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CNN 10 - January 12, 2023

Flights Halted Across The U.S.; Deadly Storm Slams California With Heavy Rain, Massive Flooding.

OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hey, everyone. Hope your Thursday is off to a fantastic start. I`m Omar Jimenez, a CNN national correspondent based in

New York, and I`m filling in for the one and only Coy rest of the week.

one and only  独一无二的; the only person or thing of this type

We`re going to be covering extreme weather in California and looking at the potential impact of social media on teens.

But first, we`re going to start with news from the sky. The Federal Aviation Administration issued a short ground stop yesterday of all

domestic planes after there was an outage to a system that provides pilots with notices they need before flying. Now normal operations resumed later

yesterday morning, but delays from the ground stop continued into the day.

When we recorded our show on Wednesday, there were more than 4000 flight delays nationwide. The airports in Chicago, O`Hare International and Midway International Airports,

were especially impacted and they continued to have a ground stop for all inbound and outbound flights into the day on

inbound [ˋɪnˋbaʊnd] adj. 回内地的

outbound [ˋaʊtˋbaʊnd] adj. 向外去的;驶向外国的


Now, the specific system experiencing the outage is called the notice to air missions which alerts pilots about closed runways, equipment outages and

outage [ˋaʊtɪdʒ] n.(机器等的)运行中断

potential hazards along a flight route or at a location that could impact flight. The Biden administration and secretary of transportation, Pete

Buttigieg, are looking into what caused this disruption and if you saw over Christmas, Southwest Airlines canceled thousands of flights stranding tens

look into 调查

of thousands of travelers. The federal government is zeroing in on Southwest and their system to figure out how to prevent future issues like these.

zero in on 集中精力于

All right. Ten-second trivia:

Name the third largest U.S. state whose state motto is eureka.

eureka [jʊˋrikə] int. 我发现了!

Is it Texas, Alaska, California, or Montana?

And meaning "I have found it", eureka is the state motto of California.

Up next, we`re headed to California where residents across the state are recovering from deadly storms that brought area rainfall totals 400 percent

to 600 percent above average. The storm meant heavy downpours and strong winds forcing thousands of evacuations. Response crews were responsible for

downpour [ˋdaʊn͵por] n. 倾盆大雨,豪雨

clearing flooded neighborhoods and crumbled roadways and at least 17 people have died as a result.

crumble [ˋkrʌmb!] v. 成碎屑; 碎裂

Also, more than 6 million people are under flood alerts this week and it`s not over yet. Another round of rain is on the way. It`s the first of four

more atmospheric river events. But what does that mean? Atmospheric rivers are long, narrow regions in the atmosphere that can transport moisture

thousands of miles. They`re expected to hit California in the next 10 days.

So we`ll hear now from Kyung Lah, a national correspondent for CNN based in Los Angeles.


KYUNG LAH, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): During recent historic droughts, California prayed for rain, but not like this.

Two days of torrential rain, thunderstorms, and wind gusts are pounding California, causing mudslides, overflowing rivers, and triggering extensive


LYNDA HOPKINS, SUPERVISOR, SONOMA COUNTY: We`ve got trees down. We`ve got mudslides. We`ve got actually folks trapped in areas where we have major

road failures.

LAH: At least 17 people have died as a result of the storms, after more than 18 inches of rain fell in parts of southern California. And high wind

advisories were issued on the central coast.

In San Francisco, a rare hailstorm in Haight-Ashbury. And throughout northern California --

hailstorm [ˋhel͵stɔrm] n.雹暴; 下得很大的冰雹

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The rain hammered here pretty bad.

LAH: -- the rushing river has flooded, following torrential downpours. Some residents have been without power for a week. In Santa Barbara County,

mass evacuations, after that storm saturated the ground.

saturate [ˋsætʃə͵ret] v. 浸透;渗透;使湿透

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was pouring, the wind was whipping.

LAH: Following years of extreme drought and fires.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On the mountainside here, the debris started coming down, filling up to four feet or so. Pretty much buried the truck, and now

it`s starting to flow towards the house..

LAH: More than 30 million people are under flood alerts, and across southern California, flash flooding trapped drivers. Firefighters here

rescued a motorist stranded in rushing waters. And mud and rockslides creating havoc for residents.

motorist [ˋmotərɪst] n. 开汽车的人;驾车旅行的人

rockslide [ˋrɑk͵slaɪd] n. 岩石崩落;崩落的岩石

TYRONNE MCGRATH, RESIDENT, CASITAS SPRING: A 800-pound rock just smashed the house, it just hit the wall and blew everything out.

LAH: In northern California, the rain flooded roads, and vineyards, it almost doubled the snow pack in local mountains, offering hope that these

storms may somehow ease California`s historic drought.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re riding through it. Yeah, it could be a lot worse.


LAH (on camera): It`s hard to think about drought when this is what southern California is dealing with. I`m standing on a roadway that goes

back behind, me you cannot see it because of all the debris on this road. This came from this mountain, this hillside five years ago burned in a

wildfire. And with all the rain and lack of vegetation, it all came down onto the street and into these yards.

The concern now is what happens in the upcoming days, with rain in the forecast.

JIMENEZ: Up next, we`ll hear from Vanessa Yurkevich, a CNN business and politics reporter, who recently took a look at social media, specifically

TikTok`s impact on teen brains. Her reporting focuses on social media usage and the rate of depression especially among Gen Z users. Her research comes

as more than a dozen state governments have actually banned TikTok on government-issued devices and at least 22 states have taken some sort of

action on TikTok since 2020.

So let`s hear more about her research in the teens she speaks with on the ground.


VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS REPORTER (voice-over): In just five years, TikTok has amassed more than one billion global users.

amass [əˋmæs] v. 积累;堆

Eyeballs around the world glued to the endless content and viral videos.

How long do you think you spend on TikTok every day?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Two to three hours.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Three to four hours.

YURKEVICH: But last month, the U.S. government, along with more than a dozen states, banned TikTok on most federal devices, citing national

security concerns over its Chinese parent company and the possibility it could pressure TikTok to hand over personal data.

There is no public evidence the Chinese government has done that but there is evidence of another risk, social media`s impact on mental health

particularly among Gen Z.

DR. JEAN TWENGE, PSYCHOLOGIST: Teen depression started to rise after 2012. So did self-harm.

YURKEVICH: Dr. Gene Twenge says as smartphones and social media grew, so did the rate of depression among teens, nearly doubling between 2004 and

2019. By that year, one in four U.S. teen girls had experienced clinical depression according to Twenge.

TWENGE: What the algorithms trying to do is get people able to use the app for longer because that`s how the company makes more money.

YURKEVICH: TikTok in a statement said, quote, one of our most important commitments is supporting the safety and well-being of teens and we

recognize this work is never finished. We continue to focus on robust safety protections for our community while also empowering parents with

additional controls for their teen`s account through TikTok family pairing.

Users of TikTok spent an average of an hour and a half a day on the app last year, more than any other social platform.

What is it that keeps you scrolling even if you know maybe you`ve spent one two hours on it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Once you watch the one video, you`re like, well, time to watch another. So you just keep doing it`s like a cycle you don`t

realize that the time is passing.

YURKEVICH: That`s exactly what happened to Jerome Yankee (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve definitely done all-nighters on TikTok before I had just been scrolling until the sun came up.

all-nighter [ˋɔlˋnaɪtɚ] n. 通宵的活动;通宵的工作

YURKEVICH: He says he lost sleep. His grades suffered. He lost touch with his friends. He lost his sense of self. In 2021, he deleted the app.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Getting disappointed by my own life is never something I want to be doing, especially when I have the power to change it but I

just wasn`t because I was spending hours on this app.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have like a lot of cool resources that we give to our audience for free.

YURKEVICH: But Hannah Williams (ph) proves the positive side of TikTok, allowing her to create a business, Salary Transparent Street, providing

paid transparency to her new nearly million followers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think TikTok definitely helped just because they have such audience reach potential.

YURKEVICH: She hopes TikTok`s algorithm works in her favor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Helping people in marginalized communities is the only reason I am doing this. It`s my entire mission.

marginalize [ˋmɑrdʒɪn!͵aɪz] v. 使局限于社会边缘; 使脱离主流


JIMENEZ: Up next for today`s 10 out of 10, we`re showing you a volcano that`s erupt to no good. Yeah, even I`ve got to get in on the puns here.

Come on.

Check out this time-lapse video of the Kilauea volcano erupting in Hawaii the time-lapse shows smoke and lava flowing all captured by the U.S.


geological survey there`s something truly so beautiful about this, so hot, the temperature. As you can see the lava cooling on the surface and forming

crustal plates it`s fascinating science happening right in front of our eyes.

Last up on the show today, you know, we got to do it. I want to give a special shout out to Kennesaw Mountain High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

That`s where I went. Go Mustangs.

It`s been amazing hanging out with you all today. I`m Omar Jimenez. This is CNN 10. Have a great Thursday.























one and only 独一无二的; the only person or thing of this type

inbound [ˋɪnˋbaʊnd] adj. 回内地的

outbound [ˋaʊtˋbaʊnd] adj. 向外去的;驶向外国的

outage [ˋaʊtɪdʒ] n.(机器等的)运行中断

look into 调查

zero in on 集中精力于

eureka [jʊˋrikə] int. 我发现了!

downpour [ˋdaʊn͵por] n. 倾盆大雨,豪雨

crumble [ˋkrʌmb!] v. 成碎屑; 碎裂

hailstorm [ˋhel͵stɔrm] n. 雹暴; 下得很大的冰雹

saturate [ˋsætʃə͵ret] v. 浸透;渗透;使湿透

motorist [ˋmotərɪst] n. 开汽车的人;驾车旅行的人

rockslide [ˋrɑk͵slaɪd] n. 岩石崩落;崩落的岩石

amass [əˋmæs] v. 积累;堆

all-nighter [ˋɔlˋnaɪtɚ] n. 通宵的活动;通宵的工作

marginalize [ˋmɑrdʒɪn!͵aɪz] v. 使局限于社会边缘; 使脱离主流




当前位置:首頁 CNN每日新闻 CNN 10 January, 2023 CNN 10 - January 12, 2023