CNN 10 - September 9, 2021
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2021年9月09日
- 最后更新于 2023年7月07日
- 发布于 2021年9月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:639
New Restrictions in China On Private Life; Inside the 9/11 Museum That`s Closed to the Public; Technology Brings New Look to Extinct Species
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to the show. I`m Carl Azuz and I`m here to help get you up to speed on what`s going on in the world. Today we start
with the spotlight on China, a communist nation that`s quickly and extensively limiting the rights of private citizens and businesses. This is
a change for the Asian country.
Experts say that while the government strictly limited people`s speech, actions and even clothing in the 1960s` and `70s, Chinese leaders have
taken a more hands off approach to private life in more recent decades. Citizens have been allowed to have more economic and social freedoms, while
hands off【口】不许触及; 不许干涉
the government kept strict control over politics.
But now, analysts say the communist party is working to tighten its grip on private life as well. For businesses, this means China will have more
regulations on how private companies operate and what wealthy people are allowed to do.
For young people, it means less time gaming. Last Wednesday we reported on how the Chinese government banned online gaming during the week for people
younger than 18, and limited it to one hour on each weekend day. Other rules include new limits on what kinds of after school programs students
are allowed to take, and how celebrities are allowed to behave and dress.
Analysts say the government wants to prevent China`s youth from being influenced by western values. It wants children to share the communist
party`s values and because that party ultimately controls the nation`s politics, its media and its economy. It can enact these reforms whenever it
feels like they`re needed.
DAVID COVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: China`s ruling communist party having just celebrated its 100th birthday, is implementing a series of drastic policy, upending everything
upend [ʌpˋɛnd] v. 倒立;倒置;顛倒;(使)混亂
from multi-billion dollar businesses to pop culture. Socialism with Chinese characteristics as it`s called here, the party`s
returning to its self-proclaimed motto of serving the people led by an increasingly powerful Xi Jinping.
self-proclaimed [͵sɛlfprəˋklemd] adj. 自称的;自命的
motto [ˋmɑto] n. 座右铭;格言;训言
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He really wants a discipline regime, a disciplined people, all dedicated to the party in many ways in making China strong.
regime [rɪˋʒim] n. 政体;政权
COVER: And it means weakening some of the country`s biggest tycoons, in recent months Beijing has targeted some of China`s most successful
companies. Imposing harsh regulations and fines on ride-hailing company Didi, and tech giant Alibaba and Tencent. It`s coincided with restrictions
ride-hailing 叫车; 随叫随停的(交通服务)
coincide [͵koɪnˋsaɪd] v. 同时发生
on materialism and the flaunting of luxurious living. President Xi`s gone a step further, calling for a redistribution of wealth to close a widening
materialism [məˋtɪrɪəl͵ɪzəm] n. 唯物主义;实利主义
flaunt [flɔnt] v. 炫耀,夸示
income gap. The crackdown has also extended to Chinese celebrities. Those accused of tax evasion or simply being unpatriotic and sometimes even
evasion [ɪˋveʒən] n. 逃避;回避
without explanations not only cancelled but also erased from Chinese social media and online streaming platforms.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can`t get too high. We can`t get too famous and we can`t get too wealthy.
COVER: Some are calling it a new cultural revolution, harking back to the `60s and `70s when then communist leader Mao Zedong, led a movement to
hark back 重新提到(或想起)(原先的问题或旧事等)
hark [hɑrk] v.【文】听
purify the party as he put it, but many say an obvious effort to reassert his control in a power struggle. It led to brutal crackdowns on free
thought, mass imprisonments and death. Though in today`s China, there is no question who`s in charge and its spread into China`s already heavily patrolled
patrol [pəˋtrol] v. 巡逻;巡查
cyberspace. Profiles and past posts deleted. These policies to purify the internet and preserve party control, seeming to target any
person, company or group with suspected foreign influence most especially from the United States.
China`s also challenging the U.S. for full control over strategic supplies from electronic chips, to solar panels, to vaccines and wants access to
these key items unimpeded by western nations, and eventually to become self-sufficient. Meantime, some are tapping into China`s rising nationalism
unimpeded [͵ʌnɪmˋpidɪd] adj. 未受阻的;畅通无阻的
winning favor by promoting patriotism, morality and more than anything else, the communist party ideology. Starting with children as young as six years
morality [məˋrælətɪ] n. 道德,伦理;品行
old, with the recent introduction of a new mandatory academic subject, "Xi Jinping Thought". The Chinese president already eliminated term limits in
2018, opening the door for him to rule for life.
As for the companies that are feeling growing squeeze from Beijing, they`re suddenly paying it forward in a very public way, pledging to donates
squeeze [skwiz] n. 压榨
millions of dollars to further seed social causes whether they`re voluntary or compelled. Seems they`ve gotten the party`s message. In China, there is
compel [kəmˋpɛl] v. 强迫,使不得不
only one boss who really counts. David Cover, CNN, Shanghai.
AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. Which of these U.S. government agencies was created in 1947? Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland
Security, National Security Agency or Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA was created in 1947. It developed out of the Office of Strategic Services
which operated during World War II.
This Saturday will mark exactly 20 years since the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States. It was the deadliest foreign assault on
American soil and tomorrow we`ll have full coverage in remembrance of the events that changed the nation. The 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City
has tens of thousands of artifacts that tell the story of the attacks, but there`s another museum related to September 11th that most people will
never be allowed to see, at least in person. It`s at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia and it`s artifacts
range from relics to the attacks themselves to pieces related to the Al- Qaida terrorist leader who planned the assault.
KAREN KAIFA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: While time has marched forward, many items left behind on September 11th, 2001 stay just as they were that Tuesday.
Now behind glass, playing their role in a now 20 year old promise to "Never Forget".
ROBERT BYER, DIRECTOR OF CIA MUSEUM: That gym bag belongs to the youngest passenger on Flight 93. She was actually on her way back to college that
KAIFA: Artifacts of the day when 2,977 people died are on wide public display in museums across the country, to make the past more tangible in
artifact [ˋɑrtɪ͵fækt] n. 人工制品
tangible [ˋtændʒəb!] adj. 有形的;有实体的;非想象的;实际的
the present. Other iconic items from the last 20 years have a smaller audience and specific purpose.
BYER: Using the artifacts here at the CIA Museum, we can tell the story of our accomplishments, what we`ve done with our history and show them the
different missions that have happened, and help them understand what they can do in the future.
KAIFA: The CIA Museum is the rare museum that doesn`t open to the public. It sets deep inside agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Down famous corridors
corridor [ˋkɔrɪdɚ] n. 走廊,回廊,通道
most Americans only see in the movies, unless like museum director Robert Byer, you work here.
BYER: This isn`t just history for history sake. We want our officers to look at these artifacts and then maybe come up with a new idea for a
mission that`s happening today.
KAIFA: The collection goes back to the CIA`s Pre-World War II intelligence predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services. Up front, the most vivid
up front 在最前面的位置
history. Just two weeks after 9/11/2001, the CIA sent its first team into Afghanistan to hunt for Osama Bin Laden. By late 2010, they zeroed in on a
zero in on 集中精力于
compound in Abbottabad in northern Pakistan. The National Geo-Spacial Intelligence Agency built scale models like this one, to brief Navy Seals
preparing to carry out the raid and President Obama.
BYER: It had a terrace but it also had a 6 foot wall so no one could see in. Seeing this up close for the president, it helped them understand
terrace [ˋtɛrəs] n. 大阳台;(庭院中的)露台;平台屋顶
something more than just a photograph.
KAIFA: Also here, one of 13 bricks collected from the compound and the rifle found next to Bin Laden after he was killed on May 2nd, 2011.
BYER: Having that artifact here at headquarters, really highlights that hunt for Osama Bin Laden and finally finding him and bringing him to justice.
bring to justice 依法惩办
KAIFA: Not all of the thousands items in the museum`s collection are a notable as Bin Laden`s rifle, or this helicopter that flew that first post
9/11 CIA team into Afghanistan, which also sits on campus. But they`re all displayed here for officers to remember what`s come before them, and how
they might shape what`s next. In Langley, Virginia, I`m Karen Kaifa.
AZUZ: Though some people in Australia say they`ve sighted a Tasmanian tiger in recent years, scientists say the animal went extinct 85 years ago
and this is the last known footage ever taken of one. The film was shot in an Australian zoo in 1933, which was three years before the last captive
Tasmanian tiger died. The footage was recently colorized in a process that took over 200 hours, and it was released to coincide with Australia`s
Threatened Species Day.
You could see how the allure of its "lore" can "lure" a "plurality"of people to keep a close "lorecout" and try to "lurcate" any "lurking" living
tigers in the "unlurkley" event of capturing a "lurky" colorized "clure" of their own. I`m Carl Azuz and that`s all I got for CNN 10. From
Fredericksburg, Virginia, we heard from James Monroe High School on our You Tube Channel. That is the only place we look for the schools we shout out.
hands off【口】不许触及; 不许干涉
upend [ʌpˋɛnd] v. 倒立;倒置;顛倒;(使)混亂
self-proclaimed [͵sɛlfprəˋklemd] adj. 自称的;自命的
motto [ˋmɑto] n. 座右铭;格言;训言
regime [rɪˋʒim] n. 政体;政权
ride-hailing 叫车; 随叫随停的(交通服务)
coincide [͵koɪnˋsaɪd] v. 同时发生
materialism [məˋtɪrɪəl͵ɪzəm] n. 唯物主义;实利主义
flaunt [flɔnt] v. 炫耀,夸示
evasion [ɪˋveʒən] n. 逃避;回避
hark back 重新提到(或想起)(原先的问题或旧事等)
hark [hɑrk] v.【文】听
patrol [pəˋtrol] v. 巡逻;巡查
unimpeded [͵ʌnɪmˋpidɪd] adj. 未受阻的;畅通无阻的
morality [məˋrælətɪ] n. 道德,伦理;品行
squeeze [skwiz] n. 压榨
compel [kəmˋpɛl] v. 强迫,使不得不
artifact [ˋɑrtɪ͵fækt] n. 人工制品
tangible [ˋtændʒəb!] adj. 有形的;有实体的;非想象的;实际的
corridor [ˋkɔrɪdɚ] n. 走廊,回廊,通道
up front 在最前面的位置
zero in on 集中精力于
terrace [ˋtɛrəs] n. 大阳台;(庭院中的)露台;平台屋顶
bring to justice 依法惩办