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CNN 10 - February 10, 2023

Chinese Spy Balloon Originally Flagged As Not Urgent; Security At The Super Bowl.

COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up, lovely people? The weekend is just around the corner. Friday`s rock.

We are fueled up, ready to share the best 10 minutes in the news with you. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10. Let`s finish this week strong.

fuel up(使)充满;(使)填满; to fill a car's gas tank with fuel

We`re going to start today with an update from a story earlier this week, the Chinese spy balloon. The past few days, a new timeline of what happened

timeline [ˋtaɪmˌlaɪn] n. 时间表;时间轴

has come into focus, and it turns out, a day before the suspected Chinese spy balloon entered U.S. airspace over Alaska, the Defense Intelligence

Agency sent an internal report that a foreign object was headed towards U.S. territory, but the report was not flagged as urgent in top defense

flag [flæg] v. 举旗示意犯规

officials weren`t immediately alarmed.

But when the balloon entered Alaskan airspace and then turned south, officials began to think the balloon might have been sent as part of a spy

mission. And when the balloon hovered over areas in the United States that are deemed to places of top security, including sensitive military

hover [ˋhʌvɚ] v.(鸟等)盘旋;(直升机)停留在空中

facilities the real mission of the balloon came into focus.

The Biden administration says the timeline of events helps explain why U.S. defense officials didn`t act immediately, even before the balloon had

crossed over into U.S. territory.

But some Republicans have criticized the government for not acting sooner and not seeing the balloon as an urgent threat. They argued that they

should have shot the balloon down before it even crossed into the continental U.S. But other officials within the administration have argued

that the benefits of gathering additional intelligence on the balloon outweigh shooting it down immediately.

outweigh [aʊtˋwe] v. 比……更重要(或更有价值等)

We`ll keep you posted and updated as the situation unfolds.

We`ll hear now from Selina Wang, a CNN correspondent based in Beijing, with more analysis.


SELINA WANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Beijing is hitting back at Washington`s statements about the suspected spy balloon. The Pentagon said on Tuesday

hit back 回击

that China refused a conversation with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin following the downing of the balloon. Well, now, China`s defense ministry

is saying they rejected that call because the conditions were not right, given the U.S.`s, quote, irresponsible and seriously wrong approach.

We`ve seen Beijing`s rhetoric hardened significantly after the U.S. military shot down the balloon, after initially expressing regret for what

rhetoric [ˋrɛtərɪk] n. 辞令,言语

they claim is a weather balloon that flew off course. Beijing is now accusing the U.S. of overreacting and violating international practice.

The contrast between what Beijing and Washington are claiming is only getting starker. You have China on one hand doubling down on its claim this

stark [stɑrk] adj. 明显的;突出的; 僵硬的,僵直的

double down(双降)的实际意思是「加倍努力做某事,用比以前更坚定的方式继续做某事,更有决心去完成一件事」

was a civilian balloon that took an unplanned course that was out of their control. On the other hand, the Pentagon has said it has 100 percent

certainty that the downed Chinese balloon was not being used for civilian purposes.

CNN has reported that U.S. intelligence officials believe the balloon is part of an extensive military-run surveillance program that involves a

fleet of balloons spanning five continents. China`s ministry of foreign affairs said that claim is, quote, likely part of the U.S.`s information

and public opinion warfare and accuse the U.S. of being the world`s largest surveillance reconnaissance country.

warfare [ˋwɔr͵fɛr] n. 战争

reconnaissance [rɪˋkɑnəsəns] n. 侦察;勘察

The Pentagon has said that maintaining open lines of communication with China are particularly important in moments like this. The question still

remains as to whether this balloon incident will lead to long-term damage to the relationship between the U.S. and China that is already extremely




SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Turkey and Syria in the early hours of Monday morning. It was so powerful

that it was felt as far as Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel. But this region is no stranger to earthquakes so why was this one so devastating.

Cyprus [ˋsaɪprəs] n. 塞普勒斯(西亚岛国)

Lebanon [ˋlɛbənən] n. 黎巴嫩(地中海东岸的共和国)

This is one of the strongest earthquakes to hit Turkey in about a century and it was followed by dozens of aftershocks, some almost as powerful as

the initial quake. And then there`s the question of how shallow this earthquake was at the epicenter, just 18 kilometers deep, causing severe

shaking on the ground. This is an earthquake more powerful than the one that hit Haiti in 2010, causing utter devastation. And this region is

utter [ˋʌtɚ] adj. 完全的,彻底的,十足的; complete; absolute; entire

located on a major fault line.

fault line(地球表面的)断层线

In the disaster zone, thousands of homes have collapsed. Now many of Turkey`s apartment blocks are built to modern design standards but still

block [blɑk] n.【美】(四面围有街道的)街区

about 20 percent of its urban environment is not.

And then when you take a look at Northwest Syria, well, that country has been battle-scarred. There, many of the structures were extremely susceptible

-scarred [skɑrd] adj. 表示损伤的,痕迹的

susceptible [səˋsɛptəb!] adj. 容易(遭受);  容易受…的影响

to collapse.


WIRE: Ten-second trivia:

The Roman numeral LVII represents which of these numbers? 107, 52, 57, or 102?

numeral [ˋnjumərəl] n. 数字

The answer is 57 and Super Bowl LVII kicks off this Sunday, marking the 57th edition of the big game.

It`s estimated that two-thirds of the U.S. population watched last year`s Super Bowl. That`s more than 200 million people, and that`s why a 30-second

commercial during this year`s game cost $7 million. So, yeah, all eyes will be on Glendale, Arizona, this Sunday, when the Kansas City Chiefs face off

against the Philadelphia Eagles.

Some watch the game for the commercials. Others watch for the halftime show, which this year will be headlined by none other than Rihanna. But no

none other than(用于表示吃惊或兴奋)竟然,正是。

matter how you look at it, the Super Bowl is big business. In fact, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce said last Super Bowl they hosted here in 2015

generated about $720 million for the city, but they`re expecting close to one billion dollars for this one.

And for the first time, the area is expecting more than a million visitors to the city at the same time, with so much action happening in one place,

keeping the event fun and safe is a major concern for security experts.


ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): What are U.S. Customs and Border Protection helicopter -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re flying about 500 feet.

FLORES: A U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker.

Stratotanker  [ˋstrætə͵tæŋkɚ] n. 同温层加油机


FLORES: And an F-16 fighter jet doing over Glendale, Arizona?

They`re tasked with guarding the skies over Super Bowl LVII. With nearly 200,000 fans expected for the big game between the Kansas City Chiefs and

the Philadelphia Eagles, security is a multiagency effort.

From this operations center, the FBI, alongside more than 40 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies will use these 360-degree cameras to

have eyes on every inch of the stadium.

Sky patrol is in the hands of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations.

When your teams are patrolling, what could they be looking for?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re going to look for anything out of the ordinary. It could be anything from smoke to disruptions.

disruption [dɪsˋrʌpʃən] n. 中断; 扰乱

FLORES: CBP Air and Marine Operations will be able to fly over the stadium during the big game, but no other aircraft will because the FAA will be

imposing a flight restriction that`s 30 miles wide.

Those flight restrictions will be enforced by NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, with these Air Force F-16 fighter jets.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Since 9/11, we`ve been able to safely escort out any aircraft that`s violated restricted airspace.

FLORES: NORAD is taking no chances. This KC-135 Stratotanker is part of the fleet on hand.

take no chances 准备得周全、不疏忽、没有侥幸心态

This aircraft can carry up to 200,000 pounds of fuel. There are 10 tanks on board including some on the wings.

And it can refuel an F-16 midair in minutes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It prevents us from having a return for fuel on the ground. So it`s absolutely critical.

FLORES: The fighter jets refuel from a receptacle that`s right behind the pilot.

receptacle [rɪˋsɛptək!] n.(电源)插座

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And my job as the pilot is just to remain within the basket in a safe controlled stable position.

basket [ˋbæskɪt] n.【篮】篮框

If the FAA`s flight restrictions are broken, NORAD or CBP air and marine operations will engage.


WIRE: Sunday`s game is considered one of the most evenly matched Super Bowls ever and experts are divided on who they think is going to win. But

evenly matched 棋逢敌手的

for today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, what does the animal kingdom have to say?

Apparently, a lot. In Iowa, a baby giraffe at the Blank Park Zoo stuck its neck out and chose the leafy snack that represented a Chiefs win. In

Maryland, a bear at the Salisbury zoo disagreed and went for the box with Eagles logo on it. Kansas, this orangutan said she`s sticking with her

orangutan [oˋræŋʊ͵tæn] n.【动】猩猩

hometown heroes, the Chiefs.

But what about a groundhog? This one at the Turtle Back Zoo in New Jersey said, forget wintertime, she`s got the Eagles as champ.

Let`s keep in touch this weekend. I`m @coywire on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok. We want to give a special shout out to Marrington middle school of

the Arts in Goose Creek, South Carolina, we see you.

Remember, you are more powerful than you know.

I`m Coy. This is CNN 10. It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you.























fuel up(使)充满;(使)填满; to fill a car's gas tank with fuel

timeline [ˋtaɪmˌlaɪn] n. 时间表;时间轴

flag [flæg] v. 举旗示意犯规

hover [ˋhʌvɚ] v.(鸟等)盘旋;(直升机)停留在空中

outweigh [aʊtˋwe] v. 比……更重要(或更有价值等)

hit back 回击

rhetoric [ˋrɛtərɪk] n. 辞令,言语

stark [stɑrk] adj. 明显的;突出的; 僵硬的,僵直的

double down(双降) 的实际意思是「加倍努力做某事,用比以前更坚定的方式继续做某事,更有决心去完成一件事」

warfare [ˋwɔr͵fɛr] n. 战争

reconnaissance [rɪˋkɑnəsəns] n. 侦察;勘察

Cyprus [ˋsaɪprəs] n. 塞普勒斯(西亚岛国)

Lebanon [ˋlɛbənən] n. 黎巴嫩(地中海东岸的共和国)

utter [ˋʌtɚ] adj. 完全的,彻底的,十足的; complete; absolute; entire

fault line(地球表面的)断层线

block [blɑk] n.【美】(四面围有街道的)街区

-scarred [skɑrd] adj. 表示损伤的,痕迹的

susceptible [səˋsɛptəb!] adj. 容易(遭受); 容易受…的影响

numeral [ˋnjumərəl] n. 数字

none other than(用于表示吃惊或兴奋)竟然,正是

Stratotanker [ˋstrætə͵tæŋkɚ] n. 同温层加油机

disruption [dɪsˋrʌpʃən] n. 中断; 扰乱

take no chances 准备得周全、不疏忽、没有侥幸心态

receptacle [rɪˋsɛptək!] n.(电源)插座

basket [ˋbæskɪt] n.【篮】篮框

evenly matched 棋逢敌手的

orangutan [oˋræŋʊ͵tæn] n.【动】猩猩



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