN.
trample [ˋtræmp!] v. 踩踏, 蹂躏践踏, 轻视
Gaza [ˈɡɑzɑ] n. 加沙(西南亚地中海岸港市,巴勒斯坦的一部分,1967年被以色列占领)
rift [rɪft] n.【美】河流中的浅石滩
Luxemburg [ˋlʌksəm͵bɝg] n. 卢森堡(位于德、法、比利时之间)
eminent [ˋɛmənənt] adj. 明显的
preemptive [priˋɛmptɪv] adj. 先发制人的
convene [kənˋvin] v. 召集(会议)
inclination [͵ɪnkləˋneʃən] n. 意愿
flank [flæŋk] n. 胁;胁腹;侧面;厢房
richly endowed 得天独厚的
endow [ɪnˋdaʊ] v. 賦予
Hebron [ˈhɛbrən] n. 希伯仑
Bethlehem [ˋbɛθləhɛm] n. 伯利恒(耶稣降生地)
subjugate [ˋsʌbdʒə͵get] v. 征服;制服;使屈从
boil over【口】非常恼火
indelible [ɪnˋdɛləb!] adj. 难以去除的;擦不掉的;持久的
carnage [ˋkɑrnɪdʒ] n. 大屠杀
partition [pɑrˋtɪʃən] n. 分开;分割;划分
fall apart 破裂
bridge [brɪdʒ] v. 把……连结(或弥合)起来;缩短距离
dispute [dɪˋspjut] v. 争论;争执
lay [le] v. 宣称;提出
limbo [ˋlɪm͵bo] n. 待定状态; 被遗忘状态
up and running(尤指系统或机器)运行,运转
ransomware 勒索软件(用于拐骗数据的恶意软件,它是一种攻击者对受害者的数据进行加密然后再要求受害者支付解密密钥的攻击)
ransom [ˋrænsəm] n. 赎金
make waves 引起轰动; 掀起波澜; to shock or upset people with something new or different