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CNN 10 - January 11, 2023

A China-Taiwan War Game Simulation; Europe`s Winter Off To A Record Warm Start; CES Tech Show Highlights.

COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I wonderful Wednesday to you. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.

And we`ve got a rendezvous with the news.

Still here in Buffalo, New York, outside of Buffalo General Hospital, and yet another positive update on Bills player Damar Hamlin who suffered

cardiac arrest during a game last week. Hospital officials have told us doctors are optimistic that Damar could be well enough to go home in the

coming days and his parents are here in Buffalo reunited alongside their son. So wonderful, wonderful news.

Next up today, a prominent research group in Washington recently conducted a war game simulation of a possible conflict. It`s one that`s preoccupied

preoccupy [priˋɑkjə͵paɪ] v. 使..全神贯注; to occupy completely the mind or attention of; engross

military and political leaders in Asia and across the world. The scenario would be an invasion by China against Taiwan. Taiwan is a democratically

ruled island of 24 million people that the Chinese Communist Party believes belongs to their sovereign territory.

sovereign [ˋsɑvrɪn] adj. 具有独立主权的

The Center for Strategic and International Studies ran the program as software that it claims is one of the most extensive war game simulations

ever conducted on a possible conflict over Taiwan. The company believes the project was necessary because previous government and private company war

simulations have focused too narrowly on the possible way events in an invasion might unfold and weren`t specific enough on how to help the

government and policymakers try to prepare for how a potential conflict may play out.

Let`s go to Washington now to hear from CNN Pentagon correspondent Oren Liebermann who has details from the results of the simulations.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Taiwan is perhaps the most sensitive flash point between the U.S. and China. Some

flash point(暴动、战争等的)爆发点

experts are warning that Beijing`s use of force to claim what it sees as its rightful territory is drawing closer. Chairman Xi Jinping has made it a

priority for Beijing which hasn`t ruled out the use of force, a decision that could cost thousands of lives for China, Taiwan, and America.

A war game from the Center for Strategic and International Studies begins with a Chinese missile barrage against Taiwan`s military in 2026,

barrage [bəˋrɑʒ] n. 齐射式攻击;猛烈的攻击

destroying much of its air force and navy, followed by an amphibious across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwanese forces fight back using advanced U.S. weaponry

-- Patriot missiles for air defense, anti-ship missiles and torpedoes for sea defense, and its ground forces to defend the beachheads.

torpedo [tɔrˋpido] n. 鱼雷;水雷

beachhead [ˋbitʃ͵hɛd] n.【军】滩头阵地,滩头堡

The top U.S. general says the key to avoiding conflict is deterrence.

deterrence [dɪˋtɝrəns] n. 威慑;威慑作用

GEN. MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: As long as we remain number one, then we will deter the war that people worry about, a

great power war between China and the United States.

LIEBERMANN: Crucially, this war game doesn`t ask the question of what would happen to make China decide to use military force to invade Taiwan.

That remains an open question.

But it`s a crucial one to understanding the situation, especially given the West`s reaction to Russia`s invasion of Ukraine, sanctions that have

crippled Russia`s economy. Would China run the same risk given its own imports and exports, given its industrial economic power, or would it use

those powers to try to control Taiwan without using its military? And that is a critical question.



WIRE: Ten-second trivia:

"Flindrikin" and "unbrak" are words used in Scotland to describe what?

flindrikin 一阵轻如鸿毛的雪:  a slight snow shower

Food, snow, hairstyles or movies?

There are over 400 words in Scotland for snow with flindrikin, meaning a light snow.


WIRE: Right now, those words for snow aren`t being used much and that`s because it`s shorts weather across large parts of Europe right now.

shorts [ʃɔrts] n. 宽松运动短裤;【美】男用短衬裤

Thousands of temperature records were shattered in an historic winter warm spell. In fact, temperatures are 18 to 36 degrees higher than average this

warm spell 温暖期;持续一段时期的温暖天气; periods characterised by several days of very warm temperatures compared to local or regional averages.

spell [spɛl] n. 一段时间

month. In Poland, it`s up to about 66 degrees, parts of Spain about 77 degrees. This is good news for the economy but bad news for Russia who

hoped cutting energy exports to Europe would cause the economy to suffer.

But it`s not all good news. Many Alpine ski resorts have closed or at least partially shut down because of a lack of snow, and there`s also concern

about what this higher than normal weather means for the environment.

Up next, we`ll hear from CNN anchor and correspondent Isa Soares who`s on the ground in Europe with more.


ISA SOARES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The New Year may have only just begun, but temperatures are already heating up across much of Europe.

At least eight countries smashed their winter weather record, having recorded their warmest day ever in January.

smash [smæʃ] v. 打破

As the world rang in New Year`s celebrations this week, climatologists were busy tracking extreme temperatures and found countries including Poland,

climatologist [͵klaɪməˋtɑlədʒɪst] n. 气候学家

Denmark, the Czech Republic, Lichtenstein and Belarus all reached alarmingly warm temperatures on January the 1st.

Lichtenstein [ˋlɪktən͵staɪn] n. 列支敦斯登(欧洲一国名)

Meteorologists say it`s too early to attribute the extreme heatto climate change but do say the driving force is a warm air mass from Africa`s west

attribute [əˋtrɪbjʊt] v. 把……归咎于[(+to)]

air mass 气团

coast moving across Europe.

It may look warm in the Spanish city of Bilbao, but locals are noticeably wearing winter coats, basking in the winter sun.

bask [bæsk] v. 取暖;晒太阳

EUSEBIO FOLGEIRA, BILBAO, SPAIN, RESIDENT (through translator): It`s not normal for Bilbao to have such good weather. It always rains a lot here.

It`s very cold, and it`s January. And it feels like summer.

SOARES: And what would normally be covered in snow, this ski resort in France is now starved of it, forcing businesses to shut their doors to

starve [stɑrv] v. 使匮乏,使急需[H][(+of)]

customers until conditions improve.

GREGORY ROMANO, RESTAURANT MANAGER (through translator): Sure we are, of course, a little bit sad about having to close. We had a good Christmas

holiday season, which matters.

SOARES: Over in war torn Ukraine, with much of the country`s energy infrastructure damaged or destroyed, millions of Ukrainians were without

power over Christmas.

The cities across the country, including Kyiv, broke weather records in January, which may have helped reduce energy consumption.

As Ukrainian advisor Anton Gerashchenko put at it, even the weather is on our side.

advisor [ədˋvaɪzɚ] n. 顾问(= adviser)

Just before the year came to an end, the U.K.`s Met office said last year sweltering heat, which ran rivers dry and caused a drought in parts of

England, was the country`s hottest on record. Though January`s mild temperatures might provide some relief to the cold, meteorologists warn it

could offer a glimpse of a concerning and possibly even warmer future.


WIRE: Up next, a vast array of new cutting edge technology and some just plain strange technology were shown off by companies at the consumer electronics show

in Las Vegas last week. Many inventions offered a new twist on old problems and global challenges.

twist [twɪst] n. 花样

CNN international anchor Lynda Kinkade has the story and as you watch, think about what your favorite gadget is and let me know why @CoyWire wire

on social.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Thousands of emerging startups and global brands are showcasing cutting edge gadgets and gizmos

gizmo [ˋgɪzmo] n.【俚】小玩意儿(= gismo)

designed to help solve some of the world`s greatest challenges from the day to day to the lifesaving by taking the guesswork out of testing the

lifesaving [ˋlaɪf͵sevɪŋ] adj. 救命(用)的

guesswork [ˋgɛs͵wɝk] n. 猜测;猜测的结果

ripeness of an avocado, relieve anxiety with a therapeutic cat pillow that wags.

wag [wæg] v. 摇,摆动,颤动;(动物)摇尾巴

SHUNSUKE AOKI, PRESIDENT & CEO, YUKAI ENGINEERING: The more you cuddle, it -- the more excited it gets.

KINKADE: Health innovations are prominently featured, trying to brain scanning helmet that claims to detect early signs of dementia and

prominently [ˋprɑmənəntlɪ] adv. 显著地;重要地

featured [ˋfitʃɚd] adj. 作为特色的


Rest your head on a pillow designed to give a better night`s sleep, and watch a demo of an at-home defibrillator, a device that the company says

defibrillator [ˌdɪˈfaɪbrəletɚ] n.【医】电击器

saved 17 lives last year.

JOHANN KALCHMA, CEO, LIFEAZ: But we have developed the first life-saving defibrillator made for the home, so anyone can have it at home. It`s

extremely simple to use. It`s portable; you can have it at home. You can have it in your backpack when you do the gym, when you go on vacation.

KINKADE: Glide past the booths on a remote controlled pair of electric rollerblades that can go about 30 kilometers an hour. And check out an

booth [buθ] n.(有篷的)货摊

autonomous wheelchair that hopes to soon transport travelers to their gate at the airport with a click of a button.

JUSTIN GAGNON, VP OF SALES AND MARKETING, WHILL, INC.: So it`s an autonomous wheelchair, so passenger will get into the chair, select what

gate they`re going to be going to and then the chair just takes them directly to that gate. They don`t need to drive it. They don`t need to tell

it where it needs to go. It`ll just take them right there.

KINKADE: Cars have become a big part of CES, with major automakers and others showcasing cutting edge advancements and nearly 300 exhibitors

exhibitor [ɪgˋzɪbɪtɚ] n. 展示者;参展者

expected. It will be one of the largest auto shows in the world.

This year there will also be a lot of talk about web 3 and the Metaverse. So as with most of what you`ll find, it will take a while before all these

gadgets become widely available.


WIRE: And for today`s 10 out of 10, we have a story that`s going to rocket your world. Check out this rocket ride high into the skies above. SpaceX,

the company revolutionizing space tech, shared this amazing time compressed video. The full clip is 90 seconds and encompasses an eight and a half minute

encompass [ɪnˋkʌmpəs] v. 包含

orbital flight in space. The footage shot on January 3rd took place during the company`s 200th mission and shows the SpaceX Falcon 9 missions launched

from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

All right. It is time for your word Wednesday. Follow me @CoyWire on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok and put your unique challenge word in the comment

section of one of my most recent posts. We`re going to choose one fun one and we`ll work it into tomorrow`s show.

All right. Special shout out to Greenup County High School in Greenup, Kentucky, we see you.

And we`re sending you all some Buffalove. Let`s keep this week going strong.

I`m Coy Wire and this is CNN 10.























preoccupied [priˋɑkjə͵paɪd] adj. 全神贯注的

sovereign [ˋsɑvrɪn] adj. 具有独立主权的

flash point(暴动、战争等的)爆发点

barrage [bəˋrɑʒ] n. 齐射式攻击;猛烈的攻击

torpedo [tɔrˋpido] n. 鱼雷;水雷

beachhead [ˋbitʃ͵hɛd] n.【军】滩头阵地,滩头堡

deterrence [dɪˋtɝrəns] n. 威慑;威慑作用

flindrikin 一阵轻如鸿毛的雪; a slight snow shower

shorts [ʃɔrts] n. 宽松运动短裤;【美】男用短衬裤

warm spell 温暖期;持续一段时期的温暖天气; periods characterised by several days of very warm temperatures compared to local or regional averages. 

spell [spɛl] n. 一段时间

smash [smæʃ] v. 打破

climatologist [͵klaɪməˋtɑlədʒɪst] n. 气候学家

Lichtenstein [ˋlɪktən͵staɪn] n. 列支敦斯登(欧洲一国名)

attribute [əˋtrɪbjʊt] v. 把……归咎于[(+to)]

air mass 气团

bask [bæsk] v. 取暖;晒太阳

starve [stɑrv] v. 使匮乏,使急需[H][(+of)]

advisor [ədˋvaɪzɚ] n. 顾问(= adviser)

twist [twɪst] n. 花样

gizmo [ˋgɪzmo] n.【俚】小玩意儿(= gismo)

lifesaving [ˋlaɪf͵sevɪŋ] adj. 救命(用)的

guesswork [ˋgɛs͵wɝk] n. 猜测;猜测的结果

wag [wæg] v. 摇,摆动,颤动;(动物)摇尾巴

prominently [ˋprɑmənəntlɪ] adv. 显著地;重要地

featured [ˋfitʃɚd] adj. 作为特色的

defibrillator [ˌdɪˈfaɪbrəletɚ] n.【医】电击器

booth [buθ] n.(有篷的)货摊

exhibitor [ɪgˋzɪbɪtɚ] n. 展示者;参展者

encompass [ɪnˋkʌmpəs] v. 包含



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