CNN 10 - January 10, 2023
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- 创建于 2023年1月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月10日
- 发布于 2023年1月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:606
Pro-Bolsonaro Supporters Break Into Brazilian Government Buildings; Water Crisis In Bali, Indonesia.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, lovely people. Terrific Tuesday to you. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, still here in Buffalo, New York.
Yesterday, I told you about the remarkable story of the Buffalo Bills who rallied in their final game of the regular season for their injured
rally [ˋrælɪ] v.(重新)集合,重整;召集;团结
teammate Damar Hamlin who suffered cardiac arrest during their game last week. Well, I am happy to report that Damar has been released from the
hospital in Cincinnati and is back in Buffalo. So some encouraging news to start our day.
All right. We`ve got a big show for you but only 10 minutes to do it, so let`s get to it.
We start with the latest news from Brazil. Political unrest gripping the streets of Brazil this week. Supporters of the country`s former president, Jair Bolsonaro,
grip [grɪp] v. 掌握;控制
storming official buildings in the capitol to protest what they believe was a stolen election. The election was narrowly won by former
Brazilian President Lula da Silva, who first served in the role from 2003 to 2011.
But Bolsonaro encouraged supporters to question the country`s electronic voting system. Over one thousand people were arrested for protesting.
Bolsonaro supporters have been camping out in ten cities ever since the election back in October.
camp out 搭帐篷露宿
The new president will face major challenges early on as divisions in the country feel profound. More now from CNN`s Rafael Romo, a senior Latin
profound [prəˋfaʊnd] adj. 巨大的; 强烈的; 极度的
American affairs editor of CNN worldwide.
RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SENIOR LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS EDITOR: Brazil boiling over. Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed key
boil over (指形势、争论等)达到危急关头; 爆发
buildings in the country`s capital Sunday breaching security barriers and temporarily occupying the country`s Congress, presidential palace and
breach [britʃ] v. 破坏,违反;侵害;冲破,突破
Supreme Court.
Masses of protesters flooded the country`s seat of power, many dressed in the colors of Brazil`s flag yellow and green, fueled by anger and distrust
distrust [dɪsˋtrʌst] n.不信任;怀疑
over Bolsonaro`s defeat in a runoff election last October where he lost by less than two percentage points to current President Luiz Inacio Lula Da
runoff [ˋrʌn͵ɔf] n. 决选投票
Protesters threw objects and scaled the roofs of buildings, while clashing with police who responded with tear gas. At least one protester was seen
sitting at the desk of Brazil`s congress president.
CNN Brazil reports the floor of the Congress building was flooded after the sprinkler system activated when protesters attempted to set fire to the
sprinkler system 自动加喷水灌溉系统或消防系统
carpet. By evening, police began dispersing the rioters from buildings and arrested hundreds of people who were detained in buses before being taken
disperse [dɪˋspɝs] v. 驱散,解散
to the police station.
President Lula Da Silva who was inaugurated just a week ago described the events as barbaric and vowed to punish the people responsible.
barbaric [bɑrˋbærɪk] adj. 野蛮的;粗野的
LUIZ INACIO LULA DA SILVA, BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): Those people that we call fascists. We call them everything that`s abominable in
fascist [ˋfæʃɪst] n. 法西斯主义者,法西斯分子
abominable [əˋbɑmənəb!] adj. 可恶的,令人讨厌的;【口】糟透的,极差的,恶劣的
politics. They invaded the government headquarters,. and they invaded the Congress like vandals, destroying everything in their path.
vandal [ˋvænd!] n.(文化、艺术等的)破坏者;破坏他人(或公共)财产者
ROMO: President Lula da Silva also blamed his predecessor for the lack of security in the capital where Bolsonaro`s supporters have been camped out
for over a week. Bolsonaro who is currently in Florida denounced what he called the depredations and invasions of public buildings in a tweet,
denounce [dɪˋnaʊns]n. 指责,谴责
depredation [͵dɛprɪˋdeʃən] n. 掠夺;破坏,蹂躏
adding that peaceful and lawful demonstrations are part of democracy.
But critics say Bolsonaro may have stirred up the crowds by repeatedly saying without evidence that he questioned the integrity of the country`s
stir up 激起;煽动
electronic voting system.
WIRE: Ten-second trivia:
After China, India, and the United States, which country has the highest population?
Pakistan, Russia, Indonesia or Mexico?
Home to over 275 million people, the fourth most populated country in the world is the archipelago of Indonesia.
WIRE: Next, we`re traveling to the province of Bali, Indonesia, where Bali is facing a water crisis. Once clean water is dirty from tourism
development, population growth and water mismanagement. While Bali sees a lot of rain, water shortages are already impacting Bali`s culture and the
people`s quality of life, and experts warn the situation will worsen if water control practices aren`t properly implemented.
Let`s go now to Bali to learn more.
BILL WEIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Indonesian province Bali is known for its rich culture, breathtaking natural beauty and rain, lots of
But while tourism took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, a five-month rainy season doesn`t stop millions from visiting the island in a typical
year. And for those who live here, the seasonal deluge serves as a reminder of an ongoing water crisis. In fact, one innovative local school has made
deluge [ˋdɛljudʒ] n. 洪水;暴雨
the stuff of life the centerpiece of its curriculum.
LESLIE MEDEMA, HEAD OF CAMPUS, GREEN SCHOOL BALI: We chose water as a theme for last year and this year because despite what everybody thinks,
there`s a water shortage in Bali. We have rains for months and months and months, and they fill the reservoirs but very, very quickly those
reservoirs run dry.
WEIR: More tourists and residents take a dramatic toll on the island`s natural water resources, but that`s not the only concern.
toll [tol] n. loss or damage incurred through an accident, disaster, etc; 损失
MEDEMA: Just in the last 10 years, many, many villages have been noticing their once clean water has turned very, very dirty, and no longer usable.
We`ve noticed a very serious water crisis arising in a place where that really shouldn`t be the case.
WEIR: Tucked away in a forested patch miles inland from the southern beaches, the Green School Bali was built to create the next generation of
tuck away 隐藏; to store, esp in a place difficult to find
problem solvers.
MEDEMA: Currently on campus, there are 50 student-led projects that have been activated.
WEIR: Built from bamboo and other sustainable material, the impressive open-air facilities were designed to inspire imagination and creativity,
open-air [ˋopənˋɛr] adj. 露天的;户外的
each structure a base for what the school`s founders call a living curriculum.
MEDEMA: The point is to be part of reimagining education, to be something that inspires action-based learning now all across the globe.
WEIR: We are cultivating an optimistic, thoughtful and positive approach to climate and climate action. We want them to feel hopeful. We want them
thoughtful [ˋθɔtfəl] adj. 深思的,沉思的;富有思想的
to feel like they have the skills, they have the ability to engage proactively in the world. After a group of students became fascinated with
proactive [proˋæktɪv] adj. (人、政策、行为等)主动的
biofuels, the school created a network of bio buses, each running on used cooking oil refined by science.
MEDEMA: You`re looking at a really wide-ranging learning experience from enterprise to marketing to management because it became its own company and
the largest biofuel transportation company in Indonesia.
WEIR: Dipta is an 11th grader driven to find solutions by the desperate need close to home.
driven [ˋdrɪvən] adj. 发奋的
DIPTA, STUDENT, GREEN SCHOOL BALI: It starts off personally, right? The problem comes off from my hometown Kintamani, we didn`t have enough water
and then after that realizing that also a lot of other people don`t have access to clean and drinkable water.
He launched Liquify, a non-profit with a mission to provide sustainable filtration systems, help residents build recharge wells that replenish aquifers,
replenish [rɪˋplɛnɪʃ] v. 补充[(+with)]
aquifer [ˋækwəfɚ] n. 含水土层,地下蓄水层
and water catchment systems to collect rainfall for other uses.
catchment [ˋkætʃmənt] n. 集水(量);集水处
DIPTA: The innovation hub that we have at green school gives me the tools to create what I need to create, what I want to create, and to help me help
other people as well.
The Green School Bali opened in 2008 and now includes locations in New Zealand, South Africa and Mexico.
MEDEMA: Our mission is a community of learners making our world sustainable. And so when you put community back at the center of a school,
you end up being more accountable for the actions that you take and I think that`s a good thing. It`s the full spectrum of local to global action-based
environmental learning.
WEIR: And for today`s "10 out of 10", a family in Plainville, Connecticut, could barely believe what they discovered in their backyard. Their dog
started acting all nervous one day and they soon learned a black bear was hibernating under their deck.
After contacting their local environmental agency for advice, the family decided to do the bare minimum. They`re going to grin and bear it and have
(the) bare minimum 最低限度; 最起码; the least possible amount; as low as possible
grin [grɪn] v 露齿而笑
a backyard slumber party all winter, just let the big fella knews I guess and hibernate. And around mid-March though, old sleepy is going to wake up
slumber [ˋslʌmbɚ] n.【书】睡眠;微睡[P1][S1];静止状态,休止
big fella 大块头. 大个子. 大家伙
fella: = fellow
and the first thing bears typically do is they search for food so look out doggy.
doggy [ˋdɔgɪ] n. 狗(尤其指小狗或宠犬)
All right. Dad joke alert: what do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
All right. Time for our special shout out today. Madison County High School in Madison, Florida. Go Cowboys! Let`s all do our part so make this world a
bit of a better place even if it`s just making someone smile today.
I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.
rally [ˋrælɪ] v.(重新)集合,重整;召集;团结
grip [grɪp] v. 掌握;控制
camp out 搭帐篷露宿
profound [prəˋfaʊnd] adj. 巨大的; 强烈的; 极度的
boil over (指形势、争论等)达到危急关头; 爆发
breach [britʃ] v. 破坏,违反;侵害;冲破,突破
distrust [dɪsˋtrʌst] n. 不信任;怀疑
runoff [ˋrʌn͵ɔf] n. 决选投票
sprinkler system 自动加喷水灌溉系统或消防系统
sprinkler [ˋsprɪŋklɚ] n. 洒水器
disperse [dɪˋspɝs] v. 驱散,解散
barbaric [bɑrˋbærɪk] adj. 野蛮的;粗野的
fascist [ˋfæʃɪst] n. 法西斯主义者,法西斯分子
abominable [əˋbɑmənəb!] adj. 可恶的,令人讨厌的;【口】糟透的,极差的,恶劣的
vandal [ˋvænd!] n.(文化、艺术等的)破坏者;破坏他人(或公共)财产者
denounce [dɪˋnaʊns] n. 指责,谴责
depredation [͵dɛprɪˋdeʃən] n. 掠夺;破坏,蹂躏
stir up 激起;煽动
deluge [ˋdɛljudʒ] n. 洪水;暴雨
toll [tol] n. loss or damage incurred through an accident, disaster, etc; 损失
tuck away 隐藏; to store, esp in a place difficult to find
open-air [ˋopənˋɛr] adj. 露天的;户外的
thoughtful [ˋθɔtfəl] adj. 深思的,沉思的;富有思想的
proactive [proˋæktɪv] adj. (人、政策、行为等)主动的
driven [ˋdrɪvən] adj. 发奋的
replenish [rɪˋplɛnɪʃ] v. 补充[(+with)]
aquifer [ˋækwəfɚ] n. 含水土层,地下蓄水层
catchment [ˋkætʃmənt] n. 集水(量);集水处
(the) bare minimum 最低限度最起码; the least possible amount; as low as possible
grin [grɪn] v 露齿而笑
slumber [ˋslʌmbɚ] n.【书】睡眠;微睡[P1][S1];静止状态,休止
big fella 大块头. 大个子. 大家伙
fella [ˋfɛlə] n. = fellow
doggy [ˋdɔgɪ] n. 狗(尤其指小狗或宠犬)