CNN 10 - September 12, 2022
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2022年9月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月02日
- 发布于 2022年9月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:690
Life and Legacy of Britain`s Queen Elizabeth II; Remembrances of the Lives Lost on September 11, 2001; Update on NASA`s Next Mission to the Moon
COY WIRE, CNN ANCHOR: Hey, everyone. I`m Coy and welcome back to a brand new season of CNN 10.
I am pumped to be hanging out with you this week. We have a new look and some new segments that we can`t wait to introduce.
pumped [pʌmpt] adj. 热情高涨的; 高度兴奋的
But, first, let`s get straight to the news.
The British monarchy has lost its queen. Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday at the age of 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The Queen`s reign
lasted 70 years, having become queen at the age of 25.
She ruled during a period of tremendous social and political change and ushered the crown into the 21st century. After seven decades on the throne,
usher [ˋʌʃɚ] v. 开辟,创始
Thursday marked the end of a remarkably popular reign, despite a number of high-profile scandals that followed the British royal family over the
President Biden called Queen Elizabeth a monarch who defined an era and ordered American flags be flown at half staff. The Queen had met with 13 of
Half-staff [ˋhæfˋstæf] = half-mast; 半旗(旗杆中央的位置)
the last 14 presidents. The Queen`s oldest son Charles immediately became king and will formally be crowned in the coming months.
In the meantime, Britain is conducting a 10-day mourning ritual.
mourning [ˋmornɪŋ] n. 悲伤;服丧
QUEEN ELIZABETH II, UNITED KINGDOM: I knew that your support will be unfailingly given. God help me to make good my vows and God bless all of
unfailingly [ʌnˋfelɪŋlɪ] adv. 无穷尽地;经久不衰地;可靠地
make good 成功;履行诺言
you who are willing to share in it.
WIRE: Queen Elizabeth II was U.K.`s longest running monarch, born in 1926, she was known as Lilibet to her family and friends. She was never expected
to be queen. Her future path changed entirely when she became heir presumptive at the age of 10 with her uncle King Edward VIII gave up the
heir presumptive 推定继承人(其权力可能会因为优先近亲继承人出现而丧失)
presumptive [prɪˋzʌmptɪv] adj. 根据推定的
crown and her father then ascended to the throne.
Her reign began in 1952 after her father died while she and her husband Philip were in Kenya. A year later, she was crowned in the first ever
televised coronation. It was watched by millions around the world.
coronation [͵kɔrəˋneʃən] n. 加冕典礼
During her reign, she worked with 15 British prime ministers and she traveled more widely than any other British king or queen before her.
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: I address you today as Queen of 16 United Nations member states and as head of the Commonwealth of 54 countries.
Commonwealth [ˋkɑmən͵wɛlθ] n.(大写)联邦; 政治实体,国家
WIRE: Diamond jubilee events marked 60 years of her reign in 2012. She was also the first British monarch to celebrate a platinum jubilee after 70 years
jubilee [ˋdʒub!i] n.(尤指二十五周年、五十周年等的)纪念(或庆典)
on the throne.
In 2021, her husband Prince Philip, the duke of Edinburgh, died. Her lifelong companion, they had been married for seven decades, having given
speeches across the world. It is perhaps her distinctive voice many will remember.
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love, and then we return home.
WIRE: Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of the September 11th attacks. The day caused chaos, terror and death when the al Qaeda terrorist group
carried out coordinated attacks against America. Nearly 3,000 people were killed when terrorists flown planes crashed into the World Trade Center in
New York City, the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, as passengers attempted to overpower the hijackers.
overpower [͵ovɚˋpaʊɚ] v. 击败;制伏
Yesterday, President Biden was scheduled to mark the anniversary of the attacks by delivering remarks and laying a wreath at the Pentagon. The
remark [rɪˋmɑrk] n. 言辞;谈论,评论
First Lady Jill Biden was set to deliver remarks at the Flight 93 National Memorial Observance in Shanksville. And Vice President Kamala Harris
observance [əbˋzɝvəns] n. 纪念; 庆祝
planned to travel to New York city for a commemoration ceremony with families of the victims at the National September 11th Memorial.
In reflection of the day and its impact, we`ve posted on our YouTube page a special tour from inside the 9/11 Memorial Museum. You can check that out
WIRE (voice-over): It`s 10-second trivia time.
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the hunt?
Is it Artemis, Athena, Nike or Iris?
Drum roll, please.
In ancient Greek mythology, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt in the wilderness.
Artemis [ˋɑrtəməs] n.【希神】司月,狩猎,森林,野兽的女神
WIRE: Up next, we`re looking up. Humans haven`t been back to the moon since 1972, but NASA wants to change that with their newest mission,
Artemis. But last week, the space administration called off the launch of the mission for the second time. The latest reason: a hydrogen leak
call off 取消
detected before blast off. Days before, the launch was delayed when an engine failed to reach the correct temperature.
NASA officials feel it`s better to be safe than starry, and they just need more time to fix the problem. NASA says they`ll likely relaunch Artemis
starry [ˋstɑrɪ] adj. 布满星星的;被星光照亮的
later this month or maybe in October.
The program has an astronomical price tag. NASA already spent $40 billion to develop the rocket. They`re behind schedule and over-budget. The Artemis
astronomical [͵æstrəˋnɑmɪk!] adj.(指数量)庞大的
mission has also faced criticism from people who believe Elon Musk`s SpaceX offers a more cost effective and efficient way to travel to space.
NASA has big plans for Artemis. They hope future launches will carry astronauts to the moon`s south pole and they ultimately want to establish a
permanent base on the moon for humans to live and work. That plan could come lunar than later.
NEIL ARMSTRONG, NASA ASTRONAUT: That`s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
RACHEL CRANE, CNN INNOVATION AND SPACE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): July 20th, 1969, the culmination of nearly a decade of work that would lead to a
culmination [͵kʌlməˋneʃən] n. 顶点;高潮的到达
half century of technological innovations. The Apollo program landed 12 men on the moon in a span of less than four years.
But humans haven`t been back since 1972.
Now, NASA wants to change that with the Artemis missions. In Greek mythology, Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo. In a nod to the female
nod [nɑd] n. 点头
a nod to 向.. 点头致意; a sign that someone is aware of or wants to recognize the influence or importance of something
goddess, NASA plans to send the first woman as well as the first person of color to the lunar surface. The timeline has been a moving target, first
planned for 2028, the bullseye is now 2025.
bullseye [ˈbʊlzaɪ] n. 靶心
But the goal is bigger than a few boots on the ground. This time, NASA wants to establish a permanent base on the moon by learning how to live and
boot [but] n.(长筒)靴
work there. The hope is that astronauts will eventually take that knowledge to the next frontier, Mars. But for the next decade or so, the focus is on
the moon.
Here`s how NASA would make it happen: astronauts would travel to the moon on the Orion spacecraft, on top of the most powerful rocket NASA has ever
Orion [oˋraɪən] n. 猎户座
on top of: in addition to
built. Orion would then rendezvous with Gateway, a space station orbiting the moon. From there, astronauts would transfer to a reusable lunar lander
rendezvous [ˋrɑndə͵vu] v. 使在指定地点会合
built by a commercial partner like SpaceX.
Unlike Apollo, the Gateway space station would allow access to more areas of the moon. It will also be the home of scientific experimentation and
NASA plans to continually send astronauts to the moon for years to come after the first phase of Artemis.
But getting there won`t be easy. It is rocket science after all.
BILL NELSON, NASA ADMINISTRATOR: We will not fly astronauts until it`s safe and if that means there`s a delay, then we will delay.
CRANE: Already, the Artemis program has suffered delays. Critical pre- launch tests have been hampered by issues with propellant loading and a malfunctioning helium check valve.
hamper [ˋhæmpɚ] v. 妨碍,阻碍
helium [ˋhilɪəm] n.【化】氦
The number one issue is safety, but all of that testing and tinkering doesn`t come cheap. In 2019, NASA estimated it would take to 20 to
tinker [ˋtɪŋkɚ] n. 粗劣的修补
30 billion to get humans back to the moon. But NASA`s inspector general says that won`t even be close. It estimates the entire program will cost a
whopping $93 billion by 2025.
Whether it gets full funding or not, NASA stands firm that the lunar landing will happen.
NELSON: We`re going back to the moon, but this time, we`re going back to learn, to stay, to develop new systems, new technologies, new techniques on
how to live a long time in that hostile environment because when we go to Mars, we`re going to have to have learned that.
CRANE: In 1969, Apollo took humanity to new heights. By 2025, Artemis could prepare it for new worlds.
WIRE: And for 10 out of 10, check this out. Cargo pants make quite the fashion statement, but how about cargo pants made from fast food napkin,
and they even zip off into shorts? Perfect for any season or meal I guess.
The Chipotle Company partnering with designer Nicole McLaughlin who once made shorts out of Legos. The company posted images of the process, sewing
the napkins together. But if you`d like to rock a pair of these, they won`t be available. They`re one of a kind and the only chance customers have it
wearing some is to try to make them yourself. Chipotle napkin pants, I don`t know.
Well, you`d have a place to wipe your hands when you`re done, and you`d definitely give people something to taco about.
Before we go I want to give a shout out to Richmond Middle and High School in Richmond, Maine. Go Bobcats! You get the first shout-out of the new
We hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one. I`m Coy Wire. Thanks for watching CNN 10.
pumped [pʌmpt] (up) adj. 热情高涨的; 高度兴奋的
usher [ˋʌʃɚ] v. 开辟,创始
half-staff [ˋhæfˋstæf] = half-mast; 半旗(旗杆中央的位置)
mourning [ˋmornɪŋ] n. 悲伤;服丧
unfailingly [ʌnˋfelɪŋlɪ] adv. 无穷尽地;经久不衰地;可靠地
make good 成功;履行诺言
heir presumptive 推定继承人(其权力可能会因为优先近亲继承人出现而丧失)
presumptive [prɪˋzʌmptɪv] adj. 根据推定的
coronation [͵kɔrəˋneʃən] n. 加冕典礼
Commonwealth [ˋkɑmən͵wɛlθ] n.(大写)联邦; 政治实体,国家
jubilee [ˋdʒub!i] n.(尤指二十五周年、五十周年等的)纪念(或庆典)
overpower [͵ovɚˋpaʊɚ] v. 击败;制伏
remark [rɪˋmɑrk] n. 言辞;谈论,评论
observance [əbˋzɝvəns] n. 纪念; 庆祝
Artemis [ˋɑrtəməs] n.【希神】司月,狩猎,森林,野兽的女神
call off 取消
starry [ˋstɑrɪ] adj. 布满星星的;被星光照亮的
astronomical [͵æstrəˋnɑmɪk!] adj.(指数量)庞大的
culmination [͵kʌlməˋneʃən] n. 顶点;高潮的到达
nod [nɑd] n. 点头
a nod to 向.. 点头致意; a sign that someone is aware of or wants to recognize the influence or importance of something
bullseye [ˈbʊlzaɪ] n. 靶心
boot [but] n.(长筒)靴
Orion [oˋraɪən] n. 猎户座
on top of: in addition to
rendezvous [ˋrɑndə͵vu] v. 使在指定地点会合
hamper [ˋhæmpɚ] v. 妨碍,阻碍
helium [ˋhilɪəm] n.【化】氦
tinker [ˋtɪŋkɚ] n. 粗劣的修补