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CNN 10 - March 9, 2023

Annual Gathering In China, The "Two Sessions"; Jupiter`s Moons.

COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, hello. It is Thursday, so happy Friday Eve. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. If you`re having a good week, keep it

going. If you`re having a rough week, keep going. Remember, the strongest steel has burned in the hottest coals, and our tough times can make us


Thank you for spending part of your day with us. Let`s get you to the news of the day. Thousands of government delegates across China are gathering

for the nation`s biggest annual political meeting, known as the "Two Sessions."

Two Sessions 两会(中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会的统称)

Two parties in China gathering separately for meetings, but at the same time, one is the National People`s Congress, which is the supreme state

National People`s Congress 全国人民代表大会、全国人大

authority for China`s communist government. The other is the Chinese People`s Political Consultative Conference, which is an advisory group

Chinese People`s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会(简称全国政协常委会)

without real legislative power.

Thousands of delegates come to Beijing during this period. And traditionally, media, which is usually allowed to attend, gets the rare

opportunity to speak with normally elusive government delegates.

elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以找到的

But even though China lifted its zero COVID policy and media is allowed to attend again this year, delegates weren`t very gregarious. In fact, most

gregarious [grɪˋgɛrɪəs] adj. 合群的;好社交的,爱交际的

media were still denied close access to them. CNN International`s Selina Wang was there, giving us a rare look at the Two Sessions and showing us

just how shut out reporters are, those state medias telling a different story about the access reporters were getting.

shut out 把...关在外面, 挡住


SELINA WANG, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Thousands of government delegates across China are gathering for the biggest annual

political meeting known as the Two Sessions. It`s the first since China abandoned its zero COVID policy.

But reporters covering the event are still stuck in a COVID bubble, required to stay overnight at a quarantine hotel and get an on-site PCR test.

on-site 就地的; 现场的

(On camera): We just left the Quarantine Hotel. We`re now headed to the venue. Everything is highly controlled.

(Voice-over): The foreign media bus gets dropped off at Tiananmen Square.

(On camera): It is very rare for journalists to get access to this. As you can see, though, there`s heavy security. There are guards everywhere.

Normally, the Two Sessions is the rare chance for media to get up and close to China`s top leadership. Right here on the steps of the Great Hall of the People,

this is normally where you will see media trying to doorstep the top leadership. But as you can see, this year we, the media, were

doorstep 强行上门采访; if someone such as a journalist doorsteps you, they come to your house to try to get information from you, although you do not want to talk to them

completely separate from the rest of the leaders.

(Voice-over): The Two Sessions is a carefully choreographed event. The new government shake-ups that the rubber stamp parliament will vote


choreographed [ˋkɔrɪəgræft] adj. 刻意安排的;精心设计的

shake-up 重新改组

rubber stamp(用来在文件上印日期、组织名称等的)橡皮图章

on have one unifying goal, to strengthen Xi Jinping and the ruling Communist Party`s Power. And the COVID restrictions are the perfect tool for Beijing to

unifying [ˋjunə͵faɪɪŋ] adj. 统一的

control the message.

(On camera): So, media has to apply to get access to specific events. We`re not granted approval to all of them. And this is a media area inside

the Great Hall of the People. As you can see, it`s pretty empty, so it`s clearly not an issue of capacity.

(Voice-over): Some of the events during the weeklong meeting allow select reporter questions, including Qin Gang`s first press conference as China`s

press conference 記者會,也稱新聞記者會; 记者招待会

new Foreign Minister.

He said that conflict with the U.S. is inevitable if Washington does not change course. Qin Gang called Washington`s approach a reckless gamble,

reckless [ˋrɛklɪs] adj. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的

accused the U.S. of creating a crisis over Taiwan, defended China`s partnership with Russia as imperative, and said it has not supplied weapons

imperative [ɪmˋpɛrətɪv] adj. 必要的;紧急的;极重要的

to Russia or Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Chinese state media is portraying the legislative meeting as an open event where journalists can freely operate.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m from Luke News (ph). It`s an amazing country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The assemblies also offered journalists the opportunity to put questions to the Chinese premier and ministers.

WANG: But under these controls, spontaneous run-ins with top leaders like the premier and ministers are out of reach. But after today`s meeting

run-in 奔入, 匆匆进入

ended, we had a few minutes to approach some delegates, which are a curated group of local representatives.

curated [ˈkjʊretɪd] adj. 精心挑选组织而成的

This delegate is part of the Zhuang ethnic group from the southwestern Guangxi province. She says, this is her first time attending the Congress

and she feels happy to see her motherland becoming stronger.

The rest of the delegates quickly rush out before we have a chance to approach them. The question is, how much of these COVID controls will

remain in post pandemic China? It limits access even more to China`s already extremely opaque political machine.

opaque [oˋpek] adj. 不透明的

This much is clear, the communist leadership only wants the world to see one narrative from China, that is the image of unity, strength and victory.


WIRE: Ten-second trivia. Which of these holds the current title of planet at the most moons?

moon [mun] n.(行星的)卫星

Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, or Venus?

Jupiter [ˋdʒupətɚ] n.【天】木星

To date, astronomers have identified 92 moons orbiting Jupiter, giving it the top spot.

And it is one of those moons, specifically that scientists are getting ready to explore more. Why? Because they think that there may be life

there. The name of the moon is Europa. And it`s already been discovered that just beneath Europa`s icy surface there`s an ocean. In fact, it was

the first ocean ever discovered on another celestial body.

Let`s learn more about the probes that NASA and the European Space Agency are sending to Jupiter and its moons and what they might find.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Jupiter has three moons with oceans underneath their icy shells. They`re called Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa. Earthlings have

earthling [ˋɝθlɪŋ] n. 世人;俗人

been curious about these moons and their potential to house life for a long time. NASA first sent probes in part to get a closer look in 1977.

Jupiter is a gas giant. That means it doesn`t have a surface. It`s a swirl of gases that can dense into a smoldering ocean of hydrogen at its core.

smoldering [ˋsmoldɚɪŋ] adj. 闷燃的

It`s very similar to our sun in this way. But unlike the sun, it doesn`t fuse hydrogen atoms into helium to create energy and heat.

fuse [fjuz] v. 熔化; 熔合

helium [ˋhilɪəm] n.【化】氦

Now back to those first NASA probes, they observed long lines and dark spots on the moon Europa. Typically, moons have cratered surfaces. But

cratered [ˋkretɚd] adj. 有坑洞的;多坑的

these images tipped scientists off that there might be an ocean beneath Europa`s icy exterior.

tip off 向...泄露消息

In 1996, that theory was confirmed when the Galileo spacecraft reached Europa. It was the first ocean discovered on another planet. Then, in 2012

Galileo [͵gæləˋlio] n. 伽利略(1564-1642,意大利的天文学家)

and 2016, the Hubble Space Telescope showed water plumes erupting from the warmest parts of Europa.

plume [plum] n. 羽状物(如烟云,雪尘等)

Scientists don`t know much about the plumes. But if Europa has water and elements like carbon and hydrogen, it could mean that microbial life once

formed there or even still exists.

Armed with that possibility, the European Space Agency and NASA are sending probes deep into our solar system to look specifically at Jupiter`s icy moons.

arm [ɑrm] v. 提供;配备; to equip with what is needed for effective action

First is the Jupiter icy moons explorer or JUICE from the ESA. JUICE is traveling to the Jupiter system armed with the latest technology to take

photos, observe the magnetic field of Jupiter and take readings of what is beneath the icy crusts of Jupiter`s large moons.

Later, NASA will send the Europa Clipper to fly by its namesake over 40 times to sniff its atmosphere. It will gather material from the plumes for

fly by 近天体探测飞行

the first time. And that will give scientists a better idea if Europa`s oceans could support life.

The missions will gather data. They will also aim to gather insights into fundamental questions about our universe. Is there life beyond Earth? What

might that look like? And what does that mean for the future of humanity?


WIRE: And for today`s story, getting a 10 out of 10 Jupiter and one of its planetary pals giving us a constellation prize. Last Wednesday, in a

pal [pæl] n.【口】伙伴;好友

constellation [͵kɑnstəˋleʃən] n. 星座

phenomenon known as conjunction, Jupiter and Venus appeared to nearly kiss in the nighttime sky at their closest from a stargazer`s perspective, they

conjunction [kənˋdʒʌŋkʃən] n.(天体的)会合

were just one degree apart. But they weren`t actually close. They were still about 400 million miles apart. That`s more than four times the

distance between us and the sun.

Jupiter and Venus are the two brightest celestial bodies in the nighttime sky after the Moon, though, so this was still pretty awesome to see.

We are giving a special shoutout to Crook County Middle School in Prineville, Oregon today. We see you. Thanks to everyone who subscribed and

commented on our CNN 10 YouTube Channel for a shout-out.


I also want to show some love to @Mr.Gio Meany (ph), who won the #Your Word Wednesday submission.

The word I used today was gregarious, an adjective used to describe someone who is sociable. Thanks for being so gregarious with me on my Instagram,

sociable [ˋsoʃəb!] adj. 好交际的;善交际的

Snapchat and TikTok. Let`s make it an awesome day now and I`ll see you tomorrow.

I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.























Two Sessions 两会 (中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会的统称)

National People`s Congress 全国人民代表大会、全国人大

Chinese People`s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会(简称全国政协常委会)

elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以找到的

gregarious [grɪˋgɛrɪəs] adj. 合群的;好社交的,爱交际的

shut out 把...关在外面, 挡住

on-site 就地的; 现场的

doorstep [ˋdor͵stɛp] v. 强行上门采访; if someone such as a journalist doorsteps you, they come to your house to try to get information from you, although you do not want to talk to them

choreographed [ˋkɔrɪəgræft] adj. 刻意安排的;精心设计的

shake-up 重新改组

rubber stamp(用来在文件上印日期、组织名称等的)橡皮图章

unifying [ˋjunə͵faɪɪŋ] adj. 统一的

press conference 記者會,也稱新聞記者會;记者招待会

reckless [ˋrɛklɪs] adj. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的

imperative [ɪmˋpɛrətɪv] adj. 必要的;紧急的;极重要的

run-in 奔入, 匆匆进入

curated [ˈkjʊretɪd] adj. 精心挑选组织而成的

opaque [oˋpek] adj. 不透明的

moon [mun] n.(行星的)卫星

Jupiter [ˋdʒupətɚ] n.【天】木星

earthling [ˋɝθlɪŋ] n. 世人;俗人

smoldering [ˋsmoldɚɪŋ] adj. 闷燃的

fuse [fjuz] v. 熔化; 熔合

helium [ˋhilɪəm] n.【化】氦

cratered [ˋkretɚd] adj. 有坑洞的;多坑的

tip off 向...泄露消息

Galileo [͵gæləˋlio] n. 伽利略(1564-1642,意大利的天文学家)

plume [plum] n. 羽状物(如烟云,雪尘等)

arm [ɑrm] v. 提供;配备; to equip with what is needed for effective action

fly by 近天体探测飞行

pal [pæl] n.【口】伙伴;好友

constellation [͵kɑnstəˋleʃən] n. 星座

conjunction [kənˋdʒʌŋkʃən] n.(天体的)会合


sociable [ˋsoʃəb!] adj. 好交际的;善交际的



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